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Posts posted by saiper

  1. Cheers for the info :) I'm tempted to just move the grill further forward, as suggested. I'd consider trimming the splitter, but I'd probably end up making a right mess of it. The more I think about it, I'm also wondering if I should even get it painted. Reason being, I can't help but thinking that any slight flex in the splitter is surely going to cause cracks / spidering in the paint...? Decisions decisions. :teeth:




  2. Quick update. I received the splitter today (Thanks Tarmac).

    I'm hopefully going to get it painted and fitted by the end of the week, however.....I have notcied that the lip of the splitter needs to sit quite far back into the grill recess, which I think means I will have to do away with the zunsport grill as there isn't enough space:( Does anyone know any way round this?







  3. What splitter you fitting?


    Cheers for the info everyone:) I'm still undecided which one to get yet. I've posted a "wanted" in the classifieds, so something suiable should turn up. One more question. Are they fairly easy to fit?




  4. Does anyone know if it's possible to replace the two corner rubber seals that sit at the bottom edge of the windscreen? I have noticed that both of mine have become worn and corroded. If so, any idea where I might be able to get a couple?






  5. I'm after a few parts. Please let me know if you still have them for sale - The silver 350z boot "strut" logo plate and top plastic surround, the cover from the small horizontal storage compartment behind the drivers seat and the passenger side arm rest plus the section with the electric window button.




  6. Ok, so as the title might imply, I have no idea what this is called but....At the front of the car, directly behind the reg plate there is usually a black plastic block on which the plate itself sits. I've just noticed my car doesn't have one. Is that normal for some Zeds? I'll try and get a picture posted if that doesn't make sense;)





  7. Last year My insurance was pretty much bang on £1000 for the 350z. I'd been looking around recently as my insurance is due on the 5th of May and I was slowly getting depressed as the price online was showing around £1050-£1100 for the cheapest quotes.. So I'd been looking at selling the car..


    Until this morning.. Admiral have came back with a renewal of... £711.. Which means I am keeping the 350z for another year at least woohoo :D


    p.s. I know Admiral can be hard to claim off etc but at the end of the day I don't care as long as I can :drive1 legally!


    I'm insured with admiral, I also was a few years ago when I rolled my M3. I didn't have any issues claiming back then. They are a good company imo.




  8. Congratulations

    I wouldn't bother taking to a "Nissan center" I'd take it to a good 4 wheel alignment/geometry specialist as they will check and setup properly.


    Enjoy your new acquisition :)


    Edited as made it sound like I was referring to a Nissan Indy as opposed to dealership.


    Cheers. Yeah, that might be the best bet. Not sure of any decent places for alignment in the northeast/durham area though. I was also considering getting a p3 service carried out, just for peace of mind really.

  9. After weeks of looking, I've finally got myself a 350z. I opted for an azure JDM with several modifications - carbon fibre spoiler, induction system, uprated exhaust system. I wasn't put off by the fact it's an import, as it ticked all the boxes and insurance costs (which were a slight concern) turned out to be pretty decent.

    The only issues I have noticed are that the drivers seat needs some leather restoration work doing to it, as the side bolster is worn. Should be an easy fix. The boot struts need replacing. I already have the parts so will be fitting them this afternoon and lastly.....I noticed last night when on the motorway, that occasionally when travelling 60+ the car seems a little "drifty", as though it's not driving true. I'm fairly certain that this is a tracking/alignment issue but I'm anxious to get it sorted asap, so will be taking up to my local Nissan centre later in the week.

    I'll be sure to get some pictures up this afternoon.




  10. I've just got insured through Admiral. Very happy with the price I paid. £450 for a JDM, after market exhaust and K&N Typhoon induction system. Was by far the best and cheapest quote.




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