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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. Guys - I am looking to convoy - I coming from Banbury.


    Stu_2424 - Were you coming from - fancy meeting up ?


    The route I usually take and Is brilliant (quite fast!!) to Combe is through Chipping Norton,Stow on the Wold (or Burford route), Circencester, Malmesbury and Combe.

    But of course, am open to other suggestions.

  2. What a brilliant thread. Love it and the love for the Zed's.


    Not done anything to mine yet and in April will have owned her a year.

    Right now loving her as she is and just praying for some dry roads for a longer period than the odd day !!


    Observed a MX5 complete a 360 on entering a roundabout the other week, (and luckily not hit anything), was a nice reminder not to power on too quickly coming out while roads are so wet and greasy.

    • Like 2
  3. I packed up 2 years ago now going cold turkey was the only way for me - as the habit was not gone for me - if I had gone onto ECigs.


    It has been hard, I still randomly want to smoke - but know I can't even have one.


    The financial saving even if you only smoked 12 a day and bought them abroad like me - is still significant.


    Good Luck for all those trying to quit

  4. I thought it was good but not as good as I was expecting if I'm being totally honest.


    Glad it wasn't just me - I too thought it dissappointing - I was looking forward to it too !!


    It was good how it showed Motorsport of the Day though.

    More fun for sure.


    Hoping this years Season of mass changes - takes the Sport further forward and brings back even more challenging racing.

  5. Touring Car rules are for those who can't drive !!!


    I have had masses of injuries from people doing just that, pushing me out of the way as they are unable to get past with skill alone. !!!


    Go Karting I think you will find is a non contact sport and some circuits are set up with electronic sensors to penalise those doing the pushing and shoving by reducing their pace. All circuits should all have them - then I could be tempted..........

  6. Hi,


    When I open the boot, it no longer stays up.

    Very nearly wiped me out the other day. -= funny and not !!!


    Can someone point me in the right direction for the fix please.



  7. You do get better performance and fuel economy from Super too.

    Have been able to prove this numerous times in my Corrado


    AS to what the actual difference between 95 and 99, someone techi will have to answer that.

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