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Steering wheel off center whilst driving


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Has anyone had any issues with the steering wheel being off centre whilst driving?


To drive the car in a straight line, I have to position the steering wheel slightly to the right so the 9:00 position is more 10:00. It very noticeable, especially at higher speeds.


If i'm cruising at 70mph in the third lane of M62 for example, and put the steering wheel straight, the car will start turning off into the centre lane pretty quick. Its getting quite annoying now.


I have taken the car in for a 4 wheel laser alignment using the Hunter Hawk system and they have adjusted it and said the camber/caster/toe is all within spec. 


Its on stock suspension and all the ball joints, tie rods etc are all fine. The only modification I did was to put 20mm spacers on front and 25mm on back. Both of which are installed correctly.


Any ideas on what the issue would be? I was thinking if i remove the steering wheel and just realign it slightly to the left and re-tighten the nut, it would solve the issue.


Does this sound like it would work? I am aware of the clockspring which has to be kept straight in order for it to not snap when going lock to lock.]


Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers.

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Take your car back to the alignment place.


Ask them to position the steering wheel in the straight ahead position and clamp it in place.


They can then readjust the alignment as required.


Of course, moving the steering wheel by one spline may help, but that would be a hit or a miss I am afraid.



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