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Posts posted by AndyC

  1. Hhhuuummmmffffff..........


    Gutted when I see figures like this!!! :lol:


    You must be 50 soon, it'll be cheaper then ??? :p


    You're on a charm offensive this morning aren't you!! :p


    Nope :p


    Its Monday morning :band:


    Same Sarnie, different day :p


    Anyway, I look 23.


    No one date will be suitable for everyone, therefore just pick one and stick to it. The same goes for the venue, you can't please everyone. Just put a flag in the ground and then let people decide whether to come or not :D




    But as mentioned agree certainly agree a poll of dates, maybe just for December would be useful

  3. For the ones I mentioned you'd be looking about 250-300 a night standard rate iirc. There are cheaper deals to be had (for these hotels) through websites, just had a quick check on laterooms and much cheaper there.


    What is increasingly common is serviced apartments - which may be cheaper. And I'm on about real quality apartments mate, not trash. Noticed some on laterooms in Beetham tower (the highest residential building in the country) that Mike mentioned - first 23 floors are Hilton hotel, next 26 floors are flats!


    Or there is The Edge (which is literally next door to the Lowry), lovely spot that mate, river right in front of the building, nice big bridge taking you over onto Deansgate (right in the centre). Fantastic neighbours (in building other side of the hotel), well one in particular anyway :lol:


    There's obviously plenty of other choices there too.


    If you do fancy an apartment let me know, I've got a very good contact for you.


    Then lets keep the Wales drive outs for all the good reasons everyone enjoys them. I don't think this is meant to replace anything that is already done.


    Why not add a big collective at a static show and build up a reputation for the club? :thumbs:


    No quite right mate, I wasn't suggesting otherwise - just saying that it wouldn't necessarily HAVE to be a monster day of driving for people all in 1 day. ASSUMING that a driving day was decided on.


    I'd be well more than happy for any type of joint meet, especially if we get some decent numbers for it :teeth:

  5. Yes indeedy, well done ruby!


    Thanks guys but i wasn't happy with them at all, im sure Andy had to delete a few blurred ones haha. I did hang out the car a few times though to get one or two of them, glad you like em anyway.



    Oh and if i didnt say it earlier.. Thanks Beavis for organising and being "dad" for the day, and thanks to Stuey for leading the flock around the stunning welsh roads. :thumbs::thumbs:


    And last but not least Tim for having the Balls to make us all turn around and get out the traffic jam! Good thinking Batman! :thumbs:


    Only had to delete 1 actually mate (where you got your fat finger in the way!!!!!), you did a sterling job (all things considered ;) )


    I don't think it was anything to do with Tim's balls mate, more his bladder!!!!

  6. I think it depends on what we want it to be.


    If it is a drive out, then that is likely to be based on geography as to whether people can make it. I agree that static meets aren't as much fun as the driving ones.


    The thread is for the north to meet the south. That means some people driving 250 - 300 miles just to meet up. They may want to drive for another few hours, maybe not. I think one big annual meet, to show the club, cars and members would be good. :)


    Good point H5.


    For the members that have had a big trek for the Wales drives then usually they have stayed the night before at least to break it up. That could be an option obviously.


    You're right, it does depend on what we want it to be - poll????

  7. Just after christmas i'm thinking of doing a few drive outs through north Wales (Stuey,,Matt and anybody from around these parts are quite welcome to tag along :thumbs:) to see if i/we can come up with a decent route that involves the least number of junctions/traffic lights and the best roads for the z.


    Shout me up at the time mate :thumbs:

  8. We had a brief chat about this yesterday, really would be a great one to get a joint meet together.


    I'm totally flexible with location, I aint fussy.


    Ideally if we could get some driving in I would prefer that, especially off the back of yesterday!, but that said I can see the benefits of a static. The only downside, I think, with a static show is that if some people want to get off early it can sometimes be difficult.


    Stick your ear next to one of the front speakers with ignition on, headunit off......


    You have BOSE? If so, it's called floor noise and is due to the amp turning itself on whenever the ignition is on, even if the head unit isn't on. All of them do it, and it depends how good your hearing is as to whether you pick it up. It bugs the heck out of me but I want to have the install done properly so have an induction kit to keep me smiling! :thumbs:


    Confirmed H5 - the amp is always on when the ignition is on so the handsfree can still work. That's defo the source of your hissing.

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