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Posts posted by nikos

  1. got an external one from my old boxster - top make, cost over £200, fits a treat for the Z, nice and tight ;) even the wing mirror flaps line up - not breathable - I was advised not to go for one of these as it will encourage you to put it on when wet and grit etc will scratch the car.


    get a second opinion on which cover is best


    Personally not one for a tracker as they are useless if the car is put in a conatiner unit. Police can't pick up the signal and would you really want it back after it's been stolen anyway. It's probably been ragged to sh!t.


    not so my friend - if a joyrider has knicker it he (or she) will torch it to get rid of the evidence, if it was knicked to order or for parts they tend to leave it on a secluded road and keep an eye on it for a couple of days, checking if it has a tracker - if it is still there - bingo!


    either way it isnt in their interest to rag it, unlike the joyriders.


    In my experience the cost od a cheap tracker (£200) is well worth it

  3. Basically they are the only teams that could win all 3 European trophies. Man yoo need to win the eufa to complete all 3, but wouldn't want to be in the comp as it would mean they are not in the chumps league, Arsenal nearly did it last year, City and Everton have both won the cup winners cup, so could do it!!


    Liverpool and Celtic have never won the Cup Winners Cup and as it has now been binned can never complete the treble.

  4. not had the problem myself but I can recommend sandpaper for removing it. Failing that tar remover does the trick too


    yes I would use a wire brush ,if that fails use a rotary one in a drill :thumbs: if that fails try paint stripper ;)


    have to disagree here chaps, a wallpaper scraper and brillo pad seems to work the best for me ;)

  5. Any ideas with the following?


    In London Spurs and Arsenal could do it, as could Chelsea and West Ham.

    Both Manchester City and United could also do it. Everton and Rangers

    could do it, but not Liverpool or Celtic. The only British clubs that

    could do it this season are Man United (who would probably prefer not

    to) and Arsenal (who have gone closest so far and are desperate to do

    it). It would take Everton and City the longest to do it.


    There is only one other British club that could do it. Who are they and

    what is it?

  6. watched the match last night and initially wanted Germany to win but soon shifted allegiances.


    Guess i just favoured the underdog and I did not the Huns' air of arrogance, like they were supposed to win it.


    Italy played much better and were well deserved winners.


    Will be forced to support france tonight (obviously I wouldnt through choice, but due to Portugal being a bunch of 'simulators' and Ronaldo being a to$$er.....)

  7. I think these probably say it all.....


    Me taking a break during tasking in Ireland...



    Looking down the whole in the aircraft floor as we pick up an underslung load....



    The sun comes up in Iraq after a long night....




    doesnt this contravene the official secrets act?

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