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Everything posted by Randomfry

  1. Randomfry

    Wider Tyres

    I spoke to rota uk a little while ago an they said they hadn't sold that particular set for a 350z in the uk as yet. So they'd be willing to do some sort of deal if i sent them pictures of them on.
  2. I'd come along only down the road from me.
  3. Mentioned bacon to my mate and got the go ahead for the am lol. Will see you all then.
  4. Nice rims, they won't fit a beemer or a merc though dunno where he got that from.
  5. Randomfry

    Wider Tyres

    I've been looking at wheels for a while. So far i've come up with either... Rota Boost 18x9 front and 18x10 rear in gunmetal Or Dare Drift Hiro 19x8 front and 19x9.5 rear
  6. Randomfry

    Wider Tyres

    Well new tyres plus spacers i may aswell get new wheels really. Or that's what i'll tell myself.
  7. Randomfry

    Wider Tyres

    Hmm I dunno i drive it hard and im not sure id feel comfotable knowing its on spacers.
  8. Randomfry

    Wider Tyres

    I was hoping to kill 2 birds with one stone. Gain better grip and fill the arches out a bit more with wider tyres.
  9. Randomfry

    Wider Tyres

    Oh ok yeaa i had RE050's on the audi which i found to be better than toyos.
  10. Randomfry

    Wider Tyres

    Hmm i think i'm better off either getting better rear tyres or some wider wheels and tyres as a package. Seen people saying they weren't impressed with the bridgestones? I had them on my audi and i thought they were amazing.
  11. Randomfry

    Wider Tyres

    The way i understand it is the 45 profile is 45% of the width of the tyre. So if i went for a 275 tyre with a 40 profile the rolling radius would be more or less the same.
  12. Randomfry

    Wider Tyres

    Hmm i definately don't want understeer lol. It's on falkens at the moment and with my heavy foot it struggles for grip. As the front tyres don't need changing, i was hoping to keep the same brand front an rear. So maybe when the times are illegal it's time for new wheels and tyres.
  13. Randomfry

    Wider Tyres

    So if i change the rear tyres for wider ones i need to make the front tyres wider too? Say 245/40/18 front and 275/40/18 rear?
  14. Randomfry

    Wider Tyres

    Looks like 275/40/18 is the closest rolling radius.
  15. Randomfry

    Wider Tyres

    My rear tyres are close to needing a change, i did want to get new wheels but i can't decide what i want and i haven't got the money at the moment either. Question is can i fit wider tyres to the rear for a bit of added grip. What size would i need and how wide can i go? (It's on Rays btw)
  16. I should be there too, not sure about am or pm yet either but i will let you know.
  17. I live about 2 miles away so i should think i'll be able to make it lol. Mark S1 HNK Ian James (Randomfry)
  18. Hmm i knew i should of bought a delorean instead of a 350. Lol. If i bought it i wouldn't plan on moving for a while. I was suprised when i was looking around the estate agents that the prices haven't fallen further. But maybe that's the area i live in.
  19. I'm hoping to do no morgage and part rent or owning it and having a morgage really as i have a decent deposit.
  20. Thanks Liam that's a big help. Now i just need to be able to see into the future so i can see what the house markets gonna do
  21. There's the option to buy the property for the full amount. If i can stretch to that financially am i better off doing that?
  22. I've just found a flat i like the look of (first time buyer). Just wondered if someone could explain the ins and outs of a part own part rent scheme. It's a 40% share so does that mean when i come to sell they get the remaining percentage? Thanks guys
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