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Everything posted by roast350z

  1. Whe'd you get that from roast ?, and love it , Camera man is sorted then Went to a show at ally pally yesterday, got it for 30 quid the guy said he supplies loads of stuff to f1 teams so it should add atleast 50bhp
  2. tried to do it on mp4, still no joy ill have to get my mate to have a look at it tomoz for me, bloody technology!!!
  3. ok i tried veoh and the same thing came up and then i tried to convert it using prism converter but it doesnt have any sound now
  4. ok ive done the vid but cant upload it to photobucket It says "The file "" does not have a valid video extension. Valid video extensions are: 3g2, 3gp, 3gp2, 3gpp, 3p, asf, avi, divx, dv, dvx, flv, moov, mov, mp4, mpeg4, mpg4, mpe, mpeg, mpg, qt, wmv, xvid, rm. err what does that mean?? do i need to change the format of the vid? how do i do that? im over my head here
  5. Its rainned all weekend here! i did do a vid but its too big for photo bucket, ill try and do one at a lower quality coz its the sound you want, ill pop out in a bit
  6. Just bought one of them stick on the window type camera stands for my video cam, so im ready
  7. Im loving the colour too Thought it was a type g at first
  8. I got a time of 5.4secs using my mates g tech meter in the summer
  9. Sounds like a great idea this! great name too stick me down! 1/M350ZB 2/Darren-b 3/Rtbiscuit 4/markpy 5/roast350z
  10. sounds like a great idea! The Great 350z Tunnel Run!!!!!
  11. Yeah thats some good points! guess there must be a way of turning that off? would be good on a serious drive but could be a pain day to day, dont need to rev on down changes on a drive to tesco if you knoew what i mean
  12. I quite like the rasp sound invo sounds a bit like an m3 when you give it a little rev when cold, but when its warm it calms down a bit, does pop a bit more now loving it so far!
  13. Or pop into a tunnel Hmm talking of tunnels, dartford is free now after 10pm
  14. Ill try and get one done this weekend mate
  15. Small world, im going to wales that weekend too! just going to see the family so not quite as exciting Maybe see you on the M4 Darren Have a good meet everyone, see you at the next one
  16. Darren mate they are just getting there own back after last time! So your car has had about 48 hours on there ramps by now
  17. Heated up one of the brackets up bend it, out of intrest what side was this matey !, and what was wrong with it regarding the aligment. I popped down to Hayward and Scott, got my car booked in saturday morning for my new exhaust system !!!!, As had a few alignment problems with my scrpion too ......... Another new exhaust will it ever be finished?!
  18. No chance! i tried fitting one of my bikes in and that was a 24" wheel cruiser stlye jump bike with both wheels off still dont fit wouldnt trust a boot bike rack what ever one you use they all seem to do some sort of damage to the car then again too downhill rigs do weigh a lil more than a road bike!
  19. snow here just a bit not covering the road yet so ill have to wait for the sidewides action
  20. Price bud? 50 quid took them about ten mins looks very neat from what i can see got it done at xxxtreme motorsport
  21. job done sounds much better! louder with slight rasp when u rev it!! i will try and do a lil vid soon maybe tomoz as need to charge up my video cam and its
  22. Think im going there tomoz depends on how much they want, coz only want a short section of pipe to go in place of the mid box, might go pipecraft or xxxtreme motorsport if they are cheaper
  23. Sounds itresting roast350z, if you need a hand with any of it, only a stones throw away Yeah cool mate, theres an exhaust place near you i think? makes custom exhaust, might ask then to stick in a bit of pipe for me
  24. If phill is thinking about changing the middle box i might take mine out completly and get a straight bit of pipe in its place?! wonder how loud it would be then?
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