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Posts posted by Lacky

  1. I always wave to other zeds, sometimes even frantically flashing lights and hand out the window wave in excitement.

    I also give a wee wave to the rare s-chassis and r-bodys I see on the road.


    I noticed a very clean twilight blue HR filling up at my regular shell garage. As the lady drove off, she noticed me filling up my zed. I gave her a very nice smile and a nod of the head. She turned away and drove off. I then realised there are two types of zed owners :/

  2. I don't suffer from anxiety, but for me I find going to the gym helps me channel my energy and clear my mind. Obviously it won't remove the problem completely, but it gives you an opportunity to look at it from another angle and see another avenue of solving it.


    Maybe try something similar, or meditating/yoga helps as well.


    Hope you get through whatever it is that's affecting you mate :console:


    +1 for this. I don't suffer at all so I don't know what it feels like, sorry. But if I'm having a bad couple days I take it out with physical activity. Clears my mind. Also after my first Det in afghan I did a lot of yoga. Not only is it generally awesome, but it also improved drastically in the gym with lifting heavier weights.

    • Like 1
  3. Photos I took from the day.


    Reason I didn't park up was because my car was filthy.















    Anyone else feel a bit funny this morning? :stir:




    I managed to get really good footage of my steering wheel while karting :dry:

    So no footage of that. Next time I'll get some footage of the meet and angle my camera correctly karting.

    Hope more people will kart next time. It really is the best place to kart in UK, in my opinion.

    • Like 2
  4. Yeah black looks well with CF but again I think CF looks good with any colour :) haha you're getting to be a true fan of carbon ;)

    I've already got some ideas regarding carbon fibre bits for the zeds so if I get enough interest i'll have a go at being a trader :)



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Keep us posted!! :thumbs:

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