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Posts posted by RichieP

  1. To answer the initial question (lol) yes the N95 is a great phone. It is truly fully featured and is as good as any of the other phones around today. I've had mine for 12 months now and not had a single problem with it. The camera on it is fantastic, especially the video recording function. Everything I've recorded on it comes out just as good as my Sony Handycam plus being able to link the phone straight up to a TV is a great way to show your movies without a computer.


    The GPS maps are also very hand and although it may have been me using it wrong but I didn't find the navigation that great. It took me twice as long to do a journey as it did using tomtom so wouldn't put my every confidence in that feature. All the usual stuff: internet, music player, messaging, etc are all good. Battery life isn't as good as other phones but then again it does have a large screen and power for all the applications. All in all its a great phone and it's the longest I've ever kept a phone (my usual is a few months :lol: ).


    I am upgrading soon though as my contract's coming round for renewal and I'm liking the look of the HTC Touch Diamond :teeth:

  2. To be honest, I don't know too much about Final Cut Pro but I know when we hire video editors in, ones with experience in editing on an Avid system seem to get more work as that's becoming more the norm these days. Then again though, if you're freelancing and doing it all on your own system, it doesn't really matter the software as long as the end product looks good :)


    My bro is a wizz at Final Cut and he always raves about the effects and keying you're able to do on it, and it is a considerable amount cheaper than Avid! :teeth:

  3. mm don't think it could be overheating. For example.. I'll go and pick my girlfriend up and she's late out of work. So I'm waiting there 10 minutes with the engine off and the stereo on (ignition is on 1 click). She gets there, I just turn the key, no whirring, chug chug chug chug. Nothing. However, turn the car fully off, take the key out for about 5 seconds, put it back in and turn to 2nd click. Whirring happens and car starts completely as normal.


    Was wondering if its some kind of electrical issue as the car did come fitted with an aftermarket headunit (bizarrely a Clarion double din, commonly sold as an upgrade by Subaru dealerships).


    Oh well, will get it checked over by a mechanic mate. Sods law it won't replicate the problem when I go over there, I bet! :headhurt:

  4. The whole effect is pretty good though.





    and we have the full kit in stock at the moment.


    I so would!


    That is definatly the kit I would go for but promised myself I'd leave it at least a year before I start any major body mods lol


    Out of interest... how much is the full kit? :teeth:

  5. I noticed this ever since about 2 weeks after getting the car. When you turn the key two clicks you get a whirring noise like something is switching on in the back (tank prepping or something, I'm not mechanically minded). Once you hear that noise, car starts just fine. However, I've noticed that sometimes when I pull up somewhere, turn the engine off and then turn it on a bit later, that whirring noise doesn't sound and the engine wont start. Anyone else have this? Is it a JDM issue?

  6. Crappy pun I know but I'm at that crossroads. I've had the JDM for a couple of months and it came pretty much minimum spec so since then I've been planning on bringing it back up to UK spec. So far I've now got the 18" touring wheels on (cheers Ian!) but now I'm wondering whether to put the standard spoiler on it. Will it spoil the smoothness? is there any advantage? Should I wait and see if I want to put a full kit on it at a later date? decisions decisions! :headhurt:




  7. Recently I've totally changed my opinions on cameras. My Nikon D50 SLR has always taken fantastic photos and well worth the money but my girlfriend just bought a Sony Cybershot camera the other day (cant remember the exact model) which is 8 megapixel and a fairly decent spec list and honestly, the photos are almost as good. The Sony was about £130 so it just goes to show that you don't need to spend loads to get some great photos. Now that snapshot camera technology has caught up with SLRs, I think the only reason for going with the later would be for the manual control you have over the shot.


    I'd say take full advantage of the dumbass drones that work in comet/dixons and just test them all out. Its what you feel comfortable with really as most will take a shot that will be more than great when printed up. I mean, how often are you going to be making prints that are bigger than the standard photo frame?

  8. But to be honest, the cheesy disco they do afterwards is always the funniest part of a night in there! :lol:


    Its weird, it must be something common with most comedy clubs as our Jongleurs up here in Leicester does the same thing! Unfortunately I have an aversion to cheese so I usually leave pretty sharpish!


    You're a legend though Stephen! Will definitely see about ordering the dvd. Hope you make a few more trips up here to the midlands & hopefully I'll get to catch your act live :teeth:

  9. The waiting for the parts really sucks but yeah I'm all good now I reckon. Just want to get back in the car!


    Found a course though which I might go on, seems pretty comprehensive:






    Development of advanced observation

    Car stability management

    Power management and control

    Steering methods

    Effective exploitation of gear ratios

    Braking techniques

    Defensive vehicle positioning

    Hazard identification and management

    Bend assessment

    Alternative road positioning methods

    Cornering techniques, which includes the linking of bends

    Acceleration sense

    Overtaking procedures

    Fast road driving (motorways and dual carriageways)

    Third party perception awareness

    Conflict prevention and resolution



    Emergency braking

    Tyre grip trade-off

    Clutch-drag oversteer (RWD cars)

    Power lift oversteer

    Cornering forces

    Vehicle balance and control

    Understeer an oversteer control and avoidance

    Collision avoidance

  10. Yeah I was thinking of doing a course way before I got the car but I think I should defiantly do one now. I haven't really pushed the car since I got it as I wanted to wait to have a track day with it to learn its limits. Not sure what the tyres are, would have a look but its round a mates house in his garage.


    Anyone know of any good courses in the midlands area? or even further afield?

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