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reverse sensors not working properly


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Im sure its down to the vinyl wrap taking away some of the cheapo paint on the reverse parking sensors, but when I put the car into reverse, it just beeps all the time as if theres something behind me.


Is there a way to repair them? I.e. can I take the silver ones out and buy new silver ones without changing the wiring?

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Have you tried seeing if it is one sensor (or more sensors) acting up, or is all 4? If the latter that is likely to be the control box but if the elimination process reveals it is not all the sensors acting up, maybe a bit of cleaning up might do the job or by swopping over the sensors (on my previous ZED I could do that) it helps establish if it is one of the leads from the control box that is faulty - which is what I found to be the problem I had.

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Im presuming to find out if one is faulty I would just get someone in the car, with it in reverse, and swipe my hand over them individually?


A few of them have some of the paint off them, not sure if this could be an issue? they were fine initially, I wrapped the car and were still fine just a bit more sensitive,then after removing the vinyl It beeps a lot at the slightest thing. So im presuming, its not the control box, but maybe individual one or all of the paint-broken ones needing replaced.


Was just wondering if its a simple swap for the actual bumper part, ive seen some cheap on ebay but never knew if it was a set part you had to use.

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How would I know which ones were right? Tried searching but theres various different makes of parking sensors?


Going to have to remove the rear bumper again to test which ones faulty, but is there a sign on them? Or are all models fitted with the same type? (it was fitted from the Nissan garage on purchase from what I found)

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How did you know they would work if their from ebay?


The only thing im curious about is, im sure they all have the same distance set to when they beep. But if one of them is a little thicker, would the main settings need to be changed?


Mine look all old and crusty. I dunno what spray the garage put on, but vinyl pulled it off >.< and no, not my bad de-wrapping skills :lol:


Im looking at a new set, im 100% its because the paint has been removed, they only stopped doing their job properly when the wrap came off.

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I removed the whole kit and replaced it all with the ebay set. Its very easy to get the rear bumper off and only 2 wires that patch into the reverse light on the left. My faulty one had the paint/cover removed and looked like rusty metal.

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I removed the whole kit and replaced it all with the ebay set. Its very easy to get the rear bumper off and only 2 wires that patch into the reverse light on the left. My faulty one had the paint/cover removed and looked like rusty metal.


Patch into the reverse light? Mine disappear into the rear of the car... must be few different ways of doing it I guess

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The sensors on the 350z were dealer fit so may vary. There will be a control box that the 4 sensors plug into. Then a power lead that patches into the reverse lights and the speaker which has its own wire so it can be mounted anywhere in the boot/cab.

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