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Posts posted by Chesterfield

  1. Tell me about it, we had our second kitchen designer in today... Best weather for ages, and Im inside discussing corner cupboards and aga's....





    Welcome to the forum, We hope to set up meets soon, so that will giive you an excuse to get out in the car more often.. :thumbs:

  2. My 32" widescreen is on its way out - or at least it was a few weeks ago, I wacked it, which broke the buttons on the top, but seemed to fix it!




    I want a 42" plasma or LCD but can't justifyit until this one gives up!


    Haven't got the XBOX360 yet either, but will probably get one around easter time..

  3. You can always set it to "remember me" when you log in, then you auto log in.


    Obvioulsy not reccomended for shared PC's.


    Its up to you guys, but we will leave the status quo in place until the end of the poll, which will be left in place until such time as a reasonable number of members have had their vote.

  4. All,


    As we are starting to become busier we feel it may be time to restrict the viewing of this forum to registered members only.


    Dont worry, we aren't changing from our 100% free stance, we just feel that as we become more popular, there are a growing number of guests browsing this forum without taking the time to register.


    To ensure that all the benefits of this forum are made available to those who take the time to register, we are considering restricting viewing to registered members only.


    The forum will remain free to register, and free to use, this will NOT change.


    Obviously, we wish to know what our members want, if you guys say keep it open to view by the public, thats how it will stay. If you want these boards to be used only by those who take the time to register, thats how it will be.


    So in true democratic style - the choice is yours...

  5. As a member of 350z-UK.com you can obtain a further 5% discount on top of the 10% discount and FREE shipping offered on the Brakes4u web store.


    Please contact an Administrator or Moderator for deatils on how to obtain this discount.


    Go ahead... browse the Brakes4U online store by clicking their banner below:



  6. Hi Will,


    Welcome to our humble abode.


    Just up the road from myself in Chesterfield.


    I hope you like what we have created here - feel free to make use of your gallery space and add yourself to the map here and see where everyone else is :thumbs:


    If you feel anything could be better here, or have any suggestions at all, please feel free to post in the suggestions area.


    With input from members we truly can create a great community here.


    Off to bed for me now though - to many late nights recently! :yawn:



  7. Ill drop 350zNismo a PM, pointing him in the direction of this thread. He is one of the admins here, so should be around soon.


    So you fancy a roadster then?

  8. I really cant understand all this nonsense that the insurance market places over this "import" market.


    It all stems back to the eighties when japanese imports were considerably different to their UK counterparts.


    For instance, there are many companies that discount an import, and refuse to quote outright. Which raises an interesting question when it comes to VW (as well as other marques). Where is the VW factory in the UK?


    Answer - there isnt one. They are all imported. Indeed my import Golf was built in the same factory as a friend UK car. Insurers just try to use it as a reason to try fleecing people.


    Either that, or they can't get past their eighties blinkers, and see todays import market for what it is, which in reality is hardly any differences from UK cars...

  9. Im pretty sure the are separate enities. The imobiliser kicks in every time you take your keys out of the ignition. That way the car is still secure if you leave it unlocked on a forecourt or while you are washing it and going to fill your bucket etc...


    At least thats the way I thought it worked, so the car was still secure even if you forget to lock it.

  10. There are quite a few member with imports, I know 350zNismo has a import roadster.


    He and others should be able to provide advice on how they did it, who they used, and any snags or issues you may need to be aware of.


    Good luck!

  11. Spill, I'll be interested in following this.


    I have never undertaken anything as major as this, and would be a complete novice if I tried now.


    I will be interested in seeing just how well you get on, as it is certainly something that may be on the cards for mine once the warranty expires.


    I take my hat off to you - that is dedication and determination!

  12. Alex, We certainly do wish to arrange meets.


    Until recently there were very few members aboard to arrange a meet.


    You are correct, most members are indeed further south than yourself (Im in Chesterfield, and there are a few around the Manchester area that I know of).


    All members are welcome to add themselves to this site HERE (kindly set up by one of the members)


    This may aid in setting up any future meets, and also help you locate members in your area should you need physical help at all.


    We certainly will be arranging meets, indeed if we gain enough members around the land to make regional meets a possibility, we will almost certainly need a coordinator for each area (as Val has mentioned) - fancy taking on the role for anything north of the border? ;)


    We look forward to arranging our first meet!

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