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Jap meet @ Brands Hatch 12/2/09

GTO Pete

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Well its only a few hours away now and the weather isnt that bad at the moment. :) Just a couple of quick reminders about the meet-


1) Remember your 2quid as we wont have a load of change on the gate and......

2) You cant get into brands until after 7pm- we dont want you all waiting around when you dont have to!


Other then that we look forward to seeing you all down there!


Pete :D

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yep it's crapping it down!! I turned back, I feel sorry for you guys who travelled a long way. Looks like you didn't miss out in the end mark!


Yeah just been out-side, its chucking it down here, hope they re-arrange it so i can pop down :thumbs:

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Darren and myself are gonna get in for free next time, hehe.

I'm sure GTOPete is a man of his word.

Was nice to meet a fellow 350Z forum member, pity the weather had a downturn, would have liked to have met more.


Just a couple of (bad) pics before I went home.


Bad pic No.1 (camera was on wrong settings)



Bad pic No.2 (Got settings right, operator useless tho)



and finally a bad pic showing how many showed up



Whilst driving away from Brands, I was behind a blue R33, who was only more than willing to show me how to drift on roundabouts. I think him and his mate in a 200SX took the first exit the round about before the one that leads you to the M25.


On the Roundabout that took me to the M25, I stopped at a set of lights, three lanes.

I was in the left lane behind a car and saw a Scooby pull up to the lights in the centre lane and an Evo next to him in the right lane. Lights are red, Scooby revs up, Evo responds in kind.

Once the lights went green they floored it, but what they didn't notice was the police car that had pulled up behind the Evo.

Immediately the blues come on and he gives chase up the slip road.

They must have been lucky tho, because onceI had joined the traffic from the slip road, I still saw the blues going in the distance, thinking they done a runner, but to my suprise I saw the Scooby and the Evo just cruising along, guess the coppers had bigger fish to fry. Lucky escape I say.

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What can I say guys- it was a huge success and a huge failure at the same time! :headhurt:


All the visitors to the meet will have spoken to either me or Dan at the gate and all I can say is that we are sorry and this isn’t the start to the meet we were hoping for.

A big BIG thank you to everyone who went to the trouble to come despite the weather and for everyone being cool about the decision, despite some people having a long trip to get there and home again. Even with the weather easily over 100 cars turned up which is a great sign for the future. :)


Due to the weather conditions Brands took the decision to pull the event about ten minutes before people started to arrive and at the time that seemed like a bad choice but come 9pm I began to think it was probably the right decision as the snow was awful later on in the eve, if I could spin the wheels of a crappy old polo doing 30mph in third in sure some of the cars turning up would have found it even more difficult!


I just want to say thanks to Darren-B and Bulletmagnet who were the very first people there; they even got there before I did! I'd love to let everyone in free next time but then me and Dan would be paying for the meet! But if anyone deserves free entry next time it’s these guys, was nice to meet you both. :thumbs:


We are going to be talking with brands tomorrow and hopefully everything is still go for next month providing the weather is ok! (Security got a bit funny with us about people parking outside, which is why we ended up sending people in the bluewater direction). Next time if there is any sign of really bad weather I will put up a number so you can get through to either me or Dan to make sure everything is go.


I’m off to warm up and cry about the failure of this meet, I’ll post back about the next meet soon (next meet should be the same time next month).


Thanks & sorry again everyone!



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Just got in :teeth: after a bit of a wasted trip turned into a lot of fun :lol: tunnel on way home was cool followed by a whole night of sideways action in the snow!

Pretty sure i saw Mark (3fiddyz) just leaving brands as i was turning up, looked like you all lit up like a christmas tree with them new lights :lol:

Hope to see you all next month then!

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What can I say guys- it was a huge success and a huge failure at the same time! :headhurt:


All the visitors to the meet will have spoken to either me or Dan at the gate and all I can say is that we are sorry and this isn’t the start to the meet we were hoping for.

A big BIG thank you to everyone who went to the trouble to come despite the weather and for everyone being cool about the decision, despite some people having a long trip to get there and home again. Even with the weather easily over 100 cars turned up which is a great sign for the future. :)


Due to the weather conditions Brands took the decision to pull the event about ten minutes before people started to arrive and at the time that seemed like a bad choice but come 9pm I began to think it was probably the right decision as the snow was awful later on in the eve, if I could spin the wheels of a crappy old polo doing 30mph in third in sure some of the cars turning up would have found it even more difficult!


I just want to say thanks to Darren-B and Bulletmagnet who were the very first people there; they even got there before I did! I'd love to let everyone in free next time but then me and Dan would be paying for the meet! But if anyone deserves free entry next time it’s these guys, was nice to meet you both. :thumbs:


We are going to be talking with brands tomorrow and hopefully everything is still go for next month providing the weather is ok! (Security got a bit funny with us about people parking outside, which is why we ended up sending people in the bluewater direction). Next time if there is any sign of really bad weather I will put up a number so you can get through to either me or Dan to make sure everything is go.


I’m off to warm up and cry about the failure of this meet, I’ll post back about the next meet soon (next meet should be the same time next month).


Thanks & sorry again everyone!




darren and the gguys sorry for being late "again" :surrender:

i wouldn't say it was a total failure. specially for those who met at bluewater afterwards. that was awesome. i am glad someone sugested that before i turned around to go back home from brands. i am surprised security didn't kick us out with the amount of car alarms we managed to set off (about 5 cars) went off just as we entered the car park. there was about 30-40 cars. i have loads of pictures if someone can tell what would be the best way to post them. unfortunately only 350z's turned up to bluewater, mine and another guy from south london.

will put the pics as soon as i get home from work.

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