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Posts posted by Oggieteepo

  1. Hi,


    I have been in conversation with Viper Performance about silicone coolant Hoses for the VQ35DE. I have asked about a group buy discount and have agreed the following with their representative. The following is a direct cut from my latest email.



    ​Hi Edd,

    we used to sell this kit at £79 inc vat.


    With regards to making new batch I will need 5-6 weeks lead time

    from payment to produce, we will also be able to offer Blue, Red, Black

    in addition since we will make a fresh batch we can also do Yellow,

    Green, Purple, Orange. Can be done at 30% extra.


    An minimum order for 10 pcs will be £45 each kit inc vat

    An order for 20+ pcs is £38 each kit.

    30+ £35.50



    <Message ends>



    They have some videos on the website and I have heard their products are reputable but have not personally dealt with then before; they do offer a lifetime warranty.


    I am relatively new to this forum so can appreciate if there is a lack of trust and would be willing to work alongside a longer term member in the Chichester area should that be an issue. As the email States I will need to take delivery (at additional cost which will vary depending on number of items) and will then need to re-distribute at the buyers cost although I don't know exactly how much they will be until I find out what size parcel they will fit in or how heavy they are so budget an additional £5-6 per item unless collecting from Chichester/Portsmouth or Worthing area unless there are opportunities to distribute in person or via attendees at a local events through the permission of the buyer.


    No mark-up of my own applied I'm not in it for that.


    I'm on my mobile and have a stock picture of the item in my email I can try to attach this later but it's a 4 piece kit.


    I don't have a limited time frame from the supplier but for the sake of interest I am thinking a suitable closing date for names will be 15th May as I'd like to have it sorted by then taking payments the following week looking to send the order (if there is enough interest) to the company on Fri 22nd May.


    Edit: might have been a little eager on the dates so moved them back a week to give people the opportunity to put money aside/get paid etc.


    Edit, Edit: and changed my mistake in the Vat.


    Edit, Edit, Edit: and changed wording and spelling mistakes after working off a mobile for the past couple of days.

  2. It helps if you're quite mechanically minded. In my opinion when your looking for cars around this value the depreciation has happened.


    Save yourself a considerable amount by learning how to do servicing and annual consumables yourself.


    *of which you are already in the right place for



  3. Welcome Louise,


    To look out for? Hmm.. perhaps enjoying it too much? Shop about, check the history, factor in consumables with the age and mileage, there are a few knocks that can happen such as "banana arms"... use the forum as your bible and you probably wont go wrong.


    Anyway, if you get one.. I will probably see you about as I'm only up the road just outside of Chi, in fact there's a few of us around these parts!

  4. I cant goto the show as I'm busy from midday but might bring my pretty standard car along for the cruise along the A27 from Portsmouth to Chichester for the hell of it.


    ... Although that's pretty fecking early lol

  5. Yeah, I guess that's not too bad.. the fine is £60 in itself, or at least it was when I last got points.



    £100 for a fixed penalty fine these days.




    Say Whaaaat.... Bloody inflation, the speed awareness it is!



    Look at the positive - that's about a tank full of petrol, that you could be using and then pick up another ticket ;)


    Well that's a downward spiral..


    Rabbit: always the way mate.

  6. Hi, yes we can sort a oil change no problem. We use Millers oil which is very good.


    We are not lovers of moly slip as the synchro's use friction to work properly if you add the moly slip this can undermine the works of the synchro.


    Feel free to give us a ring @ Abbey to discuss further.


    Number below




    As someone who will be changing all my oils myself in the next few weeks this is interesting as there have been some positive comments within this forum regarding the use of Moly.


    I don't have any gear change issues so would I be better simply swapping the gearbox oil leaving Moly out but if an issue arises consider moly, seems more of a reactive process than preventative though.



  7. I applied the following code to get an extra 10% off and it worked when adding to basket. (i didn't actually purchase as going to pay later on, but worth a go)




    Edit: I used the code and seems to have worked... I did get an error message when I checked out (opting for reserving the items for collection tomorrow) but have a text with a process order number.



    • Like 1
  8. Yeah, I guess that's not too bad.. the fine is £60 in itself, or at least it was when I last got points.



    £100 for a fixed penalty fine these days.




    Say Whaaaat.... Bloody inflation, the speed awareness it is!


    My insurance didn't change at all for having 3 points but as you can tell that was a fair few years ago now.

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