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Emperor Ming

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Posts posted by Emperor Ming

  1. Funny thing about this job is that the person renting the house has yet to be arrested.

    He contacted the owner having got back to find the locks changed - down to me - and wanted to know how to get in as he had some valuable personal things inside!!

    The owner gave him the number of the lock smith - me - to organise collection of his stuff.

    Person speaks to lock smith - me :teeth: - and arranges to come and collect his stuff monday morning before the police find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Boy oh boy is he in for a surprise!!!!

    I just can't wait to see his face when the truth dawns on him!"!

    Ming the Devious

  2. South Yorkshire Trixy!!!!

    Good old frontier town of Barnsley

    Been a cop here a good while now.

    Done lots of these but this one was the biggest 'house' hydroponics I have found with 210 plants and a maximum street value of £63,000. (How much it would be worth if sold in small £10 'deals'. ) Actual value when cropped and in bulk would have been about £15,000 I would guess. :teeth:

    As for what happens to everything. It actually goes up in smoke!!


    We take it all to a local hospital incinerator and burn the lot at 1000 degree's or some such silly heat and it is literally turned into heat!!

    Managed to make the front page of the local rag and the local news so actually got into press.


    Never mind Crocket and Tubs

    How about


    "Never mind good cop/bad cop. i am a completely different kind of cop"

    My favourite quote!!

    Walking around the 'nick' to upset the powers that be!! :teeth:


    At times I love my job.

    Ming the Slightly mad

  3. Did another 'little' bust today.

    210 plants between 4' and 7'

    Total street value £63,000.

    Thats on top of seizing a 'cocaine' press yesterday!!

    A busy week for Mr Ming


    09-05-07_1430.jpg Looks like bleedin Steve Erwin to me.

    Ming the Indoor Gardener

  4. A standard UK spec windscreen FROM NISSAN is £463:55 + vat so where does the £900 come from?

    The above price is for a tinted screen to match the side windows of the car as well.

    I am STILL trying to get a heated screen for my car and Nissan UK really cannot be arsed maybe £900 is for a heated screen!!

    I hope so as I am going to get the difference all being well!!

    Ming the hopeful

  5. Crying into my beer staring at a 'still broken' Zed!!

    Spent Thursday cleaning a car - nothing new there then!!

    Went out today and played poker in a tournament. Played like a god and won nothing. :thumbdown:

    Mrs Ming on the other hand played even better and won.


    Might go out for a meal tonight to celebrate!!

    Not sure about tomorrow but I will let the weather decide!

    Ming the Stuck at home!!

  6. I also looked at importing a car myself but unless you are brining in a few the overheads do not make it much of a saving I don't think. Go to a dealer of imports and get a warranty. Mine gave me 12 months.

    Check the auction sheet that comes with the import. Go onto the auction site and look for your car. The sold ones are still there if you know the date.

    Make sure the numbers match up and you will see your car with its grade.

    I personally would not buy less than a 4 and 4.5 would be preferable

    There is noe place I know of that is dubious with clocks on imports and has a very bad rep with imported vehicles. I have seen cars shown in adverts several years newer than they actually are.

    The importer I used gave me the contact details to verify the import authenticity of my prosepective car!!

    Good luck and don't be put of an import I have had 2 and Mrs Ming drives one as we speak!!

    Good hunting

    Ming the Import happy

  7. Boy does that look COOL!!!

    Even Mrs Ming who is not a great fan said how much she liked it and would happily drive it!! Large praise indeed.

    The finish looks immaculate so obviously not a 'cheap' but but an investment none the less.

    Whats the underside and 'hidden' bodywork like?

    Ming the impressed!!

  8. Some might laugh but:......................

    Chrysler 300C with a 340bhp 5.7 litre hemi engine.

    Already coming in at £17,000 Such a big engine would take a supercharger/turbocharger conversion no probs at all and would give about 450 to 500BHP

    Different and an altenative to the BMW / AUDI route.

    Just a thought

    Ming the Mind Muddled

  9. Hi Guys and Gals

    Another update in this ever increasingly long saga.

    RAC windscreen repair - a very helpful firm so far - have come out and examined my car.

    The windscreen is a green tint standard fitment - which they have - and heated - which they don't.

    Now that they have confirmed that the screens are the same even if the part numbers are different the garage has contacted Nissan to see if THEY can get a green tint heated screen!!

    This is becoming a matter of principle now and I am getting to the stage where someone is going to get a proper neck full!!

    My car has been damaged a month on Monday and in that time it has done 15 miles. 10 of those were to the garage and back.

    I have done almost ALL my mileage on a bleedin' push bike.

    I will keep you all posted.

    Ming the Patient

  10. Ming do you check for paint thickness? surely there's the risk of taking off a bit too much paint with the PC? especially on Zeds where the paint is very very thin?

    Hi Val

    Most Zeds will still have relatively good paint work so the need to get too aggressive with the polisher is not there.

    The Sonus 2 and especially the Sonus 3 is VERY smooth and is really only for lifting swirls and putting a very smooth surface on the car. As such it is only working in the lacquer layer.

    I got quite rough with the GTO on certain places where it had been keyed and although there was some red on the pad not a lot for the pressure I put on.

    I am going to get an old wing out of the shed next weekend and scratch it and then practice to see just how hard I can press before 'too much' paint is lifted.

    So long as the kit is used sensibly I do not think that it will adversely effect any modern paint.

    I will be trying it out on Mings freshly painted front end a week after I get the car back!!

    Ming the Impatient

  11. :scare::scare::scare::scare:


    B!oody hell Ming thats amazing...... When will Ming pay my car a visit??? I imagine you like the tooth fairy, I wake up and theres a gleaming car outside, all for a tooth well worth it ;)


    WE had intended to WAX it as well but ran out of time as Andy had to get off!!

    Its sad but we both enjoyed ourselves :blush:

    I am looking forward to doing a Zed now - mine would be good when its is bleedin repaired!

    Ming the Sad


    In that case, cos you are a mate and considering the kind chap that I am ill give you my Z to practice on for the day hows that sound? ;)

    If London was not a foreign country we could sort it out but Air freight from Heathrow to Darkest Yorkshire would be a pain. :D

    Ming the Puddled

  12. :scare::scare::scare::scare:


    B!oody hell Ming thats amazing...... When will Ming pay my car a visit??? I imagine you like the tooth fairy, I wake up and theres a gleaming car outside, all for a tooth well worth it ;)


    WE had intended to WAX it as well but ran out of time as Andy had to get off!!

    Its sad but we both enjoyed ourselves :blush:

    I am looking forward to doing a Zed now - mine would be good when its is bleedin repaired!

    Ming the Sad

  13. My mate ANDY turned up on Sunday with his TT GTO and we set about it with gusto,

    We started at 11 and with an hour off for lunch finished at 6.

    The car is in good condition and was very clean when he turned up




    we washed it

    We clay barred every panel - almost three hours.

    Washed it again

    Then I attacked it with the porter cable.

    Sonus 1 on the bad bits

    polished off

    sonus 2 all over

    polished off

    sonus 3 all over

    polished off

    buffing mop

    wiped over with moleskin cloth
















    This car is 13 years old and cost £2,800 :teeth:

    (Andy has spent a small fortune updating the running gear and servicing the engine but the body work is standard and 89,000 miles.

    This polisher is MINT!

    Ming the VERY impressed

  14. I cant believe it's a different windscreen fitment from UK to JDM model ??

    Neither can I mate!

    All they keep saying is that it is a different part number and are not, at this stage, willing to risk getting one 'just in case' it doesn't fit!!

    Fun starts on Monday I guess.

    Ming the Royally PI**ED off!!


    Could be different. Didnt i read somewhere overhere that some JDM's have a heated front windscreen?


    I looked closely at mine and it HAS a heated front windscreen. I had never noticed before but it is there.

    Apparently they will 'register' my car with Nissan and then the part can be sorted.

    The garage have been very helpful but my patience is wearing very thin.

    Nissan at Wakefield told the garage that they have checked their records and a windscreen like mine has NEVER BEEN SOLD IN EUROPE.

    My reply was BOLLOX.

    As soon as I know more in this damn saga I will let you know but it is now over THREE WEEKS!!!!

    Ming the UN happy

  15. Hi Guys

    The repair garage contacted me on Friday to tell me that they cannot get a windscreen. :angry:


    The part number for an import is different to that of a UK car and they cannot find any with the right part number. (They do not think there is one in the UK. :rant: )

    I argued that as the body on a Zed and a Fairlady have to be the same the screen differences can only be cosmetic - possibly a slightly different tint - and as such a UK screen will it an import car!!

    As helpful as the guy was, and he is trying to help as much as he can, he cannot order the screen until he confirms this as once he has it he has too keep it and he can't risk having a several hundred pound screen sitting around the place for ever and a day.

    I suggested using a standard windscreen replacement firm and see what they would do but apparently the screen they would use was TWICE the price of the one the insurance company had initially authorised and they were still not sure it was for an import.

    If there is no joy by Monday lunch time then the Insurance company and I are going to go into serious 'negotiation's' regarding time scales and SUITABLE courtesy cars.

    I actually stayed very calm - most unlike me I have to say as usually I would have blown a valve - and I am storing all my angst and ire for the damn insurance company.

    I will update as soon as I know more

    Ming with the 'ump

  16. Having read a fair bit on microfibre materials - how sad is that !! - the general feeling is that you should not put them in a washing machine as the detergent affects the microfibres!!

    You should wash them in a cool wash with car shampoo like you use on your car and rinse with clean water.

    NEVER tumble dry them as it ruins the cloth!!

    This should keep them useful a long time!!

    Ming the Nerdy

  17. The PC is quite easy to use and easier than I thought it would be! Its also quick and effective

    The only problem I had was using TOO MUCH polish!

    A little bit goes a long was with the polisher and after the clay bar work it came up surprisingly easially.

    Saying that. I have been polishing cars for quite a while now and its like anything else you sort of get a feel for it.

    Its quite odd putting the polish on with the foam applicator as I am used to using cloths but they clean up easially afterwards.

    I have a lot of autoglym products in the garage and I am going to try it with them as well as the sonus stuff that Rob put in for me to see what effect they have!

    Ming the Content

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