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Posts posted by GlenMH

  1. The last big PistonHeads meet was held here:




    Very nice. Mind you so was the price.... B)


    Right next to Silverstone too....




    I am up for this venue Glen. If we can get enough people together maybe they will do a special price? :thumbs:

    We can always ask! I seem to remember that the rooms were about £100 B+B for a double - but they were very nice and the hotel has some great facilities. PH managed to get an area of the carpark roped off, which was useful.



  2. I am pleased that I am not the only one with this problem - if the hood has not been used for a couple of weeks, then it can take 2 goes to get it fully folded. It seems to be as the window is folded in to the storage compartment.


    Once it has been used once, then it is OK.


    No idea what a solution would be though...



    Use it more often :teeth:

    It only gets used at the weekends - got a mile muncher for the 600 miles/week that I do!


    I would like to use it more :teeth:



  3. I am pleased that I am not the only one with this problem - if the hood has not been used for a couple of weeks, then it can take 2 goes to get it fully folded. It seems to be as the window is folded in to the storage compartment.


    Once it has been used once, then it is OK.


    No idea what a solution would be though...



  4. Hiya! Here was me thinking I was the only person on here with a 350 convertable!


    Chesterfield has one. And Bluelady. And Max...........

    And me!


    Welcome to the forums!


    Is yours brand new? If so, the running in period will be difficult as the howl at 4k only hints at what is to come!


    Don't forget the rule though: if the sun is out and the temp is above 0 - the top goes down! No running around with the hood up because it is cold! That engine (and heated seats) knock out enough heat to keep you toasty :teeth:


    Enjoy - we all are :yahoo: Over 2500 miles of big smiles!



  5. I'll take a pic when I next see it - not been round here for a few days.... Looks as though he reversed in to something on the off side so the bumper is not clipped on properly. No obvious scuffs though...



  6. From various discussions at the PH meets I have been to, PH used to be pretty much dedicated to TVR and has gradually broadened out. PetrolTed is very keen to keep the number of forums to a minimum.


    Mind you, I see that the Honda boys have just got a dedicated one :boxing:


    Great site - Pie and Piston is always good for a laugh!



  7. ..The car went on Tuesday to a lad in Bristol. Just like to say thanks to everyone on the site for help, advice etc and to those I met at the shows this year. Wish everyone a great Christmas and new year - I shall hang around here as I do have a read every so often! :thumbs:


    Still got a load of spotted flyers so I shall be using those don't you worry ;)

    Already seen it in Bristol parked just around the corner from my house - tidy looking car!


    Looking at it, it is certainly getting some use....



  8. Went along to a Pistonheads gathering this weekend and a new AM Vantage was there. Looked and sounded fantastic but.....


    Poorly built interior, lousy shutlines, crappy seats and the owner said that it was not that fast :scare: Certainly didn't seem like 90 grand's worth up close.


    Very very disappointed....



  9. Pleased that you are enjoying your roadster!


    I agree with everything you say about the lack of turbo thump in the back but I am looking forward to exploring the top right hand side of the rev counter when the running in period is finished.


    The Bose is not as good as I expected :thumbdown: and I am really disappointed in it. Mind you, when the roof is down - who cares??!? :teeth:



  10. Isn't that just in the republic, Dash?

    It is - and the Irish Gov't is far more honest about the fact it is a tax: they are reducing stamp duty on property and funding the shortfall with speeding fines....



  11. V. nice, mate! :D


    And with the roof up.....


    Roof up is for poofs ;) ! The blue roof does look good so will get some pics when we next have the car out.... after the builder has removed 3 tons of gravel from in front of the garage!!



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