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Posts posted by nub

  1. Well if I'm honest, I think that system is almost identical to my Fast Intentions in terms of the size of the silencers, only they're positioned differently. If I'm right then you're looking at the same volume as my setup, which is a bit loud for me but it's only cold starts than are really loud, any other time, even WOT it's not too bad. I may be wrong, in outwit judging in the number and size of the silencer boxes. The majority of other cat back systems are similar in this way only varying slightly in size or the back boxes being position either parallel like this, or in a V angle, like Ark Grip. The first set of silencers are barely any wider than the 2.5" pipe itself, the same with my FI. However the Ark Grip has both those sets plus an additional two Helmholtz resonators, the same ones that help to quiet down your ART pipes only larger which is why I'm aiming to trade for a hopefully quieter Ark Grip. Looks like you got a good deal nonetheless and it may be perfect for you to be honest. It's definitely not a loud cat back as cat backs go. But not the quietest either and if used with decats.



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  2. Done a few overtaking manoeuvres and thought I shouldn't have done that, not that it was very very close, but close enough to worry the oncoming driver which is inconsiderate. And in my younger days I have done worse in different cars. However more often than not, I'll do an overtaking manoeuvre seeing oncoming traffic but well aware of my cars performance I know that I'll easily pull it off, but it's the other driver that panics excessively, immediately starts flashing and pulling over on the side. From their perspective, thsy don't know I can do 60-100mph in a few seconds. ;)



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  3. There are newer ones without Sat Nav.

    Sat Nav was only fitted as standard on the GT from about late 2013 or from 2014. When I got mine in March 2013 it was an extra cost option which brought it up to about the same price as the GT Edition which had it fitted as standard so one reason I got the GT Edition.


    I got myself a GT Edition few months ago, having no idea what it was, paid 16k for it with FSH, 2011, 2 owners, 16k miles on the clock, Uprev map to around 350bhp, fast intentions cat back and HFC. and I would like to see some others and what has been done to them! My first exterior mod will be get the wheels matte black and spacers. So far I've put motordyne ART pipes on it and I'll put an Ark Grip and Z1 induction before remapping with ECUtek! Oh and I'd like to have 2015 nismo front and back splitters



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  4. That's great to hear as I plan on getting an ECUtek remap for that reason mainly but I need Z1 Intake and to swap my exhaust first. I was even considering an inlet like my friend was selling his motordyne rev2, apparently good for 10-15bhp. I'm at around 350bhp right now, I'd like to get 370. Can I ask how you're 475 bhp, some kinda FI surely! With the TC can you put your foot to the floor and it repeatedly cuts ignition until you're not spinning up up to speed ?



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  5. snip


    My FN2 made 230lbft, and 200lbft from 3500 but that felt a bit quicker than my current 370z @ 304whp, must be because it's 200kg lighter , oh and the gearing was a lot shorter even with my longer FD. Is there a roots or twinscroll charger made by someone?



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    Ello mate, sorry missed this question, yes, there is a roots type supercharger, made by stillen. Many people hate it because it doesn't make as much peak power as the centrifugal ones, and requires hood and strut brace modification to fit. However, it does have a very nice plot, lots of nice low end torque, even if it does lack a bit at the top end. I loved my Eaton roots 'charged cooper S, it was a madman from any revs, just put your foot on the floor and hold on for dear life!


    That's exactly the same as my FN2 CT Roots charger. It would probably max out at around 370-380bhp charge cooled with an optimum setup. But importing it from the US made it way more expensive than Rotrex Centrifugal. Plus with an average non charged cooled setup, it would tend to make not much more than 300bhp (my friend made 330) whereas the cheaper Rotrex would make nearer 400. Obviously BRexit has made all US manufactured products a lot of expensive and unappealing. Yet comparing the power delivery, on an NA 2.0ltr even at lesser psi and much less BHP, the roots makes power and torque way further down, like I said over 200lbft from 2000-3000rpm is possible. The Rotrex might only make 130-140lbft at the same point. A 60-70lbft difference in torque is hugely noticeable when the little engine only makes 140lbft peak at 7000rpm from the factory. The roots chargers simply pull very hard low down. However there' a limit to how much low down torque you're making, more so on FWD and RWD. Too much and you'll just spin up in the first 3 gears.

    So on the 370z I'd say it already has a decent amount of low down torque, as you approach 400bhp NA on good road tyres I guess you're near or perhaps beyond the limits of traction in 2nd gear, certainly 1st. I'm not sure as mine only makes about 350bhp and I'm new to the scene so I know nothing of forced induction setups and any boost control options on the ECU. So in that way a centrifugal power delivery is probably better to make use of the power in lower gears unless you have a great boost by gear or TC system that can effectively control it without slowing the car down further. Yet in the higher gears, having the low/mid range torque is great. I saw a twin turbo 370z vs a bunch of cars and the pulling power was immense once it was rolling, on the K20 the roots charge made even more low torque than few turbo kits that would come on at around 5k onwards.

    Anyway, I think a 370z with 500bhp roots charges for example would surely make too much low down torque to handle without boost limiting and ofc in the states many build their cars purely for highway racing like 80-200mph lol so it doesn't really matter. I love the idea or a twin turbo or Supercharged 370 @ around 500bhp but it would depend on how reliable the kits are and the engine. And even the centrifugal chargers add some power low end, maybe not enough to pull from 2000rpm but a big improvement over stock? The little bullet proof 2.0 4cyl K20 can handle 400bhp no problem on stock internals. I think the S2k has forged internals



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  6. Your best option to keep as much power is probably a stock nismo exhaust, or find out which is the quietest after market cat back. I don't intend to track but I'm gonna change my Fast Intentions to ark grip as it should be similar but a bit quieter. Shockwave is my favourite but I just can't go even louder



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  7. If the tdx2 cat back is the same as the shockwave for the 370z then there's no chance of passing. It's one of the loudest combos you can get, just look at it, it only has one singIe straight through silencer the back, plus the two chambers which are great, but dont reduce the decibels dramatically. I recently swapped FI HFCs for motordyne ART pipes on my 370z. I also have a FI cat back which would be a fair bit quieter than shockwave. With the ART pipes added, overall it got slightly louder than the HFC but also reduced certain frequencies and sounded much nicer with the Helmholtz chambers. At WOT motordyne shockwave plus ART Pipes is mental according to the YouTube videos I've seen.



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  8. I remember years ago for my Bosc monitor I had a heater that was auto controlled by Thermostat like it turns off when it reaches the specified temp. You want side hotter than the other I.e under the light should be the warmest side, even if he does not bask. Then the opposite side could 10f cooler if possible. It's not that difficult to achieve, a heat mat is an option but may not be necessary. Over heating is more dangerous obviously as it could die. If the temps are slightly too low then it's metabolism will slow down and it won't eat as much or grow as fast. If it's way too low then long term it would stunt its growth. Snakes are not my thing but you clearly know what you're doing plus there's many guides and resources online. I'd search for one specific to that species.



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  9. That looks much better mate. Do they need UVB/UVA bulb? They can be expensive but vital for diurnal reptiles and/or those that bask. They can't make their vitamin D3 without sunlight or artificial bulbs and would suffer metabolic bond disease or other deficiency . But many other reptiles don't need it. You have some kinda guide right or book on pythons, to tell you what ambient temps you need?

    I did enjoy having bearded dragons but my favourite are monitor lizards. Either savanna, nile monitor, black and white tegu or even an ackies monitor which is small species yet behave the same. Monitors are the most intelligent lizards and aside from basking, they actively hunt so they're very different to others lizards. Always very inquisitive and would happily explore the house if they are tame and you allow it. Flicker their tongues like snakes to smell the air. Would love to have one but for the bigger species over 6ft enclosures are needed really.

    Chameleons are very interesting too, although not for beginners



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  10. Is the EML on in the photo or is that just when the ignition is turned on?


    If this is of any help I paid £16,000 for a 2011 plate white "GT Edition" which is apparently over £2500 more than a regular GT when bought brand new, has improved suspension plus some other minor upgrades over a regular GT. It had 16,000 miles, 2 previous owners, FSH, Fast intentions cat back & HFC wth uprev abbey remap to 304whp (340-350bhp) with print out. Condition was immaculate, minor kerbing only. I'm totally in agreement over the exhaust but sometimes non enthusiasts and first time Z owners prefer a completely stock car. I think if anything mine was too cheap though


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    Yes mate the EML shows when just the electrics are on ie. the engine isn't running so no worries there. Sounds like you got a bargain. I'm still fairly confident I've priced it reasonably by all means if anyone does want to make an offer then I will certainly listen.


    Without the exhaust the car is just nowhere near as good if people want a stock one then fair enough..they can go buy one and then later find out (like I did) that it needs an upgrade.


    Extra £900 to fork out after purchase 😜



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    Totally agree with ya, maybe do some driveby videos or some like I've done. I did a fantastic ad for my Supercharged FN2 and it sold for full asking price. The dude even transferred me the full amount £13,500 without viewing, and he paid me £500 to transport it to Wales. And this was just before Xmas too! So I was rather lucky, but I'd say it's still not the best time to sell a car. I haven't read your ad properly but you need to advertise it on pistonheads and as many other sites. If you want me to write you a really extensive advert, I could do so if you pay me after the successful sale 😀. But I haven't read your ad and it might be very good anyway. I actually sold a supercharger for a guy I don't even know. I wrote a very comprehensive advert because I was one of the few people with knowledge of the charger, it sold for £2300 with a queue of other buyers and it was agreed I would get £50 for the sale, so I was pleased with that and I think I'm pretty good at writing persuasive ads, even manipulative. I should be a car salesman 😊ðŸ‘

    I took the deposit from the buyer and transferred it to the owner (minus £50) and neither of them had I ever met before 😀


    Just had a quick look and your ad looks good enough to me. I could link you to my huge ad but you can't view it unless you sign up to the forums. If you want to read mine for inspiration then let me know and I can show you the link. You might end up wanting to buy it yourself 😀. Plus my FN2 was a very specialised car and warranted such a huge ad. If you have not already then definitely put the ad on pistonheads. I think it's definitely worth writing as much as possible to make your ad stand out, it also gives potential buyers more confidence when you've really made an effort with your ad. People told me it was too long, but I got full asking price within a few weeks so I'm laughing 😀



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  11. Is the EML on in the photo or is that just when the ignition is turned on?


    If this is of any help I paid £16,000 for a 2011 plate white "GT Edition" which is apparently over £2500 more than a regular GT when bought brand new, has improved suspension plus some other minor upgrades over a regular GT. It had 16,000 miles, 2 previous owners, FSH, Fast intentions cat back & HFC wth uprev abbey remap to 304whp (340-350bhp) with print out. Condition was immaculate, minor kerbing only. I'm totally in agreement over the exhaust but sometimes non enthusiasts and first time Z owners prefer a completely stock car. I think if anything mine was too cheap though


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  12. That's a lovely little python. I've had a few snakes but many other reptiles. Looking at the setup, id suggest first of all lots of false plants and:or sturdy branches up top as I'd guess the snake is semi arboreal and you're wasting so much space up there that can be utilised if it is allowed to climb. So get as much stuff near the top and walls as you can whilst still giving it space on the floor. Also, although it looks good, you want more hiding places, one at the coldest point in the vivarium (if appears you have done this) and at least one where he/she is entirely unseen and out of your view. It will make the snake feel more secure, at the moment it seems like it has little choice but to be on show all the time, even the smaller thing is facing you. By that I mean, even when under the wood, you can still see eachother. Easily solution is to place a few more similar things he can go under and make sure at least one of them gives him complete security in terms of not being on view - it could be as simple as turning the wood around a bit more so the opening faces the back or side not the front. Or get a second one that does that. Once it feels safe it'll come explore more by choice. This may not be an issue at all but it applies to all reptiles and if they have no choice but to be on show all of the time it can become stressed and it could become nervous and hostile as an adult - again, this might not be an issue but it applies to many reptiles. Also many snakes will sit entirely inside their water bowl if it's large enough. I'd also go for a more tropical look, it looks better and probably resembles where it might live on the wild. I guess you don't want it too cluttered but if it were me I'd add false branches etc on one side all the way to the top. That looks more like a great bearded dragon setup right now, but it's not wrong to have a basking spot like that I'm sure. 😊

    Not trying to sound condescending btw, your best bet is to Google a care guide on that particular species. There will be loads of good info. But clearly you've done some research already and bought good stuff and you probably already planned to add more decor. I know more about lizards, having had many species including chameleons and a savanna monitor. I can just see the snake climbing happily if you gave him the opportunity, especially why it's small. If like a rattlesnake it's not a semi arboreal species then ignore what I've said but my guess is that it is. This kinda makes me wanna buy another reptile, though the stuff I'm interested in requires huge vivariums ðŸ˜



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  13. I made a big post on this but I don't know what happened to it. What about vents like this where the bonnet elevates followed by a vent, which may create an area of lower pressure where the hot air can escape. This is still just a theory and I reckon at speed bonnet vents are not so effective. Scoops are another matter though, one low on the bonnet must surely bring cool air into the bay and reduce the temp under the bonnet. Normally they're designed for scoops and intercoolers. I'm sure having no bonnet on at all would make a difference ;)





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  14. Get the tips rolled,easily done.


    Would it not make it shorter ? I've no idea how it's done lol and I'd be afraid to mess it up. I can live with the regular tips, in fact if there was a way to have the Motordyne shockwave and add another pair of mufflers somewhere in the system to quieten it down then I'd do it. But it wouldn't be worth the cost plus there's no space without chopping it up, which I wouldn't do as it's a work of art. If only motordyne had made a quieter version the same style as Ark Grip I think many would have purchased it. The ART Pipes plus Shockwave CBE is a great combo for gains but things must be quite different in the US with their modding scene. Because over here I think your typical enthusiast won't tolerate an exhaust system that loud. It's not even that bad inside the cabin when just cruising at least my GT Edition has a lot of sound deadening and even WOT is much quieter inside the cabin with the windows closed. But where I'm staying at the moment in a detached quiet suburban house I cannot imagine the havoc that cold starts would unleash with a motordyne shockwave ART pipe combo. At best I'd get some polite letters put through the letter box asking me to make my car quieter, it wouldnt take more than a few days. in a worse neighbourhood it's simply a matter of time before the neighbours get pi**ed enough to vandalise the car. So yeah, my current FI setup is reasonable, but I can't understand how anyone could live with a shockwave levels of volume I guess the bloody clue is in the name lol.


    More than likely I will have to buy an ARK Grip, brand new or used and sell my FI. The last one sold on this forum 3-4 months ago for £800. So considering the Fast Intentions Cat back costs several hundred GBP more to begin with, I think £900 is a decent price if it's in great condition and as it's so rare and exclusive. The last FI CBE I found sold on here in 2015 I think and that sold for £800, but it did not have the carbon mufflers which are +$300 option. I enquired with one of the guys at Torqen or Tarmac sports to get me a quote and they didn't get me an exact price but I think they said you're looking at around £1800 to buy this exhaust over here. I'm not saying it's good value at all, but we all know the poor GBP to USD has increased prices on all the US made exhausts. Motordyne Shockwave is over £1900 , you can buy a cheap car for that, my little Honda Jazz runner only cost me £1500 😀


    So I'll keep this thread open in case someone comes a long willing to do this specific trade, otherwise it'll be for sale one day in the future. I'll emphasise to keep the mods happy that this is NOT a for sale thread and it's not for sale yet as I have nothing to replace it with, hence this being a swap topic ;)



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