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Posts posted by Chesterfield

  1. Get a decent one, have it serviced regularly and it should be free motoring. Prices only headed up for the last couple of years. Retail red will always command a premium.

  2. Check your IT policy. I'm guessing it will say that they have the right to monitor all messages and if anything is found to be dodgy, then they can and will take action.


    In theory, as Ioneabee said above, if anyone has been stupid enough to commit anything dodgy to internal email then they could well find themselves dismissed on gross misconduct. Spreading rumours/lies about senior partners or the business as a whole is not a particularly smart idea!


    This ^


    It policies as standard will allow for monitoring of messages (as the company IT should only ever be used for business). Being defamatory about the business you are employed by could be treated as gross misconduct.this could carry the punishment of dismissal. The company may be on decent ground to do that as well, would any company be expected to employ an individual that has been publicly negative about that business to ther employees?


    Also, put yourself in the business owners shoes - would you want that person working there, would you still want to give them the promotion opportunities or give them a decent pay rise or increased responsibility. Doubtful.


    If you are going to slag an employer off, my advice would be not to do it on that employers time and using their systems. You wouldn't pay somebody to slag you off on your own facebook page to all your friends, so I doubt the company would like their email system being used to slag them off either... :blush:

  3. PS about the camera comments, Thanx. Just need to figure out how to remove the headliner so I can hide the wiringvand route it through the a pillar into behind the dashboard.


    Just bought a couple of BlackVue's myself :thumbs: Read enough stories about insurance companies wanting to go 50/50 and screwing people over, plus the obvious whiplash claims and "you drove into the back of me" reversing scams.


    You may be able to get it wired to a permanent live in or behind the courtesy light if routing round the whole windscreen is not possible. Thats where Im intending to feed from (though its not in the Zed).


    I may get another couple and have them rear facing in each car too. Haven't caught anything noteable on mine yet but only been in a week or so.

  4. I consider myself a sane and rational person. However, rape/murder my child and I can assure you I would be far from sane and rational.


    Would I follow the script of Law Abiding Citizen? Probably not. Would I shell out a few grand to some unsavoury characters to take the knee caps off with a claw hammer, and whatever else they can come up with for a few quid more? Yes.


    I'd happily do the time for it too.

    • Like 1
  5. Be aware that snow in a night shot will be helping it a LOT. There is no substitute for lighting, and visible light over infra red where possible. If its nice and dark looking to the would be burglar, they arent going to give a tosh whether your cameras can see as if its lit up like daylight. If however the area is well lit, they are likely to walk on by and target the next home that isnt as well lit. Stick a few "CCTV monitoring" stickers up in a prominent place and it makes it even more likely that they will walk on by.


    Thats the prefered option. For them to just leave your home alone. If you are still targetted, then thats when you want the cameras to be as good as possible, however - it still relies on somebody recognising the person in the picture.


    If you have a full face shot of a burglar in high res, then unless you know them, you are still hoping that somebody else will recognise them. Even then you are hoping to get anything back they nick and it hasnt been shot up their arm or between their toes in the time it takes to track them down.

    • Like 1
  6. ;) now done.


    Will look into widening the popup box - its a couple of the smilies that need the box to be wider, had a quick look into the templates that control this, but they didnt seem to take effect when I made the changes - think its caching the CSS for the box somewhere.

  7. Life is too short. If you arent going to risk your home and family for it, then do it.


    Ive made lots of impulse purchases, some I look back on and think they were a daft waste of money, others Im glad I did even if they cost me money that could have been used more wisely.

  8. Blockbuster missed a trick with the rental market I think.


    They had the ready made stock and suppliers of product to be able to match the model of Lovefilm. Charge people a monthly fee for a number of discs, and set up a central postal and return service just like lovefilm.


    However, how many people have been slightly peeved with lovefilm when they return the disk In Thursdays post, and their next one on the list doesnt arrive until Monday. Blockbuster could have offered a service to be able to swap the disc at a store for a £1 or 50p premium. Saves having to wait the few days to get your next disc, or you could drop off at the store and that would count as being returned instantly, so no need to wait for your disc to arrive with them like you do Lovefilm. People who find themselves in a position where they want their next movie "now" - could choose to pop in get the latest one that the store has in stock and pick up a bag of popcorn, some m&m's and a tube of pringles while they're at it.


    Streaming is certainly the way forward, but for the 80% of people who cant get infinity or cable broadband in the country, and even when everyone has 2mb/s the bandwidth just wont be there in theis country. Where the bandwidth is there, because of the capacity based charging model employed by BT, usage caps for half the population will dampen any uptake for lots of streaming.

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