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Posts posted by Chesterfield

  1. Our "sporty" car before the Z was a 1.8 Mazda MX-5 Sport. That wasn't to shabby as far as fun was concerned, but the Z is in a whole new league for me.


    The first time I took it out the traction control saved me making a mess twice.


    It didn't however stop me from almost making a mess in my jeans, and taking the car home for fear of wrecking it on its maiden voyage!


    Just take care in the wet! If you are coming from a 206 1.6, into a Z, I wouldn't be taking the traction control off during the winter thats for sure!

  2. Hi Kuro,


    I was only around for a few weeks on the old site before it closed, so didn't get to know many members.


    Welcome to our humble home... Its small but effective (as the anoying advert says)


    I hope you enjoy the forum, and if you feel anything is missing or needs improving, don't be afraid to post up in the suggestions section. (we already have several to work on! :teeth: )


    Glad to have another colour on board too! There is a "what colour is best" poll somewhere around here where the GM and Blue boys are running away with it! :p

  3. Hi Steve,


    Welcome aboard. :thumbs: I wasn't around long enough on the previous board to get to know lots of people - only had the car a month or so :blush:


    I like the wheels, what size are they on the rear - they seem to fill the arches a lot more than my standard wheels... (got a set of rays in the garage to fit at some time too).



  4. I do hope that ballswinger will be an active member of the community after taking the opportunity to make his first post an advert....


    We are a free forum, both to view and to register.


    However, accounts being registered just to take advantage of this fact, without wishing to contribute to the forum as a whole, will be removed.


    On this occasion the advert can stay, in the hope that ballswinger will be an active member. Should this not be the case, in future the 15 posts minimum to advertise may be strictly adhered to in order to prevent this.




  5. Hi folks, I'm new here and must apologise for posting the following questions as I'm sure they've been asked a thousand times before, but I don't seem to be able to access the Garage section of the site.


    First question, what's the story with clutches? The dealer advises me that the pedal is stiff and this may mean the clutch needs replacing. At 25k miles that sounds daft to me. Clutch works fine. Warranty people say the clutch isn't covered, even if it's worn out at that mileage. Surely it's not fit for purpose?


    Second, brakes. Dealer costs for discs and pads are silly. Are there cheaper ways?


    Third question, odd periodic vibration. It kind of goes whirrrrr, quiet, whirrrrr, quiet, whirrrr etc, at speeds of 50mph and above. Dealer says nothing wrong. You feel it through the seat, and it's very quiet. Seems to be coming from the back.



    Many thanks for any advice or info.



    04 Gunmetal GT, bog standard

  6. This may need looking into, as this has been mentioned before - The delay in script processing for a long distance host may result in the script being passed over and over until it crashed the box.


    However one of the admins is in Europe at present, which if this were the case, should result in something similar - as would dial up connections.


    I'll look into this, but it may just be an unlucky coincidence?

  7. Yep - unfortunatley this still persists. We have spoken to the hosts about it, and it appeared as of yesterday that things were sorted, as I was monitoring the connections yesterday and found that it did not fall over at the level which it had before.


    This appears to have resurfaced again, which will involve another nice chat to our hosts. At least its fast, but these errors are unacceptable.


    One method is running the place on a dedicated server, which would mean all you lucky folk having an increased attachment and gallery allowance - but would mean that the unluck folk on the admin and moderators team may have to go without jam for a few weeks. :blush:


    We continue to discuss this amongst the mods/admins and we hope to hav these resolved soon.

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