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Posts posted by Chesterfield

  1. Forza manages 1080p/60fs but in all fairness, its a racing game. The amount of stuff being shifted around on screen in a racing game compared to that of a first person shooter like BF or COD is not really comparable. A racer will be a lot easier on the graphics hardware. Thats why Im fence sitting to see if its rushed development of the game, or whether the hardware is going to constantly give these issues.


    Will thrid party developers work round the hardware, or will they take the option of just lowering the resolution or the effects to make it work on the more difficult console?


    Im fence sitting until such time as it all comes out in the wash - and then probably get both. :lol:

  2. how long do you reckon before they drop a little in price?


    If the reasons for Xbox lower res is confirmed as hitting hardware limits rather than lazy/rushed development, then I see it as Microsofts only option to save a bit of face. May p*ss off day one purhcasers though. They may even decide to do this prior to launch. Ive no doubt the gap should be closer, althopugh the PS4 has on paper better hardware, the gap should not be 720p to 1080p - thats more than double the pixels being pushed. whereas the gap at best should be 30% ish. I think the devs just didnt get enough time with the machine to work round its quirky esram thingy.

  3. I had put off pre-ordering an Xbox One as I was due to travel abroad in early November so couldn't justify cost of holiday and console, but had to cancel trip last week so thought I would get the One after all.


    Went into game and asked young lad on the floor if you can still pre-order for launch day, he says yes, so went to counter and offered my £20 only to be told they can only guarantee delivery before Christmas!!!!


    So now I am stuck in limbo without a launch day console, does anyone know any chain still taking orders for launch day?


    I have read that Microsoft were not releasing more consoles for pre-order only due to wanting to have consoles in the stores so people can walk in and buy them rather than purely pre-orders but this makes no sense.


    Why would you leave stock in stores if you could sell all your first allocation upfront??


    Ive been told by a store manager at GAME that head office is flooded with stock for Xbox One. Apparently the aim is to satisfy all pre-orders day one, and the have enough stock to satisfy people who walk in off the street by the time PS4 launches a week later. So if somebody walks in to get a PS4 on launch day to be told "sorry, no stock tll Xmas" - there will be stock of Xbox One sat on the shelf.


    Also means anyone wanting to scalp on ebay will be out of luck too.


    There are also a lot of people cancelling pre-orders on the strength of these confirmations of lower resolution on Xbox One. Im still on the fence. Cant get my money back on pre-order until after the launch, so have the luxury of being able to see it with my own eyes before I cancel or buy.


    I think there will be spare stock just a few days after launch if people still want one.

  4. At the risk of fuelling the Daily Mail fire, maybe we should have a contributions based system in order to help those who clearly know how to (and want to) get on in life. Like Vik, is a deserving claimant, held down a job, finds herself out of work and is looking to get back into it. Somebody who hasnt contributed a jot their whole life may be accused of not wanting to contribute - so why are both these people lumped in the same boat? Why are we bothering to send people on training courses where the tutors have to put up with the terminally unemployable wasting their time, when people who want to get on are just frustrated that they aren't being given the right help.


    We all know there are wasters, we all know there are those that dont want a job, they never will, and they never will have prospects of getting one, or the motivation to even get themselves the prospect of getting a job. Lets not be namby pamby about it - just cut them loose, may as well just pay them benefits for the rest of their life rather than pay them benefits AND pay for courses and staff to try and "help" them. Spend our time and effort helping those that deserve it, like the above.

  5. If I was driving with my wife and 17 month old son in the car and was surrounded by 50+ bikers fuelled by mob mentality, then I'd probably have done exactly the same thing to get my family and myself out of the situation.



    However, what we don't see is what caused the situation in the first place, if it was bad driving on the RR drivers part, then he should have tried not to get into the situation in the first place.


    When Im out on the road I just get out of the way of bikers. I automatically assume they will ride and use the road like a complete and utter tool until they prove different. Ill pull over to the left and give them as much room to overtake as possible (because they invariably will, regardless of speed limit, double white lines, bollards or anythig else). I just get out of the way or make it as easy as possible for them to be anywhere other than near me.


    If it was 50 bikers I saw in my mirror, I'd probably pull over into the nearest side road until they had all gone.



    If you brake test a RRS, you'd better be driving a tank.

    Very true, brake testing a range rover - even the gay girly sport version, is stupid. When laden with fuel and two adults, that car weighs around 2.7 metric tons. If it has a head on collision with a motorcycle and rider with combined weight of 260kg, at just 30 mph, the range rover would keep going at over 27 mph. A range rover hitting a stationary bike wouldn't even flinch. You may as well fire an air rifle at a train. Its one of the main, and selfish, reasons I bought such a car in the first place.

  6. Really? So what happens to the car tax situation in the UK if it is disproven?


    What happens to the billions that the energy companies around the world would be looking to claw back from governments that have imposed emmisions reductions. What of the car manufacturers that have had to develop entire new vehicles (Aston Martin Cygnet as an example) in order to satisfy emissions averages?


    What of the billions raised by the CRC scheme (which has morphed into a tax rather than a cost neutral scheme as advised).


    Almost half of every business and household energy bill in the UK is made up from green taxes. If these were no longer justifiable, governments around the globe would suffer billions in lost revenue, making todays "austertity" measures look like dropping a quid down the back of the sofa.


    The UK's green goods and services market is worth over £120bn alone. Never mind the tax takes on such initiatives.


    Yes, there is no denying it its small compared to the oil/carbon industry, but thats irrelevant. Though the carbon absorbtion reduction sector would be obsolete overnight too. It is still large enough to sink an economy if it were discredited.

  7. I hate to say it but when you are quoting the Daily Mail and a guy with no background in climate science who has been proven to be a sensationalist to back up and argument most people would tell you to dig bit deeper yourself. Like this, for instance: http://www.climatech...mer-answers.pdf


    A government department that would all be unemployed if the case were disproven? As I say, nobody working in an industry or job that would disapear if human involvement in climate change were disproven will ever come out and say we aren't having an effect.

  8. Similarly, we have a friend who owns a couple of hotels in the Cotswolds. He pays the going rate and even gives free staff accommodation – the hotels are good places to work but he can never get English people to take jobs as bar staff etc. He says they simply aren’t interested in the work, so virtually all of his people are Eastern European.


    More or less exactly what Jamie Oliver said the other week, and has been backed by Boris today.


    Lefty proposals just seem to suggest increasing the minimum wage so its more attractive to work the bottom end jobs. No thought what so ever that increasing minimum wage will just bump up the cost of living, and drive down competitiveness of UK exports. Its pure fantasy socialist rubbish.


    Socialism works just fine, until you run out of other peoples money.

  9. We cant afford for the affect of humans on climate change to be proven false. The MASSIVE economy built on this whole concept would crumble overnight. Just look at the green taxes applied to everyday life. Car tax is based on emissions, climate change levy on energy bills, Renewables obligations, Feed-In-Tariff, the "green deal", the BILLIONS energy companies are being forced to invest in items such as wind farms and green taxes to achieve the 2020 targets (which have added a huge chunk to everyones bills over the last decade). Carbon storage prices, the carbon offset schemes.


    There are massive, massive amounts of global taxes, trade and economy all revolving around the concept that we as humans have contributed to global warming. If this were ever proven false, then economies would collapse overnight. We've already seen funding pulled from any scientists that disagree - its all about keeping this myth (and it is a myth imho) going. If it ever comes undone, then there will be global chaos and crisis on a scale never before seen.


    If Im going to point the finger at a culprit for our planets warming, then Ill be pointing it at the big orange ball in the sky thats chewing through 600 million tonnes of Hydrogen every second and firing a portion of that energy at our little ball of rock.




    I'd also like to know when we are going to dig up prehistoric coal burning power plants and prehistoric V8 engines - as clearly if CO2 emissions are the culprit, somebody was burning stuff. They were even at it just a few hundred thousand years ago. Maybe the egyptians didnt use whips and slaves to build the pyramids. Perhaps they used big dirty diesel cranes afterall..



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  10. The ammount of unworkable, ill thought through announcements coming out of the party conferences is just ming boggling. There must be an awful lot of members of our society without the brains to think past the headlines is all I can say.


    Just like the "we will freeze energy prices" by Milliband. That made me spit my tea out. Given we import more than 50% of our gas from countries like Russia, Qatar and soon the US - how exactly does he intend to fix retail prices in an industry where wholesale prices are affected by global events and can jump by 20% overnight. It would be like telling Tesco they can only sell milk for £1 a pint, regardless of the fact they dont own the daries to produce it. Unworkable and could lead them to pull milk from the shelves if it risks making a loss. If people think the stories about blackouts are just "scare" tactics from energy suppliers that are trying to protect profits. Give it a whirl and see what happens. I also find it highly ironic that Labour spout about the cost of living crisis and the spiraling cost of fuel bills, when it was their last givernment that introduced several taxes and shcemes into the energy market that now account for about half of a persons bill. Its laughable.


    As for the tories shaving a few pence off the top rate of tax and being the party that "gives tax cuts to millionaires" - I offer up a simple way of testing this. Though rarely will anyone who takes that view bother to undertake it.


    Go to www.listentotaxman.com - enter a lowish salary like £15,000 per year. set the tax year to this year. Write down the take home figure. Then set the tax year to say 2007 in the middle of the last government and run the figures again. Then try the same with a £500,000 a year salary. Under which government is the "millionaire" taking home less, and the low earner taking home more?...

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  11. Regarding the Daniel Pelka murder, I dont know if its being a relatively new parent, or whether Im becoming softer as I get older, but reading about cases like this are just extremely difficult:




    Words cannot describe the mixed emotions of sorrow for the boy, despair that nobody out of the many involved was able to intervene, and the utter hate and rage I feel toward the animals that did this.


    Its cases like this where I think they should swing.


    Hopefully they will get a more fitting punishment when in prison.

  12. Since fitting my our cars with cameras, I think Ive noticed that I drive a little more considerately and carefully. Perhaps because I know in the back of my mind, that the camera wont just pick up other peoples bad driving, but mine too.


    That guy in the video didn't "accidentally" go through a red light, it was a blatant "theres nothing coming, I know the junction so stuff it" running of the light.

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  13. Well after all is said and done, even though I think the PS4 may win out in the long run with its greater potential for graphics, I love Forza, and as I already have a live membership then that's another few quid saved against buying the Sony. Also, I can't stand the PS controllers. They truly are horrible.


    So, Xbox one with Forza and COD ordered today.


    If it turns out PS4 is the better console for gaming when real world side by side comparisons are made, then at least I'm only into the Xbox one for a single Xbox exclusive title and COD which I'll play anyway.

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  14. Just read a bit more about this DRM issue and how Sony may have been using PR smoke and mirrors.


    It appears that what they mean is "Sony won't have any DRM restricting used games, but the publishers may choose to do so...."


    That means if they wish to, the publishers could implement a system like EA chose to. A practice they have recently withdrawn as "gamers didn't respond to it very well"..

  15. Depends who has more clout. If publishers want to shift games, then they may have their hands forced by the console manufacturers saying how they want the game to perform.


    Piracy on the console market is rather minor as far as I'm aware, given the way consoles are banned from online networks when chipped etc. There did not seem to be that bigger issue with the market surviving when games could be copied on a tape to tape dubber.


    It sounds as though there is more to come out of the woodwork on the DRM issue for both consoles, but looking at hardware specs alone, the PS4 has the edge in pure games playing ability IMHO. If, and its a big if, the Xbox one does work with our UK broadband and TV systems then it could be a better all round device, but out of the starting blocks my bet is on the PS4.

  16. After seeing the ps4 e3 display and the pricing, then I'm almost certain I'll be going with PS4 this time, well from launch anyway, may get an Xbox after they drop the price to catch up on forza or halo.


    There are adapters available that allow you to use a 360 controller in a ps3 and vice versa, so I see no reason why they will not be available for the next gen a couple of months after launch.


    The hardware in the ps4 lends itself to gaming. The hardware in the Xbox leans toward multitasking. I want my games console for gaming. What MS have produced with the Xbox one is very impressive, but for what it provides in terms of a single box solution, it gives up in daft restrictions on second hand games and signing in every 24 hours. I've had duff internet for a few days here and there, I've taken the Xbox to places like centre parks and am likely to again when lewis is in bed for 7pm. If I can't get in and play my single player games because I've had the bare faced cheek not to sign into Microsoft for 24 hours then its more than annoying.


    If I have a DVD player and a DVD, I can stick the disc in the machine and watch it. I don't have to connect to universal studios to ask them if I can watch the film I paid for yesterday.


    If I have a music CD, I can stick it in the CD player and listen to it without having to ask EMI if its ok to listen to the CD again today.


    If I have a games console and a game, I expect to be able to stick the disc in and start playing a game.


    I've had an Xbox in both guises for over ten years now, and never had a PlayStation since the ps1. However with Microsoft's shift toward wanting to have the Xbox be a jack of all trades and master of f'all, I'll not be getting an Xbox one on launch day. Sad really. All those xp points and achievements. :(

  17. But it does play games. It just does more too, what's not to like?


    PS4 and XB1 games will be identical in terms of performance, regardless of higher specs on the 4.


    Depends. When games were PC only, they used to be coded in such a way that those with higher spec graphics cards could ramp up the resolutions, textures, shadows and lighting etc to take advantage of their higher spec PC. As the architecture is now so similar, we could see a similar setup return.

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