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Posts posted by AndySpak

  1. I bought a Meg's clay bar kit today and had a quick go with it on one of my wings and bonnet. Its the first time I've ever tried it and I've got to say it did leave the paint feeling a lot smoother but I can't help feel ripped off by it. Blu-tack is only 99p for a pack and I couldn't tell the difference :wacko:

  2. Spotted one in my work's car park in Hatfield.. I'm assumiong its owned by someone called Jayne going by the registration. Silver UK car.


    Spotted a Kuro heading south on the M42, possibly having just come off the M6 Toll. Around 5pm.


    Spotted a Sunset heading south on the M6 near Stafford. Must have been around 6pm.

  3. Get yourself a headset from PC World (or similar) that way you won't get feedback. Just get a cheap one, the sound quality is bobbins, just like a normal telephone. Its fine for talking but don't worry about getting an expensive mic.


    I don't bother with a webcam, just use it for voice but you can get reasonable webcams for about £20 in the same place.



  4. IanS - I reset the mpg computer on my driveway and took the reading after I'd parked up. So it included the short journey from my house to the M62 and the 15 mile journey from J10 of the M1 to Harfield (hence avoiding all the roadworks...)


    I don't think I could do it again. It took ages to get there and the roads were so quiet. Cruising at 100 smiles per hour would have been easy last night. I was glad that I could get back this afternoon without having to stop to fill up mind :thumbs:

  5. OK, I've just arrived at my hotel and the stats are....

    • [*:14hwpbah]Distance Travelled - 177.1 miles
      [*:14hwpbah]Average Speed - 63mph
      [*:14hwpbah]Time Taken - 2hrs 41mins
      [*:14hwpbah]Consumption - 34.2mpg


    I put the cruise on for the 160-ish miles I was on the motorways and sat at exactly 70mph, according to my TomTom. I was showing 73mph on the pod readout.


    Other than when a van drifted in to my lane just as I was overtaking it and I had to slam on the brakes, I didn't touch the pedals at all for the 2hours 20minutes I was on the motorway.


    I didn't have my aircon on and I had my temperature setting to cold but I did have the fans on low all the time. Obviously my headlights were on for the duration.


    Not too bad I'd say but its terribly boring driving at 70mph :blush:

  6. I'm just about to set off on a 180 journey from Warrington to Hatfield. Mostly this will mean motorway driving on the M6, M6 Toll, M6 again and M1 (about 170 miles of it). I'm going to try and stick to 70 mph (with the use of cruise) and see what my average mpg will be...


    What do you reckon?


    Answer will come tomorrow.

  7. My favourite...



    So why didnt they run this on TV ?? :lol:


    I think it was something to do with a dispute between the actor and the cafe owner... I'm sure it was something like that anyway :ninja:



  8. I'm up for doing something, Wales, Lake District, anywhere in the North West in fact. Other locations will require more thought/planning but everything would be considered. I'm most interested in meets that involve driving, the shows (i.e. park and ponce) don't really grab me.

  9. Thanks for all the advice guys and girls. Obviously I'm a red blooded northerner so I'll stay clear of the Panasonic Luminix :p


    I'll go take a look at the Casio and Canon models you've suggested. I've ruled out Sony because of their use of non-standard memory (i.e. the sony memory stick), I really want one that uses SD cards so that I can stick them straight in to my laptop or my printer.

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