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Posts posted by ConnorW06

  1. Can't say I hold out total hope for resolution but it does appear to be a step in the right direction as J17 tactic previously has been total stonewall so perhaps the endless bad reviews are finally hitting home.


    I know what you mean, I'm not holding my breath with any of these promises but i'm genuinely hoping that they can reclaim what little is left of their after sales reputation. And that my review isn't considered the 'norm', fingers crossed! I've just posted an update which unfortunately is looking a little bleak to say the least!


    I hope they resolve your issues. Maybe they will change but it's only by people speaking out on this 'malicious forum' (yes they call it that) that J17 can see what damage they are doing to their already questionable reputation.


    Thanks David, I sure hope so too. I can believe they call this a malicious forum, I think its mainly due to them not having any positive feedback on here, but they're the only ones responsible for their reputation and after sales feedback. It's truly a shame that someone like myself and others would even need to go to somewhere like this to get our issues resolved, even though many people have been left out to dry it seems! I've posted an update as to where I am currently, and i'm not really any further forward unfortunately.

  2. Afternoon all,


    My issue with the warranty wasn't that they aren't willing to replace the arms or bushes like for like, it's that they have said they would replace the whole arm for a genuine article if this "OEM additional pack" option was offered and selected when the vehicle was purchased, and that option wasn't offered to me.



    I do have an update though:


    Jamie from Junction 17 has been in contact, and he is trying to resolve the issues mentioned above with the directors which I truly appreciate. As the bad service wasn't induced by him or the sales team what so ever, it was the management side.

    - They have agreed to forward the cost of the brake pads replacement as a good will gesture, for the bad service I have received. For which I am very grateful for, as I wasn't expecting any compensation what so ever. And after speaking with the general manager originally, I thought his verdict of the £17.50 pads was the bottom line which I didn't accept.

    - As i'm getting the replacement genuine Nissan arms with bushes fitted tomorrow, they have asked to be forwarded a copy of the bill I'll be getting so they can ring the warranty company and investigate why the OEM parts option wasn't offered. As I've been told, Junction 17 have never heard of this option, and as far as they know cannot even offer it to their customers. I've been told they will be fighting my corner, as they were also under the impression genuine parts were included with the ultimate cover. As the warranty can go through main dealerships, If I would have brought my car to Nissan, they wouldn't have used after market parts would they?

    - I've also been told the General Manager is going to be spoken to, regarding the way he has communicated with me, and how brash and unprofessional he has been. Also the reason why he didn't even offer a middle ground, or better option when I refused the £17.50 pads after the MOT didn't pick up the sub 1mm rear pads.



    I'll be sure to keep everyone updated as and when I get updates from them. But for now Jamie and the directors seem genuinely bewildered why both situations I have had were handled in such a poor way, when they should have been rectified with a matter of a few phone calls.



    Fingers crossed they keep to their word!

  3. Yeah exactly, my thoughts were reassured by the salesman and their false promises about their stellar after sales helped seal the deal for me. Its a shame a business can still be operating after all the bad feedback they've received.


    But looking onwards, I've learnt from my mistake and created this review just so everyone can see from start to finish what my experience was with them. Hopefully it will help someone make a decision to use them, or not use them for purchasing their car. Truly love the car and compared to some on this forum it does seem like I got away lightly, as the repair was work carried out. As I know some have been left with empty promises which is terrible.


    I live in the Sudbury/Bury area so not sure how far away that is from yourself?

  4. Afternoon Migwel, I was in the same boat. After seeing the car with the different alloys (I believe they are GT4 alloys but I could be wrong) and with low mileage, sat nav and the alezan leather I knew it was the car for me. It's just come as a real surprise how much they lull you into a false sense of security before purchasing the vehicle, I usually don't get suckered into that sort of thing and unfortunately this time I did.

  5. Hi guys, the tyres had been replaced as requested and the dents almost completely removed when I went to pick the car up. So on that front and before paying for the car all was going perfectly well, and I was impressed with the service I had received. It was once I had paid for the vehicle the service changed dramatically. The price I paid for the vehicle isn't my concern, as it was exactly what I was after with low mileage and one of the last years, not to mention only being 19 at the time insurance for a 370 was going to be £8000 a year haha! I have absolutely no issue spending money on something I think is a good deal, and I still believe the car was. It was the service that followed that has me truly disappointed, especially after being so different from what I experienced all the way through.


    Any way I can get this copied to the other topic? Or should I just copy it over?

  6. 100% with you mate. I've always been a firm believer of people telling the truth and not beating around the bush. It's understandable that a warranty can't cover everything, and a garage can only offer so much, but to say one thing to a customer and once they've signed the dotted line change what they've said and promised you entirely, isn't on, and they should be brought to light for it.


    Other than the pads and bushes compared to some on here I've read, it seems like I got off fairly lightly. See there's a chap with a tear in his roof that never got sorted, absolutely disgusting.

  7. Evening Ricey.


    I honestly wish I would have done some research before hand and given them a Google, instead of being blinded by the initial impression of the showroom and how polite and helpful they were. It is a shame but I just wanted to share my experience like many others have too. Hopefully it may help someone make the decision to not use them in the future.

  8. I'll apologise for the length of this topic before I start, but I wanted to share my experience from Junction 17 cars - Peterborough for everyone to see.



    3 months ago I purchased a 350z, 09 plate from Junction 17 – Peterborough…


    And like the majority of others on this forum and the Internet, my experience wasn’t great. So here it goes….


    Upon looking online and in local dealerships for months and months, for my ideal car, the right colour combo, mileage, age and spec came up and the dealer was Junction 17 cars. I phoned them up to enquire about the car, and spoke to a very friendly, polite member of staff who answered all my questions and suggested coming down for a look around the car and a test drive. At this point the very friendly and welcoming attitude made me think I was onto a good thing with Junction 17, having never been spoken to in such a laid back and easy-going manner before from any other garage. I went down there almost expecting to find fault, as it was almost too good to be true from the initial phone call.


    Arriving at Junction 17 Peterborough you are met with a fantastic looking showroom, with a wide variety of cars ranging from £4,000 beemers to £70,000+ Ferraris. All parked neatly in the outside parking area, with the more expensive vehicles inside a very clean, and well-kept showroom. Grinning from ear to ear I walked around the cars trying to find my 350z I’d been viewing online, very happy as my presumptive vision of Junction 17 after the phone call was now being reflected in the flesh. Walking inside the showroom, I spotted the 350z and started to look around it. I was then met with another friendly salesman who started speaking to me about my chosen car and commenting on how lovely the colour combination was, teamed with it being one of the last 350’s registered as it is an 09 plate. I started to feel certain this was the car I wanted and couldn’t wait to tell everyone about how fantastic my first experience at Junction 17 Peterborough was.


    Fast forward a few weeks and going to view the car another 2 times, and having a successful test-drive. I was almost sold on the fact that this was the 350 for me. Looking over the car, 3 of the 4 wheels had awful curb rash and had bad lacquer peel on all 3. The rear tyres were bald where I presumed the previous owner was creating some clouds before he traded the car in. The paper work showed that the tyres were less than a year old, teamed with only around 5k miles in his owner ship; which only reinforced my initial presumption. It had a sizeable dent in both the driver and passenger door, and lastly its MOT was just about to run out but they insisted that they cover all their vehicles with at least a 6 month MOT. Upon agreeing that if the dents were removed, wheels refurbed, new tyres added on the backs and the MOT renewed I’d go ahead and purchase the car, advertised for £13,000. Once I had explained the terms I wanted, I was told there was absolutely no room for negotiation on price, which I thought was completely understandable considering the list of work I had created. The staff were also so friendly I didn’t want to muck up what I had already managed to get out of the deal – it was substantial enough.


    Returning a week and a half later, I viewed the car and all the little niggles had been sorted, and once again met with the same very friendly salesman who told me it had passed it’s MOT with no issues, other than a slightly worn lower control arm bush but it wasn’t causing any issues. Looking around the car I was impressed with the quality of the wheel refurb and how much better they had made the dents look, I then went into the office to do the deal. Still smiling from ear to ear I was offered an “Ultimate Protection Warranty Package†which I was told covers absolutely everything mechanical and electrical, replaces items like for like and was the best on the market. I ended up purchasing that for my own peace of mind, constantly being reminded that this was the best on the market and that it would cover you for items that other warranties simply do not. With £500 slapped on top of my £13,000 bill I walked out incredibly happy with my purchase and the service I received – thumbs up all around!


    Like nearly everyone else, this is when the issues started to arise and Junction 17s true colours started to show…


    Within the first 2 weeks of ownership my brakes started to squeal badly and looking online, I saw that it could sometimes be down to the shims indicating the pads are getting low. I brought my 350 to a mechanic, and we got it up on the lift and checked out the brake pads, the rears had under 1mm left on them. I rung Junction 17 up and asked to speak to the salesman I had brought the car from as he suggested any queries or questions come directly to him. Unfortunately every single time I rang I was met with the same “Sorry, he’s busy with a customer at the moment, can I get him to ring you back?†which never happened. I rang again, and asked to speak to the manager and after waiting on hold for around 20 minutes I asked why they were so low considering it had just blown through their MOT without query. (Anything below 1.5mm should have been brought to my attention?) I was told that they were fine when they were checked, and it must have been down to how I’ve been driving it since my ownership, receiving a much more brash and unpolite attitude than what I’ve had first experienced. I told them I’d only driven the best part of a few hundred miles and it wasn’t from my driving, going back and forth between emails and phone calls I told them that I wanted replacement pads for the rear as I needed to use the car for work in a few days time. I was offered a brand of pads that were £17.50 and that’s all they were willing to offer. In addition to this, if I wanted the pads, I would have to drive the 160 mile round-trip to have them fitted at their workshop only. I insisted that I didn’t want the cheap pads and wanted a better make, and trying to take a whole day out of my schedule wasn’t going to be easy as my local garage is only a 15 minute drive away so it’s much more convenient. I was told these £17.50 pads were as good, and more than up to the OEM standard Brembo pad quality. Starting to feel frustrated, and needing the pads to be fitted ready for work, I ended up paying for genuine Nissan Brembo pads to be fitted at my local garage. I was getting absolutely nowhere with the general manager and after numerous conversations; I gave up completely with the brake pad issue.


    Fast forward to the past couple of weeks which is around 2 months into my ownership, and I start to get a knocking noise coming from my front passenger side wheel while going over bumps in the road. Having it booked in at the garage to be looked over, I was told it was the lower suspension control arm bush that had completely deteriorated on both sides. Both needed replacing but it was only the passenger side that was making a noise while driving. It was an advisory when I purchased the car but appeared to be in a lot worse condition than explained on the MOT. Having found out the brake pad issue previously and for it not to be picked up on the MOT, I was inclined to get some advice from trusted parties. I spoke to Mark at Abbey Motorsports, my local garage and a main Nissan Dealership, they all advised me not to buy aftermarket bushes as they either make the ride more uncomfortable than standard or don’t last nearly as long, both things I want to avoid as using the car daily I just want to get in the car and for it to work as intended. Taking their advice from parties whom I trust, I was advised to buy the whole arm assembly, which was fine. Also looking online and speaking again with the Nissan dealership I was told that you cannot buy genuine bushes, only the arm assembly. Thinking back to the warranty that “covers everything like for like†and not being able to purchase the genuine bushes I thought I’d ring this incredible warranty company that I’d paid the “ultimate cover†for and see if they could assist with purchasing 2 new arms. Long story short, after numerous phone calls with the warranty company, I was told to receive new arms I should have taken out the additional “OEM additional pack†that should have been offered with the warranty from Junction 17, which categorically was not offered. If that had been selected they would replace the arms for me no quibbles, all I am being offered is 2 PRI racing bushes as replacement; which, bushes being offered as a replacement from a warranty company is good, but isn’t what I’m after. Especially after receiving the advice from all the parties that work with these cars day-in day-out, suggesting that aftermarket bushes aren’t the best bet.


    I rung up Junction 17 to ask about this “Ultimate cover†that I took out and to ask about the so called OEM additional pack that I should have been offered, and spoke to the general manager who was incredibly abrupt and didn’t want to help me what so ever. Defending the warranty to the hilt and telling me there is no such thing as OEM additional pack that they can offer. It was implied that the advice I had gained from these other garages was on false pretentions, they merely wish to make as much money as possible from everyone and the PRI racing bushes would be more than sufficient as an alternative. My argument was that I didn’t take the warranty out to get alternative items; I took it out because I was told I would receive like for like replacement parts, which obviously wasn’t the case at all.




    In conclusion: I have a car, which is fantastic, I adore my 350 and couldn’t ask for a better car. The service I received and how I have been spoken to from Junction 17 and The Auto Group warranty is diabolical, considering the amount of money I’ve spent at both parties. After the initial service from Junction 17 I genuinely believed the after sales would be equivalent, how wrong was I. As soon as you have tapped your pin in the machine and paid, you’re viewed as a completely different person and treated like an outsider. Issues that should have been resolved simply like sorting out the brake pads, which were illegal, and explaining the warranty in full instead of speaking jargon before being misled into buying warranty that covers everything “like for like†have ruined the initially inviting atmosphere and has made me quite sour towards Junction 17, truly a shame. If they had carried on the customer service they provided from the start, after my purchase, I wouldn’t be writing this now.


    I ultimately wouldn’t suggest Junction 17 to anyone looking to purchase a car, whether it be £1,000 or £100,000. Neither would I suggest the warranty as, from my experience, it doesn’t cover the items you hope it would. This is primarily down to how Junction 17 sell it. A true shame after all the fantastic service I received to begin with. I just wish I had done some research before purchasing a car from them, as it seems a lot of people have had even worse experience than me!


    Unbelievable from a company selling such high-caliber cars.


  9. According to this 4 were registered in 2010 and even as recently as 2014 2 were registered :scare: . I'm not sure how this came about, but there was a 10 reg one spotted a while ago.






    Haha that's madnesses! I guess someone has kept a 350 or two in a compound for all these years, and only just registered them. Didn't realise how few 350s there were on the road until I just looked at that link you posted, very exclusive car!



    Ahh awesome stuff, very interesting. Is there any way of checking to see if this is the case? Anyway you can get info from the vin or something? Think I read somewhere you can find out where the car was built, but I guess that would be Japan.. Thanks again Pete, appreciate it.




    You would have to ask the dealer who originally sold the car back in 2009, It's pretty difficult to get precise information but from my own experience I understand that the stock of U.K 350Z's had pretty well run out by September 2008. With a 9-12 month gap before the 370Z was available the dealers bought up all the unsold 350's in Ireland and sold them off cheaply. I'd have had one myself but they only offered roughly what I could get now for my 2006 350Z in P/X.




    I think I'll have a look into it when I've got some spare time, and see if i can dig anything up. Would be pretty cool knowing where abouts the car came from. I guess there's a possibility it could be one of the last registered UK cars too though? Thanks again for all the info, didn't know anything about the Irish cars with the wheels or being imported etc, appreciate it.


    Welcome along matey! I'm from Suffolk too. Nice looking Zed you have there B)


    Thanks very much, absolutely loving it! Do you guys from this area have any meets? Would be cool to meet up with some other owners at some point. Saw an azure blue 350 the same as yours at the dealership when I got mine, absolutely stunning colour!


    Good to hear! Not really much happening round here tbh, need to get some meets sorted though. Yeah its a lovely colour, I waited patiently to get mine in Azure :)


    Definitely worth the wait, you must be happy with it, it's very nice! Yeah some meets would be properly good, have you had any round this area before?


    Sure was! I've never been to a meet in my 350Z yet! Just haven't had the chance with the long hours and weekends I have to work.


    You done well on your headlights too, I'm going to give that a go.


    Yeah that blue is stunning, the one I saw looked brill! Know the feeling with long hours and working weekends haha! And as soon as you manage to get a spare day off you've got a mound of tasks to do, and a list the size of your arm to sort out :-P Thanks for the headlights, I was honestly surprised with the outcome considering I've never done anything like that before, especially pleased with how quick it was to get them looking good too.


    Just throwing this one out there guys there's potentially a mini meet Sunday night at Yarmouth seafront, aiming for around 2000. Atm seems to be about 3/4 of us that are game, I'll see if I can get the guy that spun it up to start a post about it if anyone's interested?


    Hey man, thanks very much for the invite but unfortunately Yarmouth is about a 2 hour drive from where I am, sounds like it'll be a nice little meet though, would have liked to come. Maybe some of the other guys may be able to join you :-)

    • Like 1
  11. Welcome! Wow a March 09 registered 50. Rare breed!


    I hope you drive it and don't keep it as a museum piece though ;)


    Yeah happy with the age of it and just the whole car in general if I'm honest, absolutely loving it! Definitely not going to be a museum piece haha! I'm using it as my daily which I'm doing 40 miles a day round trip, so it's getting it's fair dose of usage :-P

    • Like 1
  12. Welcome on board, Can I ask you what grade wet n dry and what make plastic polish you used. looks mint!!!


    Evening, thanks very much, enjoying my time here already!


    I used 3200 first and then 4000 grit after, going back and forth between the 2 grits twice. Then finished it off with some Meguiars Plast-RX which you can pick up for around £10 online, using 3-4 coats of that aswell. Used this exact same method at work today on some old Astra headlights as an experient and they came up superb for about 25 mins work, will attach a 50/50 photo to show you. Only difference being that I started with 1800 then 2500, then used the 3200 and 4000 grit. Thoroughly recommend the Meguiars Plast-RX though, awesome stuff!





    • Like 2
  13. Welcome along matey! I'm from Suffolk too. Nice looking Zed you have there B)


    Thanks very much, absolutely loving it! Do you guys from this area have any meets? Would be cool to meet up with some other owners at some point. Saw an azure blue 350 the same as yours at the dealership when I got mine, absolutely stunning colour!


    Good to hear! Not really much happening round here tbh, need to get some meets sorted though. Yeah its a lovely colour, I waited patiently to get mine in Azure :)


    Definitely worth the wait, you must be happy with it, it's very nice! Yeah some meets would be properly good, have you had any round this area before?

    • Like 1

    Thanks for that info Pete, lots of stuff I didn't know! Tried looking into it all a bit more today, but didn't unfortunately find a huge amount out. If the car was in fact brought up from Ireland, would it not be classed as imported? Or would it not as it wouldn't have been registered at that point? Many thanks again for your know-how, nice of you to help shed some light on it.




    Yes, because they were unregistered they don't count as imports. Our local Nissan dealer bought about 20 of them and sold them for 22k or so. Some of them are facelifts dating back to 2007 but the majority were 313's with of course the bulge bonnet.




    Ahh awesome stuff, very interesting. Is there any way of checking to see if this is the case? Anyway you can get info from the vin or something? Think I read somewhere you can find out where the car was built, but I guess that would be Japan.. Thanks again Pete, appreciate it.


    " don't know if its the same where you are but I don't see hardly any 350s around here? One thing thats great about them is the exclusivity"


    Never seen anything around here either....mind you, there's not much here anyway except trees and sheep.......and plenty of crap on the road! :rant:


    By the way, hello and welcome along :wave:


    Haha yep same around here, trees and pot holes, all day long! After we had that spell of ice, nearly every road has colossal pot holes in now, absolutely atrocious. Don't even get me started with stones flicking up from vehicles passing by haha! Thanks very much for the warm welcome, you guys are great :-)

  15. Welcome along to the forum.

    You are lucky to own one of the very last 350s,but beware of catching Zeditus!

    Hope to see you and your car at a meet soon.


    Definitely, some guys on the 350z US Facebook page are saying there was never a 2009 350z, but on my registration document it says its a 2009, reg obviously says 09 and was registered March 4th 2009, so it must be right? Would be great seeing you all at a meet sometimes, you all seem like such a great bunch of people.


    Welcome along.



    They stopped making The 350Zed in 2008. What you have there is most likely an Irish import, the wheels are the biggest clue to that. Anniversary wheels were standard on Irish cars but were not even an option on U.K cars (apart from the limited edition GT4 on which they were standard). When the Irish economy went bump in 2008 the cars were bought up by Nissan dealerships in The U.K and sold as new. This was around September 2008 so they'll be 58 or 09 registered. Nothing to worry about though, they would just need a speedo conversion to make them identical to U.K spec.




    Thanks for that info Pete, lots of stuff I didn't know! Tried looking into it all a bit more today, but didn't unfortunately find a huge amount out. If the car was in fact brought up from Ireland, would it not be classed as imported? Or would it not as it wouldn't have been registered at that point? Many thanks again for your know-how, nice of you to help shed some light on it.




    Thanks man :-)


    Welcome to the forum Connor :)


    Thank you, looking forward to learning more about the Zed along my way, and hopefully meeting some of you guys too!


    Welcome along matey! I'm from Suffolk too. Nice looking Zed you have there B)


    Thanks very much, absolutely loving it! Do you guys from this area have any meets? Would be cool to meet up with some other owners at some point. Saw an azure blue 350 the same as yours at the dealership when I got mine, absolutely stunning colour!

  16. Welcome along to the forum.

    You are lucky to own one of the very last 350s,but beware of catching Zeditus!

    Hope to see you and your car at a meet soon.


    Definitely, some guys on the 350z US Facebook page are saying there was never a 2009 350z, but on my registration document it says its a 2009, reg obviously says 09 and was registered March 4th 2009, so it must be right? Would be great seeing you all at a meet sometimes, you all seem like such a great bunch of people.

  17. :welcome: to the forum


    Thank you, glad to be here and looking through the forum theres tonnes of awesome stuff, its great!


    Thanks for letting me on the forum :-)


    You won't be saying that once you've spent all your money. :lol:


    Welcome. :)


    Haha tell me about it! I'm already looking going through the parts for sale section and getting ideas! This was a baaaad ideaaa :lol:

    Just make sure you don't read his build thread then or mine for that matter. :ninja: You'll save more money that way. :lol:


    Welcome aboard. :thumbs:


    Just had a quick blast through both your build threads and they're insane! Gonna go back through them later and have a properly good read. Something about build threads that I love reading through, seeing peoples different tastes and how that effects the final outcome is awesome. Your carbon bits under your bonnet look great by the way!


    Welcome mate! Another Suffolk based z owner! Mines the 04 in the same colour, we may cross paths!


    Thank you, don't know if its the same where you are but I don't see hardly any 350s around here? One thing thats great about them is the exclusivity. Don't know if there is any meets around our area? Would be cool at some point to meet up with fellow 350 owners :-)


    Welcome and great work on the lights, like new.


    Thanks man, only took about 20-25 mins a side and considering I'm a complete novice in the sanding/masking/spraying department, I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome haha!


    Welcome to the suffolk clan


    Thank you! Hoping to see some of you guys driving around sometime! Only seen one on the road since i've had mine, and we both stuck our thumbs up at each other at the same time haha.


    Mines a bit different it's the v35 which is the z,s big brother with 4 seats and a boot 😀

    Ahh that's cool, I've never seen one of those in the flesh before, is it an import? (<- Probably a silly question, you'll have to excuse me :lol: ) Looks good though!

    • Like 1
  18. Welcome to The Land of Zed. :welcome:

    Thank you mate, glad to be here. Sound bunch of guys you all are!


    :welcome: where's your aerial gone ?

    Haha funny story about that. When I snow foamed it on its first wash, I opened the boot to clean the rubbers and in the shut lines. And couldn't reach the centre of the boot in that gap where it meets the roof, took the aerial off to I could reach over and completely forgot to put it back on, must be still in the boot haha!



    Welcome !!


    Thank you :-)


    Hi & welcome!

    I hope you enjoy your time on the forum.

    Thanks Tim, the forum is great, got some awesome stuff on here. Everyones cars are lovely too!


    Welcome along always good to have another Z in Suffolk! Whereabouts are you?

    Thank you, Im in the Bury St Edmunds / Sudbury area, what about yourself`? You guys in this area meet up sometimes?

  19. :welcome: to the forum


    Thank you, glad to be here and looking through the forum theres tonnes of awesome stuff, its great!


    Thanks for letting me on the forum :-)


    You won't be saying that once you've spent all your money. :lol:


    Welcome. :)


    Haha tell me about it! I'm already looking going through the parts for sale section and getting ideas! This was a baaaad ideaaa :lol:

    Just make sure you don't read his build thread then or mine for that matter. :ninja: You'll save more money that way. :lol:


    Welcome aboard. :thumbs:


    Just had a quick blast through both your build threads and they're insane! Gonna go back through them later and have a properly good read. Something about build threads that I love reading through, seeing peoples different tastes and how that effects the final outcome is awesome. Your carbon bits under your bonnet look great by the way!


    Welcome mate! Another Suffolk based z owner! Mines the 04 in the same colour, we may cross paths!


    Thank you, don't know if its the same where you are but I don't see hardly any 350s around here? One thing thats great about them is the exclusivity. Don't know if there is any meets around our area? Would be cool at some point to meet up with fellow 350 owners :-)


    Welcome and great work on the lights, like new.


    Thanks man, only took about 20-25 mins a side and considering I'm a complete novice in the sanding/masking/spraying department, I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome haha!


    Welcome to the suffolk clan


    Thank you! Hoping to see some of you guys driving around sometime! Only seen one on the road since i've had mine, and we both stuck our thumbs up at each other at the same time haha.

    • Like 1
  20. All the last 350 came with the gt4 wheels :)


    Looks great and not too many 09 plate ones around ,


    Welcome and enjoy :)


    Ah awesome, didn't know that these models all came with these wheels! See, I'm learning so much already haha! I have a bit of OCD when it comes to cleaning cars so still got to give the engine bay a good clean and I want to give the exhaust a good polish too. Can't help myself but keep going out for drives in it though haha! Using fuel like there's no tomorrow :-P

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