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Sgt Wilson

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Posts posted by Sgt Wilson

  1. HI Thanks for the Kind Remarks, the reason we take so much effort on customer service is being a petrolhead myself I got fed up with being continually screwed over and we decided we were never going to have a business like that.


    The only difference between good service and poor service is your frame of mind IMHO. Giving a customer the bums rush might save you money in the short term but boy is it going to cost you in the long term :)






    and keep enjoying your cars thats what they are for :)



    Tom :teeth:





    Here here Tom! Good on you mate :thumbs:

  2. HA HA :D


    Cheers Charlie. I only paid you a fiver, there was no need to overdo it you tw@.


    Thanks for looking after me whilst having my install done. Was sat outside the house listening to my music with a renewed respect.


    Not on a 1st date Louis, we're not all slappers like you ;)

    i resent that comment ;)


    actually, no i dont haha.


    Sounds good guys and looking forward to meeting you both



    Ditto dude. Gonna be busy this Summer but will endeavour to make a few meets. :D

  3. HA HA :D


    Cheers Charlie. I only paid you a fiver, there was no need to overdo it you tw@.


    Thanks for looking after me whilst having my install done. Was sat outside the house listening to my music with a renewed respect.


    Not on a 1st date Louis, we're not all slappers like you ;)

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