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Posts posted by Chesterfield

  1. Thanks for all the positive comments so far, we do not wish to be seen as competition to the Owners Club, just as an alternative for those who may not wish to join (whatever reason they may have for it).


    Please bear with us during the current technical issues, they are being worked on.


    We should be doing T-Shirts, Stickers and other merchandise sooner or later, I would like a jacket so as to make the winter meets a little warmer! LOL :p


    We will keep you all posted on any important developments.


    Thanks again guys, without all you members this would be a very quiet place - but we probably wouldn't get the errors you rascals! :p

  2. Yep its the "max_user_connections" error.


    The server can handle 800 in total, and 80 from any individual user. It normally hovers anywhere between 25 and 50 depending how active the members are who are logged on.


    Occasionally there are spikes up to well over 130, it is finding the source of these spikes that will stop the errors.


    Unfortunately thi may reuire the closing of certain areas of the forum for breif periods to test. Rest assured, one way or another they will be resolved, and the forum will run smoothly.



    Chris B.

  3. We have just experienced this again, please accept my apologies.


    It may help both ourselves and the hosts identify this issue, if you can please let me know exactly what area of the forum/gallery/chat you were in just before the crash, and what area you were trying to enter when you received the error.


    Many Thanks,


  4. Yes I can find the bits Im interested in, in the pdf's but I want to make sure I get the right book into my little pouch too.


    One chap kindly mailed me the pdf for the roadster, which has been great.


    I'll have a chat to the dealer over the weekend.

  5. Well - my dealer reckons he cant find one on the systems, as in one does not exist???


    I find that hard to believe. Are there any UK Spec roadster owners that can check their manual to see if it has roadster bits in it. Mine is purely for the coupe - it has nothing what so ever to do with the roadster in it.

  6. I have nothing against imports, the Golf I have is an import, and it actually came as a much higher spec than standard in the UK.


    The Import guys get to start modding straight away. Ive go 3 years of warranty to chew through. But I wil probably never highly modify the cr anyway - a pop charger and some cosmetics will probably be my lot.

  7. We are awaiting news from our hosts, but rest assured one way or another these errors will be fixed.


    Its not the best method of attracting users by having a forum that keeps falling over, and other changes and suggestions will be worked on, but as you will appreciate, this takes priority.


    Thanks for your patience,



    Chris B.

  8. Any mods and admins can make a sticky! ;)



    I'll try to work on getting something like this incorporated into the site, so we can have a map, with tabs for members, meets, dealers? etc - so you can select a tab and find who or wht you are looking for.


    Its an excellent design, and I think it needs to be on the site..


    Suggest a sticky in the introductions page perhaps?...


    I must work today sorry... :p

  9. Eh?? Dont tell me you are the chap that was selling some on the old forum :headhurt:


    Oh well, you live and learn. The missus gets her Christmas present, and I only have to travel to Derby to fetch them. :blush:

  10. Yeah, he'll probably go and buy a 3 series coupe or a z4.... Hmmmm.....


    Just like those folk driving round in 1984 944's and 924's Who cant wait to blurt out the fact that they drive a "porsche".



    Just give me a second while I wet myself with jealousy. :dry:

  11. Thanks mate - a top find, local to me for pick up too - couldnt have wished for better. To think, if it weren't for this forum, I may not have spoted these, excellent!

  12. :welcome:

    Of course we dont mind, on the contrary, we encourage it.


    Our purpose was to create a community that due to it being free, may be the perfect place for all those who for whatever reason, dont wish to pay to be part of a club.


    This may include past owners, "want to be" owners, and people from abroad who may not wish to pay for membership.


    Those who are part of the owners club will also have knowledge and value to add to a community, so yes, please do take part, in fact - bring a friend!? :thumbs:


    It is a strict policy here that members are not allowed to "slag off" or have digs at, any other forum, that would just create a them and us culture, which would hurt the community as a whole. Which is not what any of us want to see. So rest assured, an OC member is just as welcome here as anyone else.


    I hope you enjoy our forum, and find it as useful and entertaining as we wish it to be.



  13. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


    I won!


    Just had a great chat with the chap who is selling them, has an Azure coupe with all the Nismo trimmings B) . He has taken a note of the forum address, and may pop in.


    Excellent - cant wait to get them!


    First thing Ive ever bought on ebay!



  14. When on the index page - the "view new topics" is just to the bottom right of the top menu options.


    Also when you are in a topic or category, "mark all topics read" should be in the same place.


    Do you mean relocate these, or just that you couldn't find them? :blush:

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