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Posts posted by Ogman

  1. It's true, bodybuilding isn't necessarily good for your health as you're putting your body through scenarios it would never normally go through and can be quite detrimental. It's the price you pay for trying to achieve a carved physique. For me, I was the skinny little kid in school so this is a massive achievement for me, but truth be told this is the only time I'd do it. If I don't qualify for the British on Sunday then I'll starting dialling it down to a maintenance level.


    I have a beautiful wife to be and my family who've supported me through this process and after it's done it's time for me to give back to them :)


    Congrats mate - you come on leaps and bounds from those first progress pics you shown us. All the best for finals on Sunday, certainly inspired me to try that little harder :D

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    I can't be bothered with all you ultra fit and lean endurance types lol ;)


    I want to be so big I have to walk sideways through a doorway. Or just smash through it :)


    Yeah Chirag stop carpet bombing us with your undies shots :p


    As long as you don't start turning green all the time :p

  3. I never give advice at the gym even if I'm absolutely dying to and the guys just doing something wild.


    Usually barbel curls where they're really swinging it and their elbows are going backwards and forwards and they're doing most of the lifting with their front delts and their back is bending like 30 degrees. Then they plop that 30kg bar down and go "woooooooahhhhh I can feel that"


    I do feel like saying "right now pick up the 10kg bar, keep your elbows and back perfectly still, parallel with your body and lift with BICEP CONTRACTION!!"



    They look at you like you're wild.


    Amen to this!

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  4. Do you rate protein powders? I never found it a problem getting 220-300g a day.


    Powders taste like ass icicles.


    Well with family being veggie I have to use powders at home. I've tried a variety of brands and have to say that USN, PhD and Optimum Nutrition are great :thumbs:


    Supplements are a must for us veggies! I kept training to begin with and was just getting smaller, my muscles were just eating themselves away!

  5. I really enjoy your OCD... I mean, attention to detail in these write ups, y'know. ;)


    Seriously though, this is one of the most enjoyable threads to read on here, not just because I have an interest in the subject matter but also your writing is both entertaining and informative. Good work sir, I probably don't say that often enough. :)



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