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Posts posted by Chesterfield

  1. On the missus' old car (mx-5 with clifford alarm) when you lock the car (and arm the alarm), it flashed twice. When you unlocked the car, it flashed once.


    If you came back to the car after the alarm had been set off, when you unlocked the car, it flashed three times to tell you that the alarm had been set off while you were away.


    My question is, does the Z do anything like this? Aparently she has searched the manual, but can't find any info..





  2. Its actually not edited to the music afterward, it is for real...


    The guy used a product which can organise your lights to music, and then broadcast your music over a low strength FM signal to allow people to watch your display from their cars, without upsetting the neghbours with loud music.


    He has also done another display to slightly different music..


    All you need to know here - including instructions for setting up your own if you want...




    Those crazy Americans eh?

  3. Its not that it makes it look childish, just that sometimes its uncalled for. I just didnt think we would want the place turning into a replica of some of the "chav" fourms out there with F's and C's all over the place.


    I could pose the question of why should the replacing of **** with **** cause anyone any upset? We all know what it means, do we have to see the word?


    The word **** is not in the prohibited words list, as obvioulsy it is a label, and probably will be used from time to time. OK maybe I was a bit heavy handed on this occasion. Sorry.

  4. Mmmm - thats nice. If only the convertible was like that. It would have been a much easier decision for me and the missus. As it was, we wanted to stop with open top motoring, so the rag top it was.


    A targa model like that would have struck just the right balance.

  5. Ive never had to go into this with Derbyshire County Council, however now that I own a Z and the speed bumps may cause me issues, I may need to.


    As the law stands, Speed Bumps are in place as speed restriction measures, i.e to ensure traffic is restricted to the legal limit. It is the law that all speed restriction measures should be constructed in a manner which allows them to be driven over at the posted legal limit, without damage to the vehicle or injury to the occupants.


    If you cannot drive your vehicle over a hump in a 30 MPH zone, without causing damage to your vehicle, the speed restriction measure is illegal, and should be removed, if it is not removed, and by driving over this hump at the legal limit or below, you damage your vehicle, the local roads authority is liable for the damage.


    If you write to your MP on this matter, he or his office are obliged to respond. I'll see if I can dig out the actual legislation...


    It may be worth writing and asking if a member of the highways authority is willing to accompany you on a tour of your local town, driving over any speed restrictions you may encounter, at the legal limit, and at the end of the tour, would they be willing to personally pay for any damage caused to your vehicle. If they decline this offer, then it can be proven, to a degree, that they do not have confidence in their speed restriction measures being fully legal - if this is the case, you can then take it further.

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