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n oins the 21st Century

Emperor Ming

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Hi Guys

Having managed to fry both my hard drive and my motherboard on my old computer I plunged in at the deep end 'and upgraded''.

I am sat here now on my wireless key board with integral mouse pad and looking at my 22" wide screen monitor whilst my NASA space station computer - well its about as clever think - hums quietly in the corner!.

How did ever manage on the old wood burning, steam driven archaic relic that I called a computer?

The monitor alone was worth the greif. WOW! 15" to 22" is unbelievable.

Best of all the screen cost me £199 delivered :teeth:

Ming the happy

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sounds like a nice setup, is it games machine (good a decent graphic card) ?

I bought it from a shop that make them to the purchaser spec. I am not a games man myself - other than on line poker - so the graphics card was not high on my list but in comparison to my old set up movies of a 'certain type' seem all together 'clearer'. B)

Ming the content.

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