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Everything posted by nrenz123

  1. I have the system is its case now, i decided to go for something a little larger than first planned mainly for cooling. I bought a Compucase 8k07 which comes with a power supply. i wont be using thispower supply in the car but it is usefull at the moment for keeping things tidy, i will be replacing it with the M2 ATX sutomotive power supply listed earlier in this thread. That is the case, it fits nicely in the glovebox with the front of it pointing toward the passenger seat with plenty of room left over. I know i may ger some over this but i will be mounting the case into the glovebox using velcro. A lot of people on the car pc forums use this and they said it is the best way of securing the computer while ensuring it can be removed easily. I will be mounting the case on some foar them velcro the foam into the glove box. I have also been spending the last few days stripping back windows of unwanted services and overclocking the processor. Overclocking basically is making the chip run faster than it was intended to from the factory (for the non geek types:P). I was very happy with what i managed to get out of the system. As standard the is a dual core and runs at 1.6ghz but i have got it working at 2.15ghz without any problems so i am very happy. It has made a noticable difference in the boot time and also the general running of the machine so all is good The windows experience rating thing there isnt much use really, but before i started fiddling i was getting a cpu score of about 3.2 now it is up to 3.8. I'm not going to be able to do much now untill i get back to work and setup the OBD2 scanner. but then it will be till next month to buy the power and monitor. I may start routing the cables into the car we shall see. Nath.
  2. nrenz123

    Plenum !!

    If you send me yours i can get it polsihed and back to you for about £80.
  3. Koenigsegg ...... . . Swansea........ Surely not?
  4. I have a plate holder available that will give an almost identical look for £25 delivered. I have them for uk size plates but can get them made for jap ones.
  5. Haha, no problem mate. I'd rather over pack them than rish them getting damaged. let me know what you think of it
  6. Any more takers for these? I currently have four available, one in 22mm and three in 16mm. The mounting brackets are suitable for uk plates but i can get some made for import plates. Nathan
  7. do you have a link to the dxl file your using there mate? I have dash command embedded so the controls to change song are always on screen anyway
  8. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ELM-327-CAR-CODE- ... 45f20c024f Is the one i have bought, i havent tested it yet as im back in wales and its waiting for me back at camp. Palmer performance allow you to download "trial" versions, which apart from a pop up window work perfectly for me! The scan XL allows you to do a "dyno" run but im not sure how accurite it is though.
  9. Pretty much mate yes lol. The OBD device is pretty simple to install its just the software than can be a pain! The software i use is by palmer performance engineering. the first one is dashcommand which is just a basic visual output of settings, Scanxl is a more powerfull program and to be honest i dont know what all of the settings do lol...yet. Nath.
  10. the mpg and gear efficiency are calculated via scripts mate
  11. Basically i'll be able to get disgnostic information like water temp, intake temp, timing advance, gear efficiency plus the usual mpg and fault codes. there is a LOT of information available.
  12. Any idea where i could get one mate? Better yet .. get yourself a Bluetooth OBDII Reader: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.16921 That would have been perfect, but as ive bought this ne now ill bear with it. i've had a look at the socket and im happy there will be spare room, just have to wedge is in as titdy as possible! obviously i'll be using the obd daily but i could sell the one i have bought on to a more part time user and get a bluetooth one. Nath.
  13. Any idea where i could get one mate?
  14. A few more bits have arrived, All i need now is the case, power supply and monitor. Then just install the lot into the car. My wireless N dongle for wifi and connecting to my home network while parked outside. ill mainly use this to update music folders etc. The microphone i will be fitting for the bluetooth phone. A bit self explanatory this one, but this is my bluetooth gps unit Finally my favourit bit of kit, the code reader. It supports all OBD2 protocols: • ISO15765-4 (CAN) • ISO14230-4 (KWP2000) • ISO9141-2 • J1850 VPW • J1850 PWM Output protocol: RS232 Baud rate: 9600 or 38400 It has transmission and receiving lights on the box so you can see when it's connecting. Indicator LEDs: OBD Tx/Rx, RS232 Tx/Rx,
  15. All items above still up for sale.
  16. Thanks for your reply Mike, It is still for sale yes, it is still fitted into my car and im using it day to day. The gps unit was a generic portable hand held unit i imported from china. i dont have the make and model for it sorry :S Regarding the power and GPS being soldered directly onto the Device. where the standrard gps receiver was connected the new external one has been soldered. The power is soldered directly onto the ac power jack where you would normally attach the power plug. It comes on with the ignition, but there is a switch which i mounted in front of the screen to turn it off if im not using it, this is soldered onto the device where the original on off switch is. Nath.
  17. I'm undecided wether i will put some black hexagonal mesh into the door of the glove box, or possibly use a cover from a bose sub. and install a fan there. What im thinking thought is to cut the glove box door and install this: The system doesnt generate much heat at all, the hottest part so far has been the hard drive!
  18. Ok here goes, I had a few parts deleivered so i decided to start putting the hardware together. I decided to change the motherboard i planned on buying to one without the added wifi. I found one that was £30 cheaper and decided to buy a wifi n dongle for 8 quid of the bay. The board has an onboard Intel Atom 330 CPU which is a dual core chip running at 1.6ghz, the board also has onboard graphics provided by an Nvidia ION which is basically a Geforce 9400. It all comes in a very small package as you will see from the pictures. The memory i bought off ebay was a nice little supprise, the ram is made by OCZ and has nice Z emblems on them. Just a shame your not going to see any of it. Next, the Hard drive which is a 3.5" 7200rpm 250gb Hitachi drive i had from and on build, you can see how small the motherboard is compared to the drive I havent yet to order a case so i decided to just set everything up on a desk to get the system up and running in the mean time. I've decided to use windows 7, i know XP would probably be slightly faster but 7 has a lot of native support for devices like the touch screen i will be using. After Windows was installed i set about installing all my drivers and software. As stated before im using centrafuse, dashcommand, igo8 and scanxl. Setting most of this up was quite simple the worst part has been getting the bluetooth working properly i may have to wire in a swtitch to get it to turn on after windows boots as sometimes it causes centrafuse to hang. Embedding Igo into centrafuse was also a pain as its not officially been released, it was just a demo that a lot of enthusists have worked on to improve it. however it is working now. I am still waiting for my bluetooth GPS receiver to turn up but at the moment im just using my phone's GPS connected via usb as the GPS receiver for testing. So basically as things are everything is installed, im just waiting for my Wifi dongle, Bluetooth GPS and my OBD scanner to arrive, once i have these then i'll set them up but all the software is in so it shouldnt take long. Here's what it looks like this far. There are some issues with dashcommand not opening correctly but that will be sorted asap. Next on the list is order the specialist automotive power supply, monitor, case then to install it in the car.
  19. We'll have to keep quiet about these now, i was happy being the only person with them. Dont want them getting common
  20. nrenz123

    350Z front

    I have a standard uk front bumper in gunmetal, it still has the number plate mount and the headlight washers fitted. Looking for £50. It has some stone chips but im guessing you will be respraying it anyway
  21. It's on Sky Movies SD as well. I won't be reading this thread until wednesdays or thursdays as I'm already recording 2 programmes at 10pm on a Monday and have to wait until Tuesday to record "The Pacific" - I know you lot will just ruin every episode if I read in here before i watch it. Just wondering if those who watched on Torrent sites also drive off without paying at the petrol station? I have SKY HD, i will be buying the box set when it comes out also. Oh and no i havent driven off without paying for petrol.
  22. I received the motherboard and RAM yesterday, im on night tonight but tomorrow i'll be assembling it out of the box so that i can get the OS and other software installed. Will upload some pics Oh the ram i bought off ebay is made by OCZ and have nice big Z's on them lol, shame it isnt going to be visable
  23. I'm picking up the car this afternoon, it cost me £70 + VAT in the end . No too bad but still the fecker that did it should be the one paying!
  24. I now have 5 of these available, one with the 22mm thread and four with the 16mm but i can get more of eith made up. Price is £25 deleivered as per first post
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