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Posts posted by JimmyJam75

  1. Don't get me started in the iPhone !!!


    OK, I mean, yes, it really does look brilliant...


    But, my mind was made up when they first came out and I spotted a old work colleague of mine in Sainsburys, with his basket of grocerys over his arm and his iPhone in his hands... checking off the items bought against a recipe in his iPhone..


    oh dear oh dear..

  2. Yup, its full 3G, WAP, Internet etc... it has Google Maps pre-installed, but not a GPS capability. You can synch it to outlook or another organiser, but i dont tend to use it..


    Check out the link and see 'specifications' for full details!


    http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/product ... c=gb&lc=en


    I'm not a fan of Nokia's as I'm not keen on the user interface. I realise its fairly customisable, but I've never been a fan. I use one as a works phone (basic model), and battery wise its excellent, but the UI is a pain..

  3. Can I just hijack the thread for two sec's and give a MASSIVE thumbs up to the Sony Ericsson C902. Got it this morning, and its blown me away.. awesome phone.. half the size of the older K series cybershots.. 5MP + all the works.. I'd have one over a Nokia any day of the week!

  4. me too... I washed the car this weekend, haven't driven it much since, and this morning just put my foot down a little too hard and the back end came out slightly.. ! Damp / cold conditions didnt help though :)

  5. sinbad - 1

    sl114 - 1

    Pingu2 - 1

    lomoto - 2

    Stew - 1

    Trev-the-Rev - 1

    beavis -3

    Zedrush 3

    Nixy - 1

    Stuey - 1

    Ebized - 1

    Ian - 1

    Ross Mac - 1

    Neo - 1

    Digsy - 1

    RickyA -1

    M13KYF - 1

    Andy - 2

    Paul T - 3

    martin 5

    Max 1

    Paul 1

    xstric9x - 2

    ZeddZ - 1

    M350ZB - 1

    mbs -1

    H5 - 1

    JoGo350Z - 2

    Chesterfield - 2

    Chris`I - 1

    Cavey 2

    MAB - 1

    Jimmyjam75 - 1

  6. Hi all !!


    Just a quick question hopefully...


    I've got a loose plate mounting on the front of the Z... I re-tightened the bolt that holds the mouting to the body work but I suspect that it threads directly into the bodywork (or maybe a bit of plastic behind it somewhere) but its still a bit loose..


    Has anyone else had an issue like this? (i'm not bothered about sticking the plate directly to the bodywork; I would just like to secure the mount properly).


    Thanks guys & gals!




  7. Hi sl114.. we're in the process of selling a shared ownership property and know all about the joys of being in a share-ownership.. basically, how much longer everything takes! I can't recommend our solicitor enough - they've been very pro-active and given top advice on our case. They're local to me though, so not sure how this'll work out for you in terms of location. Check out http://www.fosterharrington.co.uk or PM me if you require any other details. :)

  8. I bought mine from new last year, and it's only just turned one year old.. I live in a busy town in the South East and thankfully I've not had any major issues so far.


    The only problem I've had was some sad person pinched my Z value caps when i parked in a multi-story... that'll teach me to buy non-essential 'bling' :) .. so i've stuck some boring black halfrauds specials on instead.


    Some great advice from the guys here is that if you do bling up the Zed, then use them for meets / shows only, and put the boring accessories on for day-to-day use.



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