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Posts posted by Jp606

  1. This is a recognised problem, especially with the HR engined Zeds, it can be fixed by an UpRev remap which smooths things out. I can't remember what exactly causes it, but I've read posts about it from Mark @ Abbey. I had this problem on mine which disappeared when Mark did his work on it.

  2. As above! The exact wax I use and it makes washing so much easier, like I say just spray on and jet wash off, no brushes needed and my brake pads are very dusty ones that cake my alloys in dust.

  3. Looks like you had a good time, nice pics :)


    That's what I love about the Z, really comfortable on long journeys and sensible fuel consumption too, then bags of power for when you want some fun. Such a great 'all rounder'.

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  4. Thought this was more suited to the detailing forum as it's more about keeping the car clean.


    I'm thinking about getting a fitted cover for my Z as I only use it at the weekends now, I wash it every Sunday then it sits outside all week, so sometimes it's covered in dust and spiders webs when I get in it on Saturday. Are covers safe to use? I'm thinking it may introduce swirls to the paintwork when I put it on and off and the car may sweat underneath when it's hot? What is everyone's thoughts?

  5. Refrigeration engineer here, just need an air con bomb in there to clean it, definitely nothing to do with gas and more importantly nothing to do with Legionnaires as pointed out by Ekona! Unfortunately mainly due to the media, everyone thinks air con gives you Legionaires disease.


    It's the most common thing I get asked, along with "doesn't refrigeration have a 'd' in it like fridge."

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