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Everything posted by matt3579

  1. i see the light up red one you have, how much are those ones or is it the same price. and could you do in blue? thanks matt
  2. 1. tommoger 2. allaboutthepasty 3. massingham 4.Andy10v 5. SuperStu 6.matt3579
  3. ok so my jap crap has no cruise contol is it possible to fit it to a model without it as standard and what is needed and how? many thanks mat
  4. do you have these in a nissian badge rather than the "z"?
  5. 350z DE Motordyne Engineering 5/16" Iso Thermal Plenum Spacer hey do you have these in stock and do they come with instructions? and roughly how long would long say they take to fit ?
  6. i would also be intrested if theres any left? pm me please if you do
  7. hi all Im looking for some rays alloys prefurbly in black with good tyres but im open to whatever you have as i can always refub and put new tyres on. Im also looking for the brembos all round let me know what you have and prices please Many thanks Matt
  8. matt3579

    Spacer size

    ok so 20 front and 25 on the rear for 18's i currently have the 17's (jap import) would it still be the same 20 and 25 as im looking to upgrade to 18's either rotas or rays and dont wanna have to shell for lots of spacers so is possible to have them with the 17's thanks guys
  9. awesome thats good news on the brembos do they need diffrent brake lines or are they the same on both?
  10. Hi everyone picked up my 350 in blue on thursday and ive been serching the web for info but cant seem to find what im looking for maybe you guys would be able to help me? ive managed to get rid of the dodgy headunit and sort out the no sound issue after a half hour of playing with wires lol but firstly, i dont know what model i have ...? bose surround sound and heated leathers im thinking the model t ....? it is an import version 2003 plate secondly brembo brakes i dont have any i gather i would need to change pads and disks to but are they a straigh swap or is there anything else i need? and finally the dash pods mine shows kmph but is showing my speed in mph as it matchs the speedo which shows mph is this cus its jap or can i buy a uk spec cluster that would show a digital mph ? many thanks in advance guys matt
  11. matt3579

    azure blue xena

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