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New Job and Short Journeys


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Some of you may remember I posted up a while ago about problems with my current job - well all being well it now looks like I have a new job to go to in a couple of months :D


Difference is that I will now need to catch a train to work as opposed to driving every day. My current commute is around 15 miles each way which give the Zed a reasonable run.


With the train I have explored all the options, and current thinking is to drive to a station which is 3.8 miles away and park up for the day. This means a) Leaving the Zed at the station all day, and B) It only having a short journey every day which I'm assuming isnt very good for it in the long run.


I am thinking about changing, but want to settle into the job before I do anything so will probably wait until the end of the year now .


First question is will all these short trips be damaging to the car, or will it just mean poor fuel economy?


Second question is should I change or keep the Zed? I dont like the idea of leaving it at the station all day, but fuel etc will be less of an issue now as Im doing less miles. Dont want to go down the 2 car route as I think it would cost more and havent got the space for 3 cars anyway (g/f has a car).

If I change I would like something a bit more practical for going away in, something that wouldnt attract too much attention parked up all day, but still reasonably fast and with plenty of toys. Along these lines Im thinking of a fully loaded Golf GTi....but that is such a safe choice and I like things that are a bit different. Any other suggestions?

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+1 pushbike + train for commute and a zed for the ladies and the weekends




I'd never leave my car at a train station car park... you have to pay for parking too!


And i wouldnt get the train to work either. I hate public transport... i'd rather pay more for petrol etc so i can have my personal time.

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+1 pushbike + train for commute and a zed for the ladies and the weekends




I'd never leave my car at a train station car park... you have to pay for parking too!


And i wouldnt get the train to work either. I hate public transport... i'd rather pay more for petrol etc so i can have my personal time.


Am a bit worried about leaving the car, but its a rural station with free parking. I've been to check it out and there were several nice cars there.


Did think about a pushbike, but I will be suited and booted so dont fancy getting wet in the rain, or hot and sweaty in the heat.


I'm not a big fan of public transport either, but the job is in Birmingham City Centre with no parking apart from public multistoreys which would cost a fortune if I used them every day....

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When I had mine my commute was 3 miles each way in stop/start traffic. At best I got into 3rd gear. Tbh so long as I didn't thrash it I was of the opinion it shouldn't matter what the journey its a car and is designed to do all manner of things.


Personally yes I could bike/bus etc to work but I'm paying enough in tax, insurance etc I'm going to bloody well use the car plus I'm less sweaty and feel more secure in a car. Never could see myself carrying a 2 grand laptop on my back while biking to work.


My real world figures on an 07 engine version were worst 10.2mpg at best 13.5mpg - schools probably off ;)


But then on the weekend I would go out in it and give it a blast anyway.

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If not a bike how about a moped / scooter ? then rainproofs, just go into a small bag, you don't get hot and sweaty (if short bike ride then just take it easy and rural like, no sweat then either).


Doesn't sound a worthwhile reason to change a car to me, but then if you've got half a mind to change anyway it still isn't the reason to change.

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