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I need a stubby aerial


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Standard aerials tend to have a short lifespan in the area where I live, so I've got to replace it with a stubby one.


I'm after a black aerial and as stubby as possible. Ebay of course has the usual selection at prices from £4 and up, but I have no idea about their quality. Does anyone have experience of budget ebay aerials, or know of a better alternative?



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After buying a version of the s200 aerial I was unhappy with the fit as the base was slightly wider than the mount it attasched too. Sent it back and decided t try one of these (item D) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... K:MEWNX:IT


It is slightly smaller at the base than the mounting but looks decent.


I have since been contacted by the S2000 aerial seller to question my return. He has suggested this one as a better fit, although it is 20cm long so not as tidy. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BMW-Mini-One-Coop ... 53e5e87a94


He has agreed to send me one so I can take a photo for him. Will post a pick on here and let you know how it works.

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Cheers DD, would be good to see your photo before I purchase anything.


Possibly dumb question - will any aerial fit the 350Z? Hassan recommended a Honda aerial and you're waiting on one for a Mini. I'd assumed that these things would be quite specific to a model or at least a manufacturer.

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Simple answer is no.


The thread size is the most important part as they differ from from one manufacturer/model to another. The aerial I have now was actuaslly supplied with 3 removable threads allowing it to fit most makes.


The other consideration is around the diameter of the base. As I said, the S2000 version I got was about 20mm but the base on the Z is around 18mm so you get a bit of a overhang (genuine S2000 aerial may sit better).


Fianlly, it needs to actually work. The current one I have is great, probably better than the stock one I had on before. Will keep you posted on the BMW Mini one

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my aerial sorted out now. You guys gave me some good suggestions, but I thought I'd give an ebay cheapie a try first.


The aerial I went for is this one:



Total cost was £4.84 including postage, I bought it on Sunday and it arrived today. Here it is installed:




Opinions may differ but I think it looks really good, and importantly for me, wont be easily bent and yanked by any passing vandals. I've tested the reception and it's better than with the standard aerial, really clear.


Just one question - does this officially count as my first modification? :teeth:

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I would say that counts as your first mod and looks pretty good too.


So what's next?


Cheers! :thumbs:


I have a lot of ideas about what I'd like to achieve.... I'm going to concentrate on cosmetic mods at first and maybe move on to performance later. Next on the list is some subtle tinting for the windows and a spoiler - probably Nismo type 1. Skinto for a couple of months, but in the meantime I might swap the Nissan badges out for all black ones.

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