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Penny Pinching MOD + Construction = Scraped Alloy!

Danny 350Z

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In a bid to fit as many garages into a small area, the builders hired by the MOD built garages that, if you want to get out of your car, you have to stick it as far over as physically possible to the left side. I took my eye off the ball for a second and..................









I scraped my frickin alloy!! They were untouched aswell. :angry: Can the scrape be repaired?


I mean, look at the size of that p*ssin garage!!!

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My solution would be to get a sledge hammer and knock through to the garage on the right of the picture - why not make it double like mine :lol:


On a serious note, get yourself down to a alloy refurb place to see what they advise. only really done a dodgey touch up job on my mums old escort about 10 yrs ago, using a paint stick thingy. looked ok, but not on a lovely Z

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It's a right nause to get the Zed in there aswell but it definitly beats leaving it either bay parked for someone to dink me with their door or park on the road for someone to key it. My baby is safe (apart from my Stephen Hawkings style driving) in the garage.

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It's not that bad! You wanna try hitting a kerb at 30mph and then seeing what damage can be done. If it was me, I'd buff it our with some wet & dry sandpaper and lots of polish.

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