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Posts posted by MrsNiki

  1. The Dates:


    Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th June 2016


    The Location:


    Peak District


    The Hotel:


    Holiday Inn Rotherham/Sheffield, J33 M1 (Sat Nav S60 2XL). To book: 01709 830630/01709 786001


    The Cost:


    Rates secured for 350z-uk until 24th December are £37 per person per night for the 3rd/4th June based on 2 people sharing and single occupancy is £64 per person per night(25 rooms per night at these rates). Please quote 350z-uk when booking over the phone for this rate. You will only be asked for your card details to secure the booking, payment is taken on arrival in June. Once the 25 rooms are allocated, normal rates will be available via:




    The itinerary (times are approximate and for guidance only):


    Friday arrivals: Meet and greet/check-in/dinner and relax


    Saturday: Meet in car park for 9am – 9:30am. Drive between 10am and 2pm, approx. 100 miles with a lunch break stop. 3pm-6pm: free-time/show and shine competition. (The hotel will be supplying a hose/water outlet for car washing). 7pm: Competition prize giving


    Sunday: Meet in car park for 11.00am to 11:30am for a drive out at 12pm of approx. 50-60 miles to a spot for lunch (venue TBC). End of event.


    Other Info:


    This event is open to 350Z-uk forum members only.


    I am initially limiting this to a group of 30, and require 2 ‘drive leaders’ to join me in leading a pack of 10 cars each on the drives. (Please PM me if you are interested in helping out)

  2. Well that's 'modification shopping' over for the year with Christmas approaching, and I cannot thank Chris enough for all of his help with everything that I had on my shopping list! My car gets home from the garage next week with all mods (bar one, bonnet vents get fitted in the new year) fitted, and I will be posting loads of photo's!!


    One very happy MrNiki too, impressed with the quality of what I bought and the price!



  3. OK, so I've got to ring the Derbyshire hotel on Monday to discuss a block reservation for either June 3rd/4th/5th or August 19th/20th/21st. Once I have this organised, and a date decided it'll be all systems go!


    I will be starting a new thread for this once my plans are set in stone, and I will make sure you are all aware of it!


    Watch this space ;)

  4. Just been checking out my work rota, the only other weekend I could do is 3rd/4th/5th June... Might be a better shout than August and doesn't clash with anything as far as I'm aware (if anybody can correct me please jump in and let me know!)


    Cheers for the info and offer of parking if we need it, it'll be a great help! I'll probably be dropping you a PM soon to pick your brains on a few things!!

  5. Cheers for that suggestion Shire350Z, I've just emailed them to find out about reservations/availability! There's a premier inn over the road from there too looking at Google Maps! Could be the location I'm looking for :D


    Now to see how close the nearest Shell petrol station is to that... :lol:


    Thanks for all of the interest/help from everybody, hope to have this open for people to sign up to in the next few days or so!

  6. Seems to be that the Peak District is fairly accessible to most people! I'm looking at accommodation in Chesterfield at the moment, just off the M1.


    I'd hope to follow the same pattern as Wales, a 3-4hr drive both Sat and Sun, allowing for time for people to head off and do their own thing on the Saturday/Sunday afternoon if they wish, or just hang around admiring/cleaning cars and catching up with others!


    MrNiki is excited already for trialling some routes :lol:


    I've asked about 'other cars' being included, and my opinion is that it should be available to all forum members, however a majority of zed's is the ideal! What I don't want is a heap of mondeo's/Vectra's etc turning up haha! I'll see what information the mods/admin can give me on this, and take it from there ;)

    • Like 1
  7. **UPDATE #1**


    It appears that May is a busy month with Japfest (potentially) and Modified Nationals, and August Bank Holiday is notoriously manic in the Peak District.


    I'm leaning towards August 20th/21st for this event.


    I've been in touch with some hotels already to find out rates/availability too, so if interest for August 20th/21st keeps growing then i'll put the wheels in motion :D


    Keep adding to this thread if you are interested, and add any useful information!


    Feel free to ask any questions and I'll answer what I can :D

    • Like 1
  8. *This post is just to gauge interest and gather idea's*


    I'm looking to host a 350z-uk weekend in the Peak District for 2016.


    Initially, I'd like to propose a few weekends as potential dates, with the Saturday and Sunday having organised drive-outs.


    1) 21st/22nd May (INSTEAD OF WALES FOR 2016)

    2) 20th/21st August

    3) 27th/28th August (Bank Holiday)


    This will be a very similar concept to the Wales weekend, just in a different location. Hotel would probably be either Sheffield or Derby due to close proximity to the M1. (Nobody has picked up Wales 2016, hence why I am proposing this as an alternative!)


    I know I won't be able to please everybody with the dates, but if anybody can see any potential clashes with anything else, please let me know.


    If you could comment with the following, I would be greatly appreciative:

    • Potential clashes

    • Date(s) which would suit if you are interested

    • Hotels around the Peak District (Sheffield/Chesterfield/Derby) that would be an ideal base if you know of any! If not, I can scout some out myself!

    • Any other information/ideas that are worth considering.

    Looking forward to getting some feedback from you guys!

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