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Everything posted by secretstar07979

  1. I don't want to buy from a cowboy dealer. All they do is get them from auctions, whack on a grand and sell it on. Hence the reason why this car is overpriced.
  2. Yes I suspect if I had asked him I'm ringing about the car I would have got the old "which one?" They do it to avoid higher fee's for listing on Autotrader.
  3. It's the principle guys. I don't mind buying from a dealer but I don't want to deal with a liar. I like to deal with honest upfront people. Another point worth mentioning is this, he had no idea if the service history is Nissan. He said he didn't know until he checked the book. Surely he would have known if he bought it for himself a month back?
  4. The issue is he is CLEARLY a trader. Got it from auction and lying to buyers that he's a private seller. No one buys a car like this blind. I spoke to him on the phone. Shifty as hell. Trust me. He's a dealer. His excuse was it cost too much but thats BS. Who buys a sports car expecting it to be cheap to run.
  5. "Hello, I'm ringing about the car you have advertised in the Autotrader" "Oh hi mate" "First things first, are you a dealer or a private seller" "Oh I'm a private seller mate. No bullshit" "Ok, good to know because a lot of traders masquerade as private sellers to dupe potential buyers. So, just a couple of questions about the vehicle. How long has you owned the car" "A month mate...."
  6. Was there an engine upgrade during 2006? Some 350z I see advertised claim 276 yet others claim almost 300? Is it the GT version that has more power?
  7. It's cheap alright but the miles is a massive problem, even with the history. The new owner will sail over the 200 000 mark which makes it pretty much unsaleable for all but a bargain bucket price.
  8. Also, that car has no mention of service history....which tells me it has none..
  9. Regarding that EBAY car. I have a healthy distrust of EBAY car dealers...it's a long way to go to find something wrong with it. It's most likely from an auction. That's where most of these EBAY dealers get them from.
  10. I got done for no insurance - they weren't speeding fines. My insurance expired and I didn't renew it in time. Got done a week after it expired. I can afford it no problem. I just want to know how much I need to spend. Yea, £800 is everything declared - with a specialist firm
  11. I got off a ban by pleading exceptional hardship. I can get insured but were talking £800
  12. I would have viewed it but it's the other side of the country
  13. Yes, I'm not looking to spend much over 6k really. I have 12 points on my license so I'm going to get hit HARD on the insurance.
  14. I'm looking at something like this spec http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171506161892?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  15. Hi guys, How much do I need to be spending to get a decent honest 350z?
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