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Posts posted by mouthwash

  1. Me too, if i had an issue i would have gone to sly myself lol? i mentioned to a group of mates something of my own opinion to be kept between mates (which was resolved with sly after anyway) and adrian decided to go crying to sly and make it out like i was trying to damage his reputation. like i said to sly, if that was the way i was going to go about things i would have made a fuss which i didn't, there was 20+ people in the group who witnessed me saying i didnt have a problem and that i dont doubt the guy for one second, it was a miscommunication on both halves and that was it. nothing was said or done after, then someone stuck their nose in to stir it up a bit. thats all.


    None of it matters mate, you've got your opinion and you're allowed to share it or change it as you see fit... It's the perks of being human. Some people can't help themselves.

    • Like 1
  2. How do you know say Mark@Abbey or Adrian wasn't once a road builder :shrug:

    Oh come on, tedious at best. You know damn well it was Tarmac you were trying to refer to, as it was very obvious.


    If it genuinely wasn't, then send me a PM with who you were referring to and I'll post up a full and public apology here. No complaints if I've got the wrong end, but given the history between Adrian and Chris plus the paving road comment, I thought it was very obvious.


    It's painfully obvious. SMD in thinking he's clever shocker.

    • Like 1
  3. Honestly if you had any issue with Sly then I truly feel sorry for you... I have never met such an honest trustworthy guy in a long time


    He's not the only one, you can't please everyone I suppose.


    No very true... I do know that Sly doesn't tolerate tossers, not saying for a minute that is he reason though ;)



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



  4. There was a guy on the E30 forums, back in the day, that had his car stolen from outside his house. His insurance ended up not paying out as he had it down as being garaged when it wasn't on the evening it was stolen (it usually was).


    I've no idea what relevance this has to the thread, I just wanted to tell the story after all these years. Be careful with insurance I guess? I don't know.

    • Like 1
  5. Could be your occupation. My son has 2x NCB at 24. His insurance on a Z is about £2800ish as a serving soldier.

    Change his occupation to Computer Engineer and it drops to £800ish


    Insurance logic:

    Computer Engineer will use his car daily, park it publicly, and even park it in dodgy areas from time to time - Low risk

    Soldier parks his car on a Military Base, guarded by men with guns, high fences and razor wire. Rarely use the car. Park it up for months on end - High risk.




    I thought soldiers had to drive themselves to the middle east? Maybe insurance companies are also confused about the logistical side of the army.

    • Like 1
  6. Probably be quicker to qualify as a GP and sign the document yourself.


    Really?? 5 years of medical school - 20:1 competition ratio, minimal AAB at A levels to even apply - Most applicants have AAA grades. £9K per year of tuition fees for 5-6 years - £35k if you go private. 2 years of foundation training been paid £22k basic salary. 3-5 years of GP training. Than work another 1-2 years before you can think about been a GP partner....I know the NHS can be slow, but 12 years :)


    I've been working for 10 years (15 if you include medical school) now and still a 'junior doctor', and will be for another 3 years atleast.....Oh and if Jermey Hunt gets his way, apparently I can forget counting Saturday's as my own time because my 'routine' working hours will now go from 8:45am Monday to 8.45pm Saturday. Cheers Jermey for at least letting me have Sunday off work - Maybe I should just put a tent up in the hospital car park, who need to have a life outside of work anyway - It's not like I've spent the last 4 Xmas days in hosptial - Oh wait I did :(.


    You must be a right barrel of laughs on a night out.

    • Like 2
  7. JVC: The perfect experiance..... so that's a knock off then. :lol:


    Also, why is Ekona always pushing MPSS tyres when JFtyres are the world's best?


    I feel bad for spending all that money on a supercharger when all I needed to do was shove a 'turbine' in my induction pipe.

  8. Playing devils advocate here but I guess the insurers logic is that if the incident did end up resulting in a claim and/or did get settled as a fault the price paid at renewal would not have been based on the right amount of NCB hence my previous statement about backdated additional premiums being necessary. This is because the NCB is normally reduced from the date of the incident and not the date the claim was settled.


    So if they base your renewal on full NCB and the claim ends up going ahead they will then have to reduce the bonus backdated from the renewal date and go about collecting the additional premium. it's obviously just easier for them to charge based on worst case scenario and refund if necessary.


    I'll join in with the Devil's advocate :p


    What if you had an accident 2 weeks into your policy, would they reduce your NCB on the spot and increase the price for the remainder of the year? I honestly don't know the answer.


    If yes: Why doesn't this apply to the current situation as both claims haven't happened yet?


    If no: Why doesn't this apply to the current situation as both claims haven't happened yet?


    I might be an insurance thicko but it seems like pulling someone's pants down for the sake of it which I'm all for. Just not metaphorically.

  9. Dan,

    I think they are assuming the other party might claim, as said, he apparently has nine months to decide to claim so the insurers are keeping this open, I guess the op has not protected ncb which is why it is taken back to 1 year pending a potential claim.


    This sucks but see it from the insurers point of view, they have apparently said they would refund premium if no claim is made (at least that's how I read it)

    Maybe he does, but until he's actually claimed then you do not have a claim on your policy, so the NCB must stand. That's just common sense, and I can't see how any insurer can penalise you for a claim that may or may not happen!


    Seriously, I can't see how that can be remotely a fair term in any contract, so I'd be kicking off big time.


    You're wrong I'm afraid Ekona. Kicking off big time would get you absolutely nowhere either.


    I hear that very complaint on a monthly basis, insurers will always look at the worst case scenario over the better one in a "what if" situation. That way if it turns out the claim does go ahead and does get settled as a "fault" the insurer doesn't have to run the risk of the customer not coughing up for the extra premium backdated from the renewal date.


    Is it fair? Probably not.


    Surely they'd just increase the premium as and when the claim was put through/settled? Why would you charge someone for something that may happen in the future... As far as I see it, when he goes to renew a claim hasn't been made so his ncb should remain intact?


    Up next: insurance companies hiring Mystic Meg to predict your year ahead and price accordingly.

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