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Posts posted by Maggz

  1. 1 minute ago, Jetpilot said:

    Dont forget Poland in there too......


    Thats the interesting point now, hindsight is a wonderful thing and i would assume after seeing our attempts if any other member states go to the vote they pretty much know, if they want "out out", thats its, no deals, so will be a pretty clear vote for whatever country.

    This here will probably be the only benefit and the only good thing Brexit actually achieved. It's a shame it's a benefit for the EU and not us 

  2. 8 minutes ago, SuperStu said:

    Let’s keep it friendly chaps, there’s Twitter for slagging off remainers/leavers [delete as appropriate].

    In case this was about me, my apologies, certainly didn't mean to slag of anyone. 


    37 minutes ago, Jetpilot said:

    I voted leave, i personally really dont care if you like it or think its valid or justified

    Why justified or valid? I've only seen fishing quotas as a reason, and negotiations which have not started when the vote happened. So if you don't mind, apart from the fishing quotas, what else was a problem with the UKs membership? Genuinely interested

  3. 2 minutes ago, Jetpilot said:

    I really cant be bothered for this thread to descend into the previous Brexit thread where we all argue and condemn each other for the way we cast our votes.


    I voted leave, i personally really dont care if you like it or think its valid or justified :thumbs:


    However i am interested in peoples thoughts as per the first post, if it can be kept on topic great, if not please feel free to lock it down mods.



    No one is arguing or condemning anyone. It's called talking and stating positions.

    Although funnily you were the first one who started bashing on a person, or in this case a trader, the one person who doesn't want that. Funny right?

    • Haha 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Jetpilot said:

    Unfortunately Adrian you dont ever seem to be say anything for yourself, just post inflammatory links to things you think are clever etc If you dont have anything to say yourself, like the last Brexit thread, i would suggest saying nothing at all, i was hoping for some sensible comments/thoughts on the topics raised.

    So you'd like traders stating their personal political views? Hilarious. I'm surprised he even comments at all. 


    3 minutes ago, Jetpilot said:

    No and funnily enough this whole episode is exactly why i wanted to part ways from the EU, i think it just goes to show how much power the EU has over us when we cant even get close to what "we" want. However futile my vote has been, i still wouldnt change my decision

    What are you talking about? The UK was a part of a union where it got loads of benefits, for which it had to pay just like every other member based net contribution rules which are there for all. 

    Then a group of politicians with 0 expertise and knowledge about anything started convincing people that the UK is better off alone, which is fine... freedom of speech and all. But when it turned out we'll not be better off alone, everyone started losing their @*!#, blaming the EU about everything. 

    It's simple, we want to stay in, fine. We want to go out, do a hard brexit. But seriously, what did you expect, that the EU will go over and beyond just to help the UK exit a union which was formed in order to prevent Europe going down the right wing nationalistic route and start any new wars? 

    Also when 2 people get divorced...did you ever hear one offering everything the other one wants when it's actually in their detriment? 

    I mean don't get me wrong, I'd have loved the EU giving us everything we wanted, but I actually live in the real world where unicorns and rainbows dont solve all our problems. 

    What "we" want means nothing, when we're the ones leaving, even though they wanted us to stay. Also the amount of whining the UK does is hilarious. The UK had the best negotiated terms of all EU members and we still left crying and are blaming Europe for everything. 


    I know you probably won't read this, but you really should and potentially reconsider your opinion on why the EU is important for the UK. 



    Or not and keep talking about fishing quotas while the UK declines for a decade or two while consuming US chlorinated chickens, fracking and Australian steroid beef, while we secretly privatise (or open) the NHS for the US companies

  5. This will of the people bit is strange. It mattered 2 years ago, but not anymore. I was convinced either matters or doesn't. 
    If it doesn't the UK parliament should just disregard the vote, as due to the principle of parliamentary sovereignty it cannot be constitutionally binding on either the Government or Parliament. Also the only reason we have a parliament is so they can spend ALL their time figuring out what's best for the country, and not just ask the nation who knows nothing about the legal, financial and trade complexity. 

    As it turns out nothing what was promised will be achieved or delivered, I'm wondering why no one is saying the decision to stop Brexit would be in the national interest, as it's clear it would be.
    Now, if the will of the people does matter, and the people were scammed and lied to, they should be able to linch  the liars and change their mind, therefore a new remain or leave referendum should take place.

    But saying the will of the people only matters at a single point in time 2 years ago is asanine in my honest opinion.

    Another thing which people don't talk about, and really should, is that our government is responsible for managing the country, meaning budgets, infrastructure, social care, health care, and so on. Migration has been on the increase for a decade, majority of migrants (not ilegal immigration) are employed, meaning they're all paying taxes, so why aren't we holding the government responsible for utterly failing at spending the money on all services which are impacted by the increased numbers? How is it ok that we're blaming migration and not the people in charge? Why did we vote to leave and punish the next two generations with economic downfall, instead of voting these tools out?


    I'm confused as hell, none of this makes any sense. I'm hoping a strong brexiteer will be able to explain the benefits of what we're doing 

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, GranTurismoEra said:

    I listed mine on ebay a while back just got timewasters. one guy messaged me like 5 times wanting to pay £500...


    then i realised i might buy it again so just took it off

    Yeah I got a guy bidding 500 for the 4th time now, but I'm not too bothered.

    Got till spring to sell it and buy something else.

  7. 21 hours ago, dave_7 said:

    I've also still got the stock nismo system in the shed if you after something quiet? obviously is not worth anywhere near as much as the short tails so i wouldn't expect you to swap though

    I own a 67 plate Nismo, so I'm looking for something which could potentially replace the stock Nismo exhaust I'm using now.


    I'll take a pass on the Cobra for now, but I'd probably swap it in a heartbeat for the ark grip you got, hell I'd probably even pay you a bit extra for it  :teeth:

  8. 1 minute ago, GranTurismoEra said:

    my neighbour said he didnt mind it, because after 45 seconds it dies down and sounds sporty. but hes a petrolhead. youll notice the standard exhaust feels more powerful even though its added weight...but way to suv sounding for me. 


    I once dropped my cousin off at midnight you could hear a pin drop. I had the stock exhaust switched the car on and he said it sounded beasty. For me its more reserved and suv like. almost doesnt suit a sports car.

    Nismo is definitely too quiet stock, and I'll definitely try a few other exhausts during my ownership. I just need to find something which won't annoy me and my elderly neighbors, while still sounding good on WOT. 


    I'm also putting intakes on this weekend which should help with the sound a bit :lol:

  9. 2 hours ago, GranTurismoEra said:

    why you selling if you still got the car? too loud?

    It's my daily commuter, my weekend toy and my prescious. But on a Monday morning at 6 it's just too loud. I'm being told by everyone I'm too old for sports cars :lol:

    But people on the streets and even my missus loved it, so maybe I am too old 

  10. Btw I'm selling AAM resonated short tails Nismo fitment, titanium burnt tips for £700 if you want loud and good looking. Only did 200 miles with it.

    Price not final, post is on 370z parts section.


    Congrats on the purchase btw. I got the same car and it's absolutely a riot to drive. I'm sure you'll absolutely love it!

  11. 2 hours ago, Jay84 said:

    My lazy teens mate lives on your street, I'll send them round early to give a wake up call :lol:. @Maggz how does a 6:30 LFE departure sound? 

    I'm not bringing any shirts unless people want a 350z T, if so let me know. 

    If I'm not there by 6.30 leave without me. The 6.45 was already an inhumane hour for my missus, but I'll do my best to be on time in any case :teeth:

    • Haha 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Jay84 said:

    We ended up leaving LFE services at 6:30 for japfest and there wasn't much of a queue. I think it'll be about 6:45 as I pass Leicester 

    Alright, let me make sure my missus can get ready in the required time before I commit to anything :blush:

    But it sounds like we could definitely meet there at 6.45 



  13. I'm taking m52 to M1 but we could potentially meet at the Leicester services? 

    No idea about time though, I thought I'd leave my house at 6.15, so could be at Leicester east forest service at 6.45(ish), which means arriving at Silverstone a bit before 8


    Not sure if that's too late, never been to Trax before so no idea how crowded it'll be at 8(ish)

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