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Posts posted by MadGrip

  1. Looks great, I love the projector stuff. wasnt sure at first but wouldnt be without it now.


    O'm not sure if the 3D-XL is compatable with your projector, but if it is then I can highly recommend it.. the 3D movies and ps3 games are awesome.





  2. cant resist with threads like this haha, love my tech & gadgets, so here goes.


    normal, everyday Freesat or PS3 or Custom built HTPC. all running through a sony 7.1 amp, viewed on a 50" plasma




    Then when it all goes dark, the HTPC & PS3 are connected to a HD 3D projector with 84" pull down screeen














    The pics aren't great cos I used my phone, the purple hint on the ps3 projector pictures is because the 3D XL box is working the PS3 in 3D mode


    50" plasma

    Sony 7.1 Amp

    Sony PS3

    Sony Speakers + Active Bass

    Optoma 3D-XL with ZD201 Active shutter glasses

    Optoma HD600X Projector

    Freesat (500GB)

    Custom HTPC

    84" Projector Screen


    All controlled by remote sockets and a harmony one remote

  3. I've got a problem with the passenger window, it either dosnt go down, dosnt go up or sticks somewhere in between. I had a link sent to me, giving instruction as to how to strip the door down and clean the motor, but after having read through it a few times Im not really feeling confident about having a go myself..


    So, the question is, does anyone know anybody or any reputable company in Leeds and surrounding areas that will be able to do this for me, without them just saying its fooked and trying to charge a fortune for extra expensive parts





  4. As said above, I wouldnt worry too much about the length of time that previous owners have had the car. However, what really gets my back up, is car dealers that try sell you a car that needs repairs :bangin: What are they thinking?? are they hopeing that you dont notice the brakes / tyres etc and then sell it to you anyway so you come back and spend even more of your hard earned to get it fixed. I recently sold my last car to a young lad from the army, he said he'd been to a dealer to look at a car which had the CEL on, the dealer in question just said, dont worry, we'll sort that out.... Dont worry !!! it shouldve been sorted before they tried to sell him it, so he walked away..


    Anyway, rant over, but if it was me who went to a dealer and found faults with the car, even so called consumables, I'd walk away

  5. yeh, its the same image I'm sending to both, but only one is on at a time. I'm not really that savvy when it comes to configureing gfx cards. I have been on AVF and am advised on there that there shouldnt be a problem with the way I've connected it all up, which is good to know, but it still dosn't solve the problem


    It is win 7 , the outputs are assigned as you mentione, but it still struggles sending the correct resolution to the TV for some reason.

  6. I've basically got a media pc which I've built with a few SBS 3D movies on it & the PC has 2 video outputs. Im running one to a 3D-XL box, then onto a projector. If i do this, then the sbs 3d works perfectly on the projector, but the 2nd image input, which goes to the tv is too big for the screen i.e. the task bar can only just be seen & some icons are off the tv screen. Now Im pretty sure through trial and error that I cant have 2 different resolutions from the 2 outputs.


    If I connect just a single output to a hdmi splitter, then from the splitter on to tv and 3d-XL/ projector, the image fits on both perfectly, but the resolution gets dropped so far that I cant operate the SBS 3D setting for the projector.


    hopefully this'll make sense to someone and they csan offer a solution





  7. :welcome:


    There have been a few threads recently about that car.......


    All good I hope ?? would be interested to read a bit if you could point me in the right direction...


    Welcome back dude, although you should think twice before parting with the cash for that car - its covered in rust


    I expected that, as I used to be the same when I had my red 350Z before.


    Anyone know about this window issue ?


    Cheers for the welcomes fellas :thumbs:

  8. Well after over 3 years since my ex left, when I had to sell my beloved Zed to be able to buy the house, I'm back :teeth::teeth:


    I've been out today and bought myself a lovely Zed with a nismo kit and lovely burbley veilside titanium exhaust along with lots of other goodies.


    The only issue with it is that the passenger window wont operate, I seem to remember this being a common problem, so hopefully someone can give me a few pointers as to how to fix it.


    Anyway, I'm a happy boy for now, should hopefully be collecting it next thursday..


    Pics below, any praise/criticism welcome B)B)





  9. Admittedly, there will be people who have opened, modified their 360's, that will rant about being banned & claim their innocense, but the problem I've had with xbox support & with the official forums is that they're tarring everyone with the same brush., they even locked my thread when I asked for an explanation . I offered to send my 360 back to microsoft for them to inspect it, but they refused.

  10. I've been reading up on this subject all over the www since it happened, and I can tell you that M$ have made a huge mistake.


    I bought my console in Febuary, bought a game pack and purchased a couple of other games. since then I've spend a fortune on it... downloads from the market place, points , at least 2 games a month and guess what...I'm banned & furious.


    I've not done anything to my console except use origional games, non of this firmware stuff, no chips & I still got banned. I've been on to M$ support at least a dozen times, only to be greeted with some foriener (no offense meant to forieners) who tells me I must have bought it second hand or must have altered it in some way as to violate thier terms of service, so I should go buy a new one


    I'm fookin livid & after doing some research it seems I'm not alone.


    I had an origional xbox which I had chipped, put in a bigger HDD and always expected never to use it on live, so this time I played by the book. I've written to watchdog and they've told me I'm amongst thousands of others who've had their 360's banned for no reason.


    M$ are arseholes and unless this is sorted I will NEVER buy any of their products again.. but so what, I'm pennies compared to thier billions

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