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Posts posted by Ian

  1. Our mark 1 Focus (god rest its soul) was astonishing in terms of stuff you could get in the back with the seats down - we got a 7 tier chest of drawers in there, baby changing units, mattress etc!

    I did the same thing with the old FN2 Civic Type R I had. With the seats down in the rear it was surprising how much you could get in it but still it did have it's limitations.

    Only just got my 6ft tall metal cabinet in it and that was after I had dismantled it, ...drilling out rivets etc to make it more or less a flat pack. ;)


    I've spent much of the last few weeks using my Civic as a van while moving house, its incredibly practical :yawn: :yawn:

    • Like 1
  2. The previous owner of my Supra threatened to "beat me up" if he ever saw me again for "ruining" his car :lol:


    i offered to pay for his train ticket to come and see me but he never took me up on the offer :lol:


    Once a car is gone, its gone its no longer your problem. If it pisses you off that much, buy it back :teeth:

    • Like 5
  3. It has taken a couple of dbs off both my 350z and vx220 at static ;)


    Did it take much off?


    I've been looking at wrapping my Tomei exhaust, its a bit too loud so was considering wrapping it from the cats back to the back box but I could never find a definitive answer whether it increased or decreased the noise

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