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2008 VQ35HR gearbox issues


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Already used the search to find out more about Z33 gearbox issues, but most of them seem to be with the DE's and appear to by fixed after the CD009 & CD00A updates.


I just bought an 08 HR manual with 77K, it crunched when driving over 3,000rpm into 5th an 6th, now it is doing it all the time. The clutch release bearing rattles when I release the clutch, or this could be the DMF.. Not sure.. Box also whines, but I hear this a lot about Z33 boxes.


Has anyone experienced crunching issues on HR boxes caused by the DMF or clutch, or is it rebuild time? Also What is the Nissan code for HR boxes? So I can start to hunt parts...


My first instinct was the DMF or the clutch failing, after reading on here that Nissan have doubled/trebled the synchros on the 06+ boxes, hence the post...

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I'm afraid there is more questions than answers to start with pal.

1. Does the car have service history.

2. When was oils last changed in the gearbox and what type.

3. Clutch test it! Hand brake on select third gear. Lift clutch if she starts to stale without your clutch coming all the way up the clutch plate it fine.

4. If you feel a rumbling under the clutch pedal, that can be am indication of the flywheel starting to go.

5. Have you tried a clutch fluid change and bleed. Could help.


When you lift the clutch is it a wering sound at the clutch bight point if so that will be the release bearing. They all do this as they reach certain age/use. I have an 08 hr with 63k on and mine is a little noisy.

I did an oil change with OEM oil and added Moly slip and ot helps a lot. However I didn't have any crunching, just notchy when cold.


Hope this helps.



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Yeah, I have no idea what fluid is in it now. Perhaps worth a flush.


1. Full history, don't remember reading gearbox fluid

2. No idea

3. Clutch wants to stall, but is high

4. When the pedal is depressed there is like a tapping sensation on it, goes away after you idle for 10 seconds then comes back if you blip the throttle. Like work DMF springs.

5. Again worth a bleed.


Yes the clutch wurr's a little.


Do you know the Nissan code for these boxes? I've looked around and believe they share the 370 box, but can't find the Nissan Code anywhere.. :/


I want to do a solid state conversion, but I am trying to find out as much info as I can before I pull it apart.




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Sorry pal no idea on the code, hopefully some other guys and gals on here maybe able to help with that.

I'd definitely do your research when it comes to a solid state clutch. If you aske it's a bad idea. Consider the state of the gearbox now and that's with a forgiving DMF. From what I know they aren't the strongest box's and the sincro's are are made from candyfloss.


Not sure if there's a box conversion to something like a skyline box that are bomb proof and you could put 600bhp through them and they keep ticking.


Keep us updated on how you get on and what you find out. Start with the oil change and Moly slip, it may get you a little more life out of it. It does sound more like you have a nosey release bearing and sincro's that are giving up the ghost. Z clutch pedals are I believe renowned for been high.


Best of luck with it all.

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Yeah I shall do buddy, did they not revise the synchro's for the HR box? Yeah the release bearing is certainly on the way out, it's very loud. I realised how loud this morning when I had the door open and put my foot on and off the clutch in neutral. In my mind I am hoping it's all clutch related but I fear it's more serious and will need a full rebuild/used box.. Hopefully someone can chime in with the Nissan code..

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If I am honest I rarely hold out much hope for the Stealers, if need be I'd take it to gearbox specialist and I am capable of doing most the work myself. I am trying to find info before I start pulling it apart...


I take it nobody else has has issues with a HR box and nobody knows the code for it either.. :(

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I found a cheap JK41A with 31K on it. From a G37. Do you know the differences?


Also where can I find a Nissan Indy Specialist? All that shows in Google is some chap in the U.S and a few places in Scotland.

Edited by PaulHillUK
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Just Google the 3 different code numbers and all the information will be there in front of you as I don't have time to copy and paste all the data at the moment. :thumbs:


You never know, the few places in Scotland may be your saviour, ;) however there are some Indys quite local to you

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  • 3 weeks later...

The gearbox is coming out this weekend / week.


The DMF is certainly on its ar53 and the clutch release bearing is crazy loud now, feels like it is taking power transfer away and it kangaroo's like skippy on a Friday.


New replacement South Bend Stage 3 clutch and steel release bearing arived and will be mounted to a Fidanza solid state flywheel. Ordered from the U.S just before we voted out!! :headhurt:


I should know by Friday if the gearbox has also failed, as I am sending it off to a specialist to be checked. Not sure if I can post photos on here due to my newbie status, but I will if I can.

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  • 3 weeks later...



The gearbox is out and stripped, input and output bearings had failed and the 5th and 6th Synchros were gone to. CRB was shot and damn the dual mass is heavy, happy to see the back of those! Pictures to follow.


The specialist has received most of the parts now, but I am still waiting for a bearing to be sent from Japan. One thing I will say in thise, is when you need to use parts that only Nissan can order and don't want to be off the road for long.. Go direct.. Sucks how they drag ordering/delivering out for the specialist.

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Hi please keep info coming I have an HR and apart from the rumbling release bearing I think the gearbox is on its last legs so would be helpful to have an idea of costs if you don't mind you can PM me . :D

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  • 1 month later...

Box has been in for 400+ miles now, the rattling is gone, the gearbox still whines and it moves into gears perfectly now. The box certainly needed to be rebuilt.


The Fidanza flywheel is awesome, and the South Bend Clutch is heavy so I take it as a good sign. I've not gave it any grief yet as there is a 750 mile wear in on the clutch plate which I intend to stick to like a nerd.


It's noisier because of the single mass, the gear knob vibrates and it takes a few more RPM to get going on hills, if you can live with that the throttle response is well worth it. The car can still move off normally on the clutch and judders a bit in reverse when you first get going. But this is getting better as the clutch wears in. At first the whole car juddered when you pulled off anywhere, but it beds in. Now I can move the car on just the clutch without any vibration and hill starts are fine with no judder.


One thing I can report on is the size of the synchros! They are tiny, look like they are from a bike :(

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