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Posts posted by Lexx

  1. To be honest it's all a ballache, be much better if could upload direct to this site but I guess that would need tonnes of storage for all Dan's cat pictures :lol:


    This is a regular comment we receive.

    But as you say, the storage we would need is huge. Also all by hosting the pics on 3rd party sites our servers don't take the strain of retrieving and displaying the images.

    The cost of the upgrades to accommodate pic hosting just isn't possible as we are free to the users here. Our only income is from the traders and wouldn't cover such a massive increase in cost.

    • Like 1
  2. Hello

    I'd like to attend but just during the day event as I will probably be bringing my 3 year old (who loves cars already). My question is I'd like to park along with everyone else at Millennium Place but will it be possible to leave early if necessary or will I be blocked in? And what's the cost to attend the day please?

    Thanks, Iain.


    It should be possible to leave early. I am hoping to be able to park everyone in such a way that people can move. Although in special circumstances I will ensure a small number of people are guaranteed easy departure (will have to be confirmed with me well in advance).


    There is NO cost for members only attending the day event at the museum.

  3. That's a good deal Adrian. Although I have family who work for Nissan so I can get a better Friends and Family discount than that.

    Still not sold on the Mk3 looks. Something just isn't right about that back end. Let me know how you get on with it though :thumbs:

  4. In the new year I'll be looking at getting a support car to the family mini-bus (alhambra).

    Top of the list is a Nissan X-Trail from circa 2012 (definitely not the new model as it's hideous).

    Anyone here got any experience of owning one? I test drove the 170bhp diesel about 4 years ago and found it pleasant enough to drive but wondering what it's like to live with day to day.

    It'll be doing regular 300 trips to Aberdeen.


    Cheers in advance.

  5. The LS3 is an amazing engine. I had one in my VXR8. Early C6 have the LS2 though.

    Original clutches can be a tad weak, so look to upgrading to a LS7 clutch.

    Interior of the c6 is way ahead of the c5 but still feels tacky compared to any eurobox.

    Go onto the corvette forums for more info. Be aware though that they are not always the friendliest bunch and they expect people to search the forum for an answer before asking a question.

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  6. Just checked my account out of curiosity and I have a 10GB limit. Though don't have a pro account.

    Although I have had an account for as long as PB has been around. So maybe that'll explain it.

    Anyway. No idea how to assist with your particular issue Colin.

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