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Posts posted by Zzzz...

  1. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


    This now gives you the chance to get a UK SPEC CAR for the price of a JAP GREY IMPORT....




    Hello All:


    Another one bites the dust :byebye: i hope it is a reasonable price for people out there. I am putting my current ZED for sale.



    Several items have conspired against me.

    As soon as I sort myself out I will get an 07 zed

    and be back soon to try and get to the 1000 post i set my target too...

    ~(without post whoring.... :p )


    Anyway have a look at the ad... any advice or questions very welcomed, and I will still be around keeping an eye on what goes on in here, on what I consider to be one of the nicest forums I have had the pleasure of being a (small) part of...

  2. Sorry maybe I missed something... but have you considered putting it in the boot? Someone else could put their racer bike in...


    http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... highlight=


    depends on your bike size, flexibility to dismantle ( quick releases etc)


    here are the pics from the thread above






    alternatively you could try this and home make one...


    http://www.my350z.com/forum/showthread. ... t=tow+hook


    or perhaps this

    http://search.cartserver.com/search/sea ... 9&GO=GO%21


    then you can go to halfrauds and buy one of those bike racks that mount to the tow hook ball.



  3. on the subject of cop cars... there are better alternatives for a more practical cop car , than a fiberglass barge with a fast engine bolted to it...

    imagine the cop trying to get out of this car, with full uniform hat, bullet/knife proof jacket etc... :lol::lol::lol:

    the little TWOC''er joy rider. would have legged it and the copper will have 2 weeks in the chiropractice clinic.... :lol::lol:


    example, italian flair...




    japanese efficiency



    American muscle



    or how about this...


  4. Sorry Guys... :byebye:


    1. xStric9x

    2. Chesterfield +1.........Ultra Yellow

    3. lomoto

    4. Digsy +1

    5. beavis......................Ultra Yellow

    6. AndyC +1

    7. Jacko

    8. Stuey

    9. jonathan73 +1

    10. Red or Zed

    11. EBIZED +1

    12. signwizard?..............Ultra Yellow

    13. RSJ

    14. Littlemiss +1............Ultra Yellow

    15. Tilly +1....................Ultra Yellow

    16. Squarehead

    17. Liam's Z

    18. Djtimo


    can't make it... gutted as i think this is the one of the coolest meets ever.

    have a good one and make sure the pics show it...


    Val also purchased some domains recently, namely 370z-uk.com and 370zownersclub.com. These were purchased by Val from his own pocket, not club funds. Although the intention may have been at the time of purchase to forward those domains to this community, as they are Vals personal purchases he is free to direct these domains where he wishes.


    dammit ! I made that suggestion... I should have bought them myself... had i known what to do....... :rant::angry:


    I will keep my opinions of the whole incident to myself... :surrender:


    move on... best foot forward etc...


    Does this mean we are going to see the same format forum with the 370z.com address? in this case you might have a case to claim intellectual rights to the forum design if he uses it in future... :thumbs:

  6. I have had this problem in my car ... if it is the same problem as mine it will happen every time you do the following : ( and tell the dealer to do this check...or better still take the technician/mechanic out to demonstrate.)

    every time get up to speed in 4th and the RPM is over 2000rpm if you change to 6th it will crunch...



    It is definetely a well known problem ( maybe your dealer has not had to deal with it yet, or maybe he does not want to deal with it...but it is a known problem )


    As you say every time you accelerate on a slip road to the motorway to get to 70, once you get to the legal speed limit , you change to 6th and it crunches... typical driving, expected gear change method, and if they don't believe you , ask them to speak to NMGB about this concern...

    and that you know NMGB are very familiar with this concern.


    The concern is that the synchronizing related parts will be worn down, and the baulk ring clearance for 6th gear will have 0mm clearance and therefore the synchroniser was not working properly...Root cause is excessive wear of the baulk ring.


    Don't let them tell you about chaging oil to see if it improves it...it won't . Tell them to agree with NMGB the warranty repair and get it done... I suspect it will require replacing with these parts...



    HUB &SLEEVE SET 5th and 6th->

    GEAR ASSY-6th, MAIN ->

    (info from a friendly source... ;) )


    if you need further ammo' let me know and I will find you extra info, :ninja:

    or you can tell them to get in contact with my dealer and ask them why they repaired my car for exactly the same concern....


    It will require the car to be out of action for a day and a half ...

    I got it back and it is sweet now, no problem...for once i can say my dealer did not dissappoint, (apart from the fact that i had to have 3 visits before they agreed to repair it...)

  7. I have had panasonics and swear by them, but recently bought a pentax, and it was rubbish, so i will be back with panasonics, I am no expert on photography (though I a have just bought an SLR and going to start trying to learn about it all)


    but the panasonics have been robust, held up to a lot of abuse, hits impacts etc... and it has a decent LEICA lense... also think that many of these other cameras have to buy the photo-componentry from Panasonic , or one of its many corporations...(matsushita electrical, national etc...

  8. you have to be able to prove that you did not damage it through abnormal use of care,


    for example using soap to clean leather seats will dry the leather and cause it to crack...

    The only warrantable item is


    If the leather has been treated according to manufacturers reccomendations ( which are very vague...) and and there is clear visible cracking of the leather.

    ( note sometimes what looks like cracking is just creases full of dirt... which is a "normal wear and tear issue")


    Good luck proving that you have not done anything wrong... :dry:

    unless you have an understanding dealer....i doubt you'll get much luck...


    Nissan + understanding dealer , in the same sentence... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

  9. Normally at the start of any car launch the focus is on supplying parts to the factory, and this includes the paint...


    also there should not be a requirement for service parts so early afterf a new car launch...


    As mentioned you have to wait a while until the after sales departments get fed the unique new parts like the new paints...


    be patient... the uk dealers should get it in shortly ...

  10. my advice from someone who went down that path purely because I thought i was right and this was a bullying tactic to collect revenue...


    In summary... got caught in a 70 doing 85



    1. I requested the photo

    2. They sent it and i said I could not identify the driver and requested additional support to help me clarify this.

    3. The police where uninterested and "as the owner of the vehicle it is my responsability to ID the driver at the time"

    4. after several letters saying I though this was rubbish and that it was their role to identify the actual person committing any criminal activity...


    I declared that "as the owner of the vehicle" agree that it was my responsability to know who was driving the car... but i could not remeber therefore I took all responsability..


    Next thing i get is a summons to court...


    I plead the same again and did not get done for speeding ( SP30, 50 etc,...)

    I got done for "not providing the drivers details"

    This cost me 250 quid 3 points and a nice MS90 code on my licence...


    The MS90 is interpreted by the insurance companies as "WITH-HOLDING" evidence from the police.. and a licence for insurers to print money at my expense...for the next 5 years... and half the insurances wont touch me...




    PAY YOUR (HIDDEN) ROAD TAX , GET THE 3 POINTS AND AN SPxx , it is better than the other possible outcome... and the European court of law threw away a claim from 2 persons saying that it was an infringement of the human rights to declare the driver of the vehicle at the time of the offence.. so you have no leg to stand on... JUST PAY ...

  11. goin back on topic.... ;)

    I have been following this thread... and reading some reviews in mags... and 2 days ago...went out and bought a Canon 400D with kit lens 18-55...


    At this point I have to say that I only know what that button on the top right hand side does...it goes click and takes photos... :blush:


    Next i am enrolling on a course to learn how to use it and hope by October Wales meet I will have learned at least 10 out of the other (thousands?)options that it seems to have...


  12. I found these on another forum... some would be perfect bumper stickers... :lol:



    BOSE = Better Off with Something Else

    -soupnazi1 at my350Z.com


    "You have reached the California 350Z Club. We are out having Boxsters for lunch. Please leave your message."

    -Richard350Z California 350Z club


    "Slower cars are friends, not food."

    -Finding NISMO => one for NIXY :yahoo:


    I live my life one wash at a time,

    For those 10 minutes or less, I am clean. => MING?


    "Places to go, things to do, Porsches to pass..."

    â€â€350Z showroom banner


    "In Case you've been hiding under a rock with the salamanders lately, there is this new sports car from Nissan that is proving to be one of the best of all time. Period."

    -The November 2003 issue of Road & Track

  13. but if it is the tyres. should it not happen on any gear, so long as you are doing 30(ish) ?


    and is it a very specific speed range? For example starts at 30 and dissapears completely at 35mph


    and does it fade in fade out as you cross a certain speed range?


    does it happen only on straight line, or does it dissapear when turning left or right or both?

  14. If someone has got one of those inverter thingies that plugs into the car and powers a normal mains appliance... the t-shirt could be sorted in a DIY "styleee"...


    everyone one bring their own t-shirt... We print some t-shirt transfers ,

    someone bring the iron and iron board and also bring the inverter...

    then have them at BALA for anyone who wants to pull the iron out and do a bit of t-shirt customising... :p


    I am full of great ideas... :wacko::headhurt:

  15. nice empty road with loads of run-out and nothing hard to hit...(private road of course... :lol: )


    and you are away...


    let enthusiasm become ability ... :lol::headhurt:


    and make sure you get a steady supply of tyres...


    I knew a guy who basically bought all the replaced OEM tyres from big cars which had still 2-3 mm from a local tyre shop he knew the guys, he had all sorts of high quality OEM stuff which is great for this drifting lark...and bought them for next to nothing...

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