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Posts posted by mouthwash

  1. G Man on his 'I've been in the Army' High Horse again?


    Has that been annoying you for some time :)


    No, SIR!


    Unless he was an officer, he's not a Sir...


    Only officers get to ride horses, right? So by power of deduction he must be a high ranking official.

  2. If you went to pick the car up and on the way home found out it had an issue that only become apparent on the road, you'd be on here complaining that they didn't road test it.


    Also, why wouldn't the young passenger (I'm guessing apprentice or mechanic) want to go out in a 370 if he has the chance? I'd consider it a perk of the job.


    When Mark (Abbey MS) used to take my car out for a spin after mapping or part fitting, I don't imagine he drove it like Doris drives her Micra would but then I don't care. He needs to test it, the car is capable and being used in a manner that it was designed for... If I then took it home and found out at 5k RPM the engine cut out or something silly, I'd be more annoyed that he didn't drive it hard enough to find that out :lol:


    I'm not defending all those people you see take customer cars out and do 120mph past a bus full of nuns but you lot complain about some strange things.

    • Like 6
  3. PC but there have been more complaints about the FPS issues on PS4/Xbone than anything else.


    It's not exactly a secret or a select few with odd set ups that are experiencing game breaking bugs, FPS issues etc you just have to look online. If you aren't, you're in the minority it would seem.


    Maybe I'm just being overly harsh but with PC game prices increasing by over 30% in the last year or two I want a relatively bug free game to play.


    You wouldn't go and watch a blockbuster film and accept the camera man stumbling into a shot so why should AAA game titles be any different.

  4. Combat looked like a steaming pile of mess, the menu popping up telling you to use a stimpak mid fight when you're low on health? :lol: Hit 'ok' and die instantly.


    Wait until you're in a bit more of a chaotic situation then scope a weapon, enjoy your 1 FPS.


    All of these things are fixable and I might buy the game once they are (probably by the community, Bethesda has made their money, right?). It certainly is not worth 40 of my fine English pounds from my own research.


    Also, I'll add that I was looking forward to getting this game as I have always enjoyed the Fallout series so it's not like I'd hate on the game for no reason.

  5. Combat looked like a steaming pile of mess, the menu popping up telling you to use a stimpak mid fight when you're low on health? :lol: Hit 'ok' and die instantly.


    Wait until you're in a bit more of a chaotic situation then scope a weapon, enjoy your 1 FPS.


    All of these things are fixable and I might buy the game once they are (probably by the community, Bethesda has made their money, right?). It certainly is not worth 40 of my fine English pounds from my own research.

  6. Fallout 4. GOTY


    That is all.


    After watching a mate play it and reading several peoples opinion I certainly won't be buying it.


    It looks like a total mess and nothing like (or maybe, too much like in some instances) F3, F3NV. Some of the professional reviews I read are saying 'yeah, okay things are a bit buggy, combat is terrible, dialogue sucks but it's a Bethesda game so who doesn't expect those things?' :lol: Why is that acceptable? It seems to be the thing at the moment.. AC, Batman etc all releasing sub par games in terms of quality but don't worry because they have £30-£300 worth of DLC for you to buy immediately.


    Not sure why it seems acceptable for a game to launch with crippling FPS issues, sh1tty AI and a ton of obvious bugs/glitches (characters sinking through the floor for example).

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