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Having trouble replacing the window motor


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Hi all,

I attempted to replace the window motor today - I can't say it has been easy, I've found it very fiddly! Anyway I got the new window motor on, but unfortunately when trying to wind it up it wasn't working correctly. At first I tried pressing the window up button and nothing happened. I then pressed down, then up after and it began to raise but only so far:


I couldn't find out what the issue is - so just assumed a bad motor and I swapped it out with the old one again (it's on it's way out, but still kind of working). However now the glass seems to be out of alignment and is hitting the plastic trim?



Any ideas as to what is going on? I've had to tape up my window with bin bags for the night as it's dark now - not ideal in this weather :(


Thanks in advance,


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3 hours ago, ilogikal1 said:

When I cleaned my window motor, the glass needed adjusting after I put it all back together (it'd obviously moved during), so just slacken off the bolts holding the glass and manually move it until it's in the right place again. 

Thanks, I'll take a look at that and give it a go soon!

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OK, so with help of a friend we figured out both issues as seen in the videos.


The first video (with the new motor), would have been rectified by simply closing the door!! When the switch is pressed (for the door sensor) the window went straight up. I'm guessing this is some kind of safety feature due to the frameless door. So closing the door seemed to trigger the calibration.


The second video, where I'd attempted to put the old motor back in: it was hitting the trim as the glass had come off the runner. If you shine a torch inside the door from the top you can see where the glass came out from the front of the door. Giving the regulators a little jiggle ensured the glass was back in place.


Glad to have that sorted!

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