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Ace Cafe meets - link & attendees list


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I work about 15mins from Ace Cafe London & have never been to any of their regular meets! Some are Japanese specefic (e.g. first Tue of every month), some are special meets & some just look interesting e.g. the Mustang & Mopar days etc.


I & a friend will definetley be making our way down there to one & hopefully more in the comming months. Checkout the different cars, have something eat & drink maybe etc etc.


So as an idea if I or anyone else is heading down there pre planned well in advance; short notice; or last minute on the day, they can maybe post the date & approx time so other Zed members could also join them for company & a bit of Zed chin wagging! :wacko: ?


Please click link at top & then click on 'Special Operations' for calender of scheduled meets at ACE CAFE



Ricky :)

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