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GT4 Zed

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Posts posted by GT4 Zed

  1. Nixy you are spot on in your asessment. i work in plymouth were i have driven past 4 Zeds in total in 4 years :scare:


    There are two (blade and Kuro coupes) i seem to bump into all the time and despite the fact that i always acknowledge them being in my Zed or other car they never ever reciprocate :surrender:


    i always veiwed a Zed and other cult cars i have own in the past as something you wear on, that transforms you to a better person etc basically away of expressing yourself with like minded fellows B) .


    so this snubbery exhibited by some must be pure ingnorance :yuck:

  2. Cheers again guys, for your encouragements :thumbs:


    Chesterfield: you are spot on.......where do you think i can get that knight rider strob light :teeth:


    Sunset350z: it was done professionally but i watch all the way :p i can find out the exact primer if you want. the topcaot is kuro black :D


    Adrian: you got pm :)


    i'll get a proper photo shoot and close ups asap with the rest of the black theme completed B)

  3. That looks sick!! I love it!


    How have you done the handles? Any problems with the mechanism on them? Get some closer pics of the up please!




    Thanks. :) Not the best camera for the job! The car is better in real life after machine polished and waxed B)


    Handles were easy to remove and prime! sprayed the inside first while in open position then the rest completed closed.


    No probs with the mechanism since refitted 3 days ago :thumbs:

    will get close up with better camera at some point. :teeth:

  4. A few pics (not the best quality :blush: ) of my kuro black GT4 after initial body mods:

    - carbon VS1 frontlip (painted kuro black)

    - Body coloured door handles

    - pearl black z badges

    - gloss black GT4 wheel.


    Blacked out side markers/repeater/rear clusters and bumper lights to follow before i can concentrate on upgrading intake, plenum, exhaust, suspension and brakes :teeth:









  5. sorry about your crash mate! The most important thing is all concerned are safe and sound :thumbs:

    Craig is spot on in his advice. i had similar experience way back and got an improved offer after holding my ground and providing evidence from both trade and peronal sales. :)

    good luck

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