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Posts posted by StevoD

  1. Meh, either way, will keep using V-Power, whatever it may be called.


    Supermarket fuel is crap - unless you know it is a shell/bp tanker giving them the stuff.


    2 tanks down of what has came out of the pump as Nitro, but could easilly be normal V-Power - no noticable difference. I would like them to replace the pump handles with the cool ones on the posters though :)


    On what basis is it crap its all got to be produced to the same standard of


    European/ British Automotive Fuel Specifications for Diesel Fuel, BS EN 590

    European/ British Automotive Fuel Specifications for Unleaded Petrol, BS EN 228

    British Specification for High Octane (Super) Unleaded Petrol, BS 7800

  2. Secondly the Lexus badge on the rear wasn't becoming of a super car.

    thats just as bad as saying the nissan badge on the 350/370/GTR isn't becoming :dry:


    I think Nissan have earns there place in world of sports and super cars though already.


    I agree the LFA is a quite a piece of engineering but just doesn't do it me...



    Keeping in mind Lexus is toyota and have just as much success as nissan in motorsport

  3. The noise is unreal when i went to filming of top gear they had it there and you could hear out on track it sounded like a f1 car and there a big car but i think they look stunning

  4. Does it matter if it is? Surely the Zed is a better package and handles significantly better than the S14?


    Dont get me wrong im not saying that the thread was with regards to 0-60 0-10 1/4mile times the fact is 350z are slow Mazda 3 mps and Chysler SRT calibrers things out pace a 350 in a straight line


    The Mazda really doesn't! I have a vid from raf valley with the Mazda club and the 3 was terrible compared to my 350z without nos running.


    there are hundreds of videos on the net of Mps3 beating 350s

  5. I ran my s14 with just a decat 3inch elbow back exhaust at pod and ran 14.3 at 99.1mph, i then bought my Zed went to pod to watch at a car show and there were to Zeds the best i saw out of them was a 14.8 at 97mph, which i why im too scared to run mine at pod in fear my zed will be slower than my old s14 £1500 barge



    GSXR K4 1000cc reg; L3 BYK


    If anyone see anything or hears anything please let cambridge police know











  7. nice drifting, would love to have a go but i imagine it wouldnt end too well for me haha


    streets not the best place to try get down to a local practice day at some where like pod

  8. I would disagree there Vik. I'm not involved in TV either, but I'm pretty sure that the acting levels in Silent Witness are significantly better than in Hollyoaks, but I still enjoy watching Hollyoaks more ;) I don't think you need to be directly involved in something to have an opinion on it.


    :lol: so by that logic we can all lean over a surgeon's shoulder and tell him what vein he needs to reconnect? :p




    No but i can tell Jack the Lad working behind the little chef counter isnt the same chef that Heston Blumenthal is

  9. Read throught his thread inclucing one or two badly written posts by me all we have come to the conclusion that 50% of people find F1 boring and the other 50% think F1 take alot of skill, both right in my eyes but that isnt the question, What makes a good racing driver? ,

    but this cannot be answered untill you know what style of racing,


    as i would put money on it if we went and got Mr Vettel dropped in fords latest WRC fiesta and put him up gainst the top WRC of the moment he wouldnt stand a chance and like wise lets put loeb in a F1 car im sure he will get destroyed, There both extremely skilled guys but dropped into a completely diffrent style of driving there not going to shine straight away.


    Like everyone Recons Senna is the best racing driver ever But on what grounds he might have been something special back then that doesnt mean that like above if he got dropped in lorry racing he would do the same there?



    I belive saitio and aasbo are epic drivers not saying they can jump in a F1 car and win every race, but then id like to see Hamilton or button jump in a drift car and do half as good as these guys

  10. Also it helps to have no track experience, or experience in a RWD car for that matter, and drive a Polo with its wheels rubbing on the arches (dropped on £100 ebay coilovers) and about 45% of camber. At least that's what the self proclaimed "awesome driver" i was talking to the other night thinks.

    Oh and if you drive a JDM, you must watch Initial D endlessly over and over again ;):p:lol:


    +1 :cloud9: that film!

    I'm talking the anime series, currently still ongoing on Fifth Stage


    Anime series? Tell me more!


    for real?


    what inital d was original


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