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The Trouser

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Posts posted by The Trouser

  1. I've briefly considered the GT86 - but the two back seats put me off plus the knobbly badges it seems to be covered with.


    (One of the things I've always liked about the Zed is that it seems understated for the brute of a car that it actually is)


    Anyone else considered the GT86?

  2. Currently awaiting a lift to go get my car back from the bodyshop and i am all excited!!


    I think i need to get a grip at 43!! :)


    Healthy attitude I'd say - you're with the car you want to be with :thumbs:

  3. Blimey, that's some serious corrosion!!

    I don't know if they aren't treated right from the factory or what the issue is, but they seem to really suffer from rust. Mine had rusted through on both ends, yet the rest of the car is pretty much rust free! It's really weird!

    I was told that it is one of only two non-aluminium parts under the car - mine had corroded so badly that the tech said he could push his finger through it.

  4. I had my W-Brace replaced a few months ago - £248 done at the local Nissan dealer.

    I was told that its job is to stiffen up the chassis and its not an MOT fail if it isn't fitted.

  5. The bloke I've left my car with just called. Zed needs a new clutch and flywheel but he'll only get parts from nissan directly and reckons the total cost of buying and importing a clutch and flywheel is... £4900


    :lol: Now that did make me laugh.


    I presume that it is the solid gold clutch and diamond encrusted flywheel which will be fitted by supermodels in bikinis under a constant drizzle of water and to the pumping sound of rap music, yeah?

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  6. I think I may have been mistaken here - the weather doesn't seem to be the consistent factor in my window working/not working.


    For example, went to get some essential provisions today (i.e. beer) at a cool 17 degrees - window working fine.


    Parked up - purchased said provisions and returned to Zed. Window is dead.



  7. I've put it down to a intermitently dodgy window motor...


    Yes - I've done that in the past. My passenger door window stopped working a few years ago (again in hot weather) and I though "Aha! - the well-known window motor problem! I must get that replaced!".


    But I didn't get around to it - and yet that window now still works! Can't say I use it very often because I don't have confidence that it will work every time, but when I do it works just fine!

  8. The recent spell of hot/muggy/close weather seems to be affecting my driver's side window :wacko:


    On the days when its hot (around 23 degrees on the Zed gauge) the window is dead. No movement at all - not even the dip down/up when you open/close the door.


    On the cooler days (around 14 degrees) - no problems at all. Nice and smooth at the normal speed.


    Does anyone have any guesses as to which part of the window mechanism could be affected like this? :blink:


    (Just for info - I've checked that the window lock wasn't on and the car is parked in the shade all day so its not in direct sunlight)



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