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Posts posted by jimboy2

  1. There are some 2006 in the lower tax band. Would defiantly look at the difference between the 3 different engines. Personally I went with the hr because it was newer, had the revised engine which had a bit more power and the bonnet bulge lol. As difficult as it may be try not to let the tax out you off. All hr owners will tell you it's only 2 tanks of fuel extra. If your budget can stretch I would seriously consider.

    • Like 1
  2. Can you not get it to a specialist?


    If I was the next buyer of your car I would prefer to see a specialist stamp rather than your local "speedy spanners"

    You will also get a better service


    Where are you located? I'm sure someone will know of someone local-ish to you

  3. Thanks for posting this, I've had problems with my phone randomly switching off for over a year (seemingly battery life related). Turns out I have an eligible handset. :)


    Pleased I can get it sorted but annoyed it's taken apple so long!


    My girlfriend got so annoyed she paid apple to have her battery replaced a few months back. Hopefully can get a refund on that now!

  4. Horsham did the uprev plus berks hfc's and twin cosworth air filters, no plenum needed, I have a standard exhaust and the car sounds and goes great, will fit Miltek exhaust system at some stage which should enhance everything even further.


    With all that fitted how different is the car? The map is next on my list

  5. Haha sorry. Glad you found the question in there somewhere.



    I do actually cover the chicken in a spice shaker thing before cooking but still need to have sauce. Will try tomorrow with no sauce. Found it really easy so far.

    It's the only time I wish I had a office type job so I could heat things up. Working from a van all day my options are limited. The wraps are really working for me tho


  6. Hope you don't mind asking a quick question for the experts.


    I too am trying to loose weight. My diet was awful.

    I now have a banana for breakfast

    At lunch I have a skinless chicken breast in a wrap with rocket and onion, now here's the bit I'm not sure of, I also but BBQ sauce in it to make it taste nicer! Is this bit of BBQ sauce going to just make it all pointless??

    I have a healtynish dinner. Normal meat and veg.


    I started at 16.3 now down to 15.8 and using my fitness pal. Have set this at loosing 2lbs a week and it has me on 1440 calories a day. I have a feeling this is quite low. Today I upped it to losing 1.5lbs a week which has put me on 1690 cals a day.


    Now I know it's not all about calories but for me this is the easiest way to track what I eat.


    Sorry for crashing your thread!

    • Like 1
  7. So decision has been made. I'm going yellow. Conduit on order. Now need to hunt for some of the hoses.


    Bit of a problem I have no idea what's what or what they are called.


    Like the S shaped one above in blue what's that called. From the radiator? Is it easy enough to change or will things need draining first?


    This is gonna be fun!!

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