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Clay life span


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I found a spare clay bar at the back of my cleaning cupboard - which at a guess will have been there for a couple of years.


It has been wrapped so I am guessing it's ok?


I was told recently that car cleaning products have a shelf life of two years - which has lead me to do a bit of a stock take on the cupboard

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If its been in a sealed bag then itl be fine,I wouldnt worry. Im sure some products are sat on shelves in warehouses for a long time before we even get them,so how do you factor in that 2 year shelf live? I could be wrong,but thats my opinion.

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I'd use it, no probs.


I've got existing clay that's been opened for about that long that I still use. It's still in good nick as it's never done a seriously dirty car, so I've no fear of it adding other scratches. :)

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Thanks gents - I have one sealed and one not...will see how I get on


Saves me surfing for more Dodo or Meguires products - postman hates me at the minute!


Aslong as its clean itl be fine. I hate my postman at the minute,as he came the side to deliver something that was too big to post,and when I went in the house,found that he had posted a full set of steel wheel nuts through the door onto my wood flooring. :rant:

Dont understand why he didnt just give me everything in one go. He has to walk past my house and gates (that were open) to get to the end of my road.

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I had something similar with a starter motor - front door was open as I was in the garden, asked the guy to put it just inside the door.


He dropped it down, starter went through the box and made a lovely hole in my wood floor - which I didn't see until I went into the house later :rant:

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